Supreme God King

Chapter 2326: sister

All the kings on the scene swept across, looking left and right, and there was a **** king who immediately stepped onto the edge of the barrier, but after a short while, he screamed and his flesh was directly torn apart by the broken space.

King Shenxiu gritted his teeth and said: "Don't be reckless. This is the real barrier set up by the Dao. If you don't find the door, it is very dangerous to rush and kill at will.

The twelve **** kings, the most supreme figure in the world, are completely prisoners at this moment. They are trapped here. Meng Fan is in front of him, and behind him is the vigorous battle giant. It can be said that if Meng Fan wants to kill now, these ten The two can only die here silently. Outside, no one knows what happened here.

It is also quite sad and ridiculous that the king of God has become a plaything in his palm.

Meng Fan stretched out three fingers.

"Three questions, first, where is Niuniu, second, what are you planning, and third, are you colluding with the thirteen hall masters!"

"Thirteen Hall Master..." Hearing these four words, Zhan Tian Giant's aura immediately became murderous, causing several gods to be back, and quickly turned to face Zhan Tian Giant.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Shenxiu Wang was cold and couldn't help but shiver: "The Great Emperor Wanyu, I know you will not aimlessly. If you want to kill us, just kill it directly. No excuses are needed. So there must be a misunderstanding!"


A **** king was directly torn half of his flesh body by the flickering and deformed barrier, and wailed, making people horrified.

Meng Fan licked his lips and did not speak, but his meaning was already very clear. Whether King Shenxiu knew it or not, he had to give an answer. Otherwise, a **** king would be killed with every breath, and in the end, Shenxiu King.

Seeing this scene, King Shenxiu desperately calmed himself down, and gasped: "We are always at Epoch Pass, and have not returned to the Purple Light Empire for several days, so..."


Another **** king was hit by a punch in the air by the Zhan Tian giant. Although he tried to block it, he still fell on his knees, and his flesh kept cracking, and even the seven orifices flowed out of blood. Obviously, it would not last long.

King Shenxiu glanced back and continued: "So... so if something happened in the Purple Light Empire, I don't know..."


The **** king turned into a pattern of flesh and blood, splattered all over the floor, and was forced to become fleshy with a punch by the Zhan Tian giant.

The overwhelming strength of Meng Fan, Zhan Tian giant, these two figures relative to a dozen **** kings has made these **** kings have their nerves torn apart.

"The central emperor is out!"

Shenxiu Wang shouted.

Meng Fan narrowed his eyes.

King Shenxiu opened his mouth and said: "A long time ago, the Central Emperor had been in retreat because he had not left the gate for too many tens of thousands of years, and his retreat was gradually deserted, without any breath coming out. I thought that he might die and die. We didn't know that he was still alive until today's list of Heavenly Dao must kill. Just yesterday, the Central Emperor went out and became the new emperor!

I know the methods of the Great Central Emperor. When he was in office, I was already the King of Shenxiu. All his enemies in the Purple Light Empire would disappear silently. Although many people opposed his decree, no one could. Blocking, his method is indescribable, the Great Emperor Wanyu, you may be caught in a certain game by him, and he, on the way to the Era Pass, wants to lead the Purple Light Empire and control the Era Conference!

As for what he is going to do, I don’t know. After the central emperor left the customs and became the emperor of humanity, he passed a secret order here. There are only two sentences. The first sentence is not to make any suggestions at the conference, and the second sentence is... Looking for a woman in Jiyuanguan called..."

Having said this, Shenxiu Wang suddenly hesitated, and it was difficult to say it.

Meng Fan took a half step forward, and the true meaning of good fortune was flowing in his palm, and he slowly squeezed it, which was the imperial fist technique.

King Shenxiu hurriedly said: "The central emperor said that this name is a huge secret, rebellious against heaven and cannot be exported, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable."

Meng Fan frowned: "That's it."

The enchantment shrank again, and the three **** kings were directly involved in it. Before even the wailing, they turned into blood mist, flowing in the broken and tortuous space.

And Meng Fan's good fortune emperor fist had ascended into the air and aimed at the Shenxiu King.


I don't know if it is shouting or howling.

King Shenxiu said three words.

