Supreme God King

Chapter 2318: Dragon Soul

The confrontation between the Heavenly Giants and the Spiritual Tradition is completely the collision of two great worlds!

The surging vitality of these two characters has already surpassed the concept of a **** king, and seems to have reached another plane.

There is no true meaning of the great avenue, and even no clever means. It is purely a comparison of strength, and it is the two who is more powerful and magnificent.

However, the two monsters did not use their full power.

Yuan Qishen fought each other in a unified manner, while constantly deducing, trying to find out which kind of real meaning of the great avenue was mastered by the Zhantian Giant, and the Zhantian Giant was part of Meng Fan who was not far away.

At this moment, Emperor Yu and Emperor Scale were completely stunned. They had guessed something vaguely, but they didn't know what the consequences of the method of transferring flowers and trees they had comprehended from flesh and blood rebirth had caused.

The dark golden flesh and blood did merge into Meng Fan's body, and his completely exhausted flesh gradually began to derive vitality, but Meng Fan was being assimilated by these flesh and blood!

Moving flowers and trees, Meng Fan is the main body, and the physical body of the **** king, who has obviously been dead for many years, is the object, but at this moment, it seems that the cart is upside down.

"How is it possible..." Sovereign Scale murmured: "Although the method of transferring flowers and trees completely reverses the way of heaven, forcibly grafting the power of one **** king to another **** king, but we have used it many times, even if it fails, it is only mutually exclusive. , How could this happen..."

Emperor Yu also had a dignified face, but at this point, they had nothing to do.

Reincarnation of flesh and blood belongs to the ancient secret technique. It is the secret of Yuhuang and Linhuang who have survived the epoch and survived this era. However, this is not their own method, but a method used by some ancient power. Because of the mystery in the womb, because of the Great Tribulation of the Era, and for various reasons, their memories have long been blurred, and they do not remember who the ancient power is, and who they were in the last epoch.

It’s just that this means of reincarnation has been hidden in their bodies and in their martial arts. Therefore, in the millions of years in this era, two ancient beasts have been searching for this secret technique in order to find their roots. , And gradually mastered some.

Reincarnation of flesh and blood is quite dangerous. Transplanting flowers and trees is a method they deduced from flesh and blood rebirth. There are many similarities between the two, but transplanting flowers and trees is much safer. Even if it fails, it is mutually exclusive and it is unlikely that serious problems will occur.

But no matter what, now the problem has arisen, and the tree is done, and the two gods of Yuhuang and Linhuang can work together to display the transfer of flowers and trees, but they have no ability to forcibly stop the transfer of flowers and trees!

I can only watch, the dark golden blood of the Dragon God King, which contains extremely unusual power, madly blends into Meng Fan’s body, and Meng Fan’s body gradually gives birth to one after another. The golden scales and even his brows gradually gave birth to dragon horns, and his appearance began to show the "dragon look".

The Zhantian Giant slammed a punch and forced his vitality back a few steps, and said solemnly: "The true meaning of the Dao!"

The gaze of Yuanqi Shentong flickered slightly: "It is the Oracle Dragon Emperor."

At this moment, Meng Fan's body began to fester!

All the power of the oracle Dragon Emperor, especially the blood, was forcibly transferred into Meng Fan’s body. First, because of the long-standing divine intent in the blood, it assimilated Meng Fan’s body. Then, this divine intent came into contact with his martial arts. Zhu, so there was an overwhelming collapse.

The true meaning of Meng Fan’s Great Dao is the power of the source, the power imprinted on the pillar of martial art. The Oracle Dragon Emperor is different. The true meaning of Meng Fan’s Dao is in the flesh and blood. In every drop of blood, there is a powerful divine will. It is said that the blood of the innate sage king of the Tianlong tribe surpasses all living beings, and the Oracle Dragon Emperor, as the most thoroughbred of the Tianlong tribe and the inheritor of the primordial Tailong, its blood is beyond doubt, so Meng Fan’s body was Fast assimilation.

But when the blood touched the pillar of martial arts, it was met with the true meaning of many great ways. Therefore, they repelled each other, even intertwined and collided, and faintly carried out countless fights and advances and retreats, which caused Meng Fan's physical body to rapidly fester, and even endangered his vitality origin!

At the same time, it was very far away from the edge of Wuhai, and the King of God had to walk in a void for many days.

Dragon Scale Taibao, Dragon Blood Taibao, Dragon Bone Taibao, Longjiao Taibao, Dragon Heart Taibao, the five dragon **** kings, are sitting in a palace.

"The Palace of Eternal Life"

Five big characters, deep black color, I don't know how many years it has been.

In the hall, a **** king is hidden in layers of mist.

"Several dragon **** kings." The hidden **** king slowly said: "As the purple light empire **** king, I don't know how many years ago. I have been shut up until now. I know nothing about the purple light empire. Joining Ten Thousand Domains now, Ten Thousand Domains are in trouble, and the overall situation is laid down by the Purple Light Empire. What does it matter to me?"

Dragon Blood Taibao said solemnly: "Eternal God King, when I traveled around the world, I once rescued you. You said that if I have a request one day, you will answer it. Now there is a secret layout covering the world. But we don’t know anything about this layout. We just hope to get some useful information from you. I just want to ask one person, that is, the Central Emperor."

The mist slowly drifted away, and the King of Eternal Path groaned: "The Central Emperor is indeed the most defiant person in the history of the Purple Light Empire. He has never lost his life. There are legends that he was born in humanity, but he does not know the truth. Fake, even though I have seen this person many times, I don't understand at all. The only thing I can tell you is that if the Central Emperor is still alive, his layout will be the most fierce layout between heaven and earth!

The battle between Wanyu and the Purple Light Empire not long ago, although I have been retreating, I have also heard of it. After all, the impact is huge, no one knows. Although the two kings of Jueping are deep-minded and ambitious, they are still with the Central Emperor. It’s a lot worse. If the Central Emperor wants to take action against Wanyu, even if Wanyu is solid and protected by infinite formations, it doesn’t make sense. At the beginning, as the Emperor of Humanity, the Ziguang Empire, which had been in a war in three years, maintained a hundred years of peace, no matter how many people opposed it. , He was able to say nothing, and some of the gods who opposed him disappeared silently. "

When several dragon **** kings heard this, they all fell into deep thought.

"Longlin Taibao?"

Suddenly seeing the peculiar appearance of Dragon Scale Taibao, the Taibao of Dragon Blood could not help but step to the front with his gray face.

"Leader... is in danger." Longlin Taibao trembled, as if he had fallen into an extremely cold abyss: "I have never had this kind of feeling... I have seen the origin of our Tianlong clan, and our destiny... Ha! "

After a while, Longlin Taibao exhaled a long breath of dragon breath, exhaled in front, immediately condensed and turned into a pattern.

In the pattern, Meng Fan's flesh and blood is decaying rapidly.

In his arms, close to his body, the scale of the Dragonscale Taibao that has been with him flashes. It is this scale that creates the spiritual connection between Dragonscale Taibao and Meng Fan no matter how far away. .

The dragon scale Taibao trembled more and more severely, and his breath continued to weaken. In a sudden, he turned into a slender dragon, twisting crazily in the Hall of Eternal Longevity. The tearing feeling from the depths of the soul and blood made him unable to bear!

When the other dragon kings saw this, they turned into dragons and quickly suppressed the dragon scale Taibao.

"Everyone... Savior!"

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