Meng Fan's mind was shaking violently, and even the laws of his body fluctuated strongly. It seemed that the martial arts was unstable, and the whole person became weak in a moment.

It's like being punished hard!

The shock in my heart is indescribable.

At this moment, a **** king who was already tense around suddenly violently violently, the rolling vitality was compressed in the palm of his hand, and hit Meng Fan, but within less than ten feet, he was stepped on the ground by Meng Fan. He exerted his force, crushed his chest, and cried repeatedly on the ground to no avail, unable to break free.

"Yes... Ruoshuiyi." King Shenxiu said quickly: "The central emperor said that this woman named Ruoshuiyi is in the Era Pass. I want me to find a way to..."


The Zhan Tian giant suddenly stood up, his voice like a rolling thunder: "Even if it is my brain, I know you are farting!"

As he spoke, the Zhan Tian giant strode to the front of the meteor, raised his hand and grabbed to King Shenxiu. King Shenxiu quickly got up and kept moving, and at the same time displayed various methods, arranging a series of formations and knots in front of him. The world was completely shattered by the giants of the sky! King Shenxiu waved the folding fan in his hand, and suddenly there was the sound of the piano everywhere. There were many fine wounds on the body of Zhantian Giant, but he could not really seriously hurt him. Finally, with a bang, King Shenxiu was pinched by Zhantian Giant like a child. .

"Lao Meng, don't believe these words, it's nothing but fart, smelly!" The Zhantian giant used his palm to force. Although it was difficult to crush the prohibition rules of the Shenxiu King for a while, the Shenxiu King couldn't escape. "Didn't Meng Niuniu be arrested? This is the business. If he doesn't tell where Meng Niuniu is, it will be of no use. I will pinch him to death now!"

Click! The face of Shenxiu Wang’s clean eyebrows suddenly split in half, and the Giants of Battle Sky were too powerful. Even if they did not grasp the true meaning of the Great Dao, the King Shenxiu would not be an opponent. He could only struggle hard: "What I said is true. Niuniu, there are other things, I don’t know! Emperor Wanyu, you can’t kill me, I am the third generation veteran of the Ziguang Empire, my father, my grandfather, are all the elders of the Ziguang Empire, I am one of the Ziguang Empire Not many three-character kings, you can't...can't kill me!"

At this moment, Meng Fan couldn't hear a word of these words.

It also includes the miserable howling of the God King at his feet, which he can't listen to either.

Only three words reverberated in his mind all the time, like a heavy hammer hitting the ground, like Hong Zhong Dalu, like thunder rolling in.

Ruo Shui Yi... Ruo Shui Yi.


Just in this era!

how could be?

The elder sister is dead, completely disappeared in the cosmos, the heavens and the world, the nine heavens and ten earths, there is no shadow of her, unlike the **** monkey, the **** monkey has a trace of remnant soul...

Is it a scam?

Is it a conspiracy?

But this lie is too clumsy. What kind of fool would make up such a lie?

What if it is a lie?

But... one in ten million, one in a billion, if this is true...

"Meng Fan!"

The battle giant roared, trying to awaken Meng Fan, who was in a dream, and constantly exerting force in his hands to crush the god-showing king, but at this moment, the kings present have boldly shot!

They were still waiting and watching at first, but at this moment, seeing Meng Fan's dazed expression, they all shot to kill him.


The space barrier was shattered, and all the **** kings were involved, and immediately all the flesh was torn apart, one by one was dying, and quickly escaped from the flesh and spirit, only the battle of the giants, mastering a certain mysterious Dao true meaning, just a broken void It's just a cut.

Subsequently, the space barrier disappeared without a trace, and the entire hall, as well as the surrounding buildings, turned into powder.

Meng Fan turned into a beam of light, ascended to the sky above Jiyuanguan, panicking around, indifferent to the surprised glances that fell on him, and to the words such as "Who is it?" "Emperor Wanyu!" and so on. The words turned a deaf ear, just swept the epoch level madly with spirits.

The Zhan Tian giant gritted his teeth: "Meng Fan, you are such a treacherous fellow with a city are crazy!"

Above Jiyuanguan, Meng Fan looked everywhere for a certain shadow that shouldn't have appeared in any way. For a long time, he said two words.


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