Supreme God King

Chapter 2341: Era Alliance

When the green shirt fell, the retreat in the secret realm suddenly frowned.

Meng Fan looked at the secret realm that was so quiet that even the vitality was frozen, then looked at the three figures who were still in seclusion, and whispered: "Unexpectedly, in a short time, you have re-condensed the deity."

A young man walked out of the three people in the retreat, watching Meng Fan look up and down, and sneered: "Little devil, I thought you were hiding with your tail sandwiched."

With a flick of Meng Fan's finger, cracks appeared in the entire secret realm, making the faces of the three people in retreat look different.

"Tai Yi old ghost, I have something to ask you."

"No comment!" Too one person waved his hand: "Now the reward order of the Purple Light Empire has been sent to the heavens and all realms, and people from the dark alliance are wanted everywhere, and your people or people related to you are hidden. Once it appears, it will become a target. I cannot help you, nor can I find them."

Meng Fan pondered for a moment and whispered, "The Purple Light Empire is holding the second era conference, will you participate?"

"Will the Nine Springs Demon Venerable participate?" Too everyone laughed strangely: "My only wish is to kill the Jiuquan Demon Venerable. If he wants to go, I will certainly go, but the top **** king in the heavens and ten thousand realms, I Guess few people will go to this epoch conference, especially a lawless character like Jiuquan Demon Venerable. Meng Fan, you and I have fought side by side several times, it is a temporary alliance of interests, without interests, you and I have no contact. Leave quickly and don't bother me. You are a lonely person now, just be a lonely person and don't look for allies everywhere."

"I just need you to help me find someone." Meng Fan said as he opened his palm, and a powerful magic weapon landed on the throne.

As soon as this fetish came out, too, too, looked at him a little greedily.

"The Void Immortal Venerable lost in the chaos. I don't know where I am. As long as you can find it for me, I will give you this Ziguang Empire's Dingli Dao."

"Okay!" Taiyi answered very simply, reaching out to grab it.

With repeated palms, Meng Fan's throne disappeared. He chuckled and said, "When I find it, I will naturally give it to you."

Too one person sneered: "You don't believe it? The Great Emperor Wanyu has always been upright, straightforward and bold, so he guarded me so carefully?"

"I might believe it if I was the second person." Meng Fan smiled: "But you are an old ghost, I can't believe any of you like a divine hidden giant, as long as I can find the whereabouts of the ethereal Immortal Venerable, or give me other useful things. News, this man’s throne, I offer it with both hands, don’t pass it!"

After saying that Meng Fan turned around and was about to leave, too one person suddenly said: "If the Second Era Conference goes smoothly, the worlds of the heavens and the world will be born the largest force in history, which can completely stop the tide of ghosts and even contend. Era Great Tribulation, Little Devil Meng Fan, these are all chess pieces dropped by the Great Central Emperor. Do you know what the ultimate goal of the Great Central Emperor is?"

Meng Fan paused and turned around slowly, looking at the person who was smiling deeply.

"I guess you know." Too one person stretched out a finger: "Humanity. I have heard of these two words many years ago. The biggest advantage of living a long life is to be knowledgeable, even though it is too humane. Profound and Ao, I can’t get a glimpse of it, but since humanity is a power comparable to the true meaning of the Dao, there must be a way to master or pass it on. The Central Emperor was born in the spirit of humanity, and being a heir to humanity is the closest to the true meaning of humanity. Existing, he should know where the human spirit is, and I can vaguely guess it."

Meng Fan was shocked.

Too alone stretched out a hand.

Meng Fan directly threw the Human Emperor's throne over, and was caught by a single person. The spirits in it roared: "I am Emperor Yongchang, how can I trade with me so casually!"

Taiyi directly released the mind and suppressed the throne of the human emperor, and continued: "You have the secrets of the ancients and have the memory of the gods of good fortune. You should know who the humanitarian leaders of the nine ancient gods are."

Meng Fan groaned: "The Emperor Xuanhuang."

"No." Too one person shook his head: "Emperor Xuanhuang can be called the first **** king of humanity in the ancient era. It is because he holds the will of heaven and has powerful means, but he does not control the humanity aura and does not have the purple energy surrounding him, so he is not a leader of humanity. Having said that, can't you guess it?"

Meng Fan suddenly fell into thinking.

The place where Emperor Xuanhuang, the ancient nine great gods and kings, was born and dominated is today's Ten Thousand Domains, but in the last epoch, Ten Thousand Domains were not Ten Thousand Domains, but also one of the many great worlds that interconnected with the heavens and Ten Thousand Realms.

At the end of the last epoch, eight of the nine gods and kings led many heroes to enter the end of the gods in an ancient ship without sea, against the Chaos Emperor. Among them, the Xuanhuang Emperor led a hundred human **** kings. This The one hundred human **** kings have different martial arts, but they have all condensed their own laws and strengths, which are different, and even faintly confront the heavens.

These are all spoken by the gods of good fortune, and they are not bad.

These hundred people are called all the holy hundred sons, and some created the legal school martial arts, professed to be the law son, and wrote many law chapters.

There was a **** of war who created the martial art of military masters.

Someone created the martial art of vertical and horizontal directions, pointed the country, and arranged a large array of heaven and earth.

Wait, there are a hundred people in all, they are called All Saints Hundred Children, or All Saints Hundreds.

The people of military martial arts are the gods of war, and the people of legal martial arts are the masters... Doesn't all this correspond to the eight pavilions of the Ziguang Empire? The army commander of the Purple Light Empire is the God of War in the Temple of War, and the King of Judgment, who controls the power of humane judgment, is the leader of the Hall of Judgment and manages the law.

Meng Fan's eyes are like electricity.

Too squinted his eyes and said deeply: "It seems that I guessed well, and you also want to understand."

"The most powerful human **** king in the ancient era is Emperor Xuanhuang, but the real humane leader is the hundreds of sentient beings who followed Emperor Xuanhuang to the end of the gods!"

Meng Fan's soul was immediately unobstructed, and there was a kind of ease of unraveling everything.

"Since the central emperor left the pass, every chess has one step ahead of you, even two moves, three moves, four moves!" Too one person said deeply: "You are still alive, this chess game will not be finished until the final slaying of the dragon. , If you die, this game of chess can be regarded as a complete end. At this moment, you already know the ultimate goal of the central emperor. Can this game of chess be preemptive?"

"In the ancient era, all the sages of the Hundred Families died in the hands of the Great Chaos. The Central Emperor convened the second era conference to form an unprecedented era alliance to fight against the Chaos. His ultimate goal is to find the relics of the Hundreds of sentient beings. Meng Fan let out a long breath, his eyes returned to coldness: "That's it."

There was a thick treacherous look in the eyes of too one person: "You have defeated the Purple Light Empire and condensed humane luck in the ten thousand domains. As the only orthodox heir of humanity, the Central Emperor, you should be his mortal target. , He is such a deeply scheming character, in order to deal with you, he will definitely use any means. One person in the dark alliance will be his weakness against you. If I were you, I would abandon everyone and find a hundred families of sentient beings. For the clues of the Central Emperor, the central emperor has countless steps to win the commander, and the people of the dark alliance are all used as bait to make the central emperor bother."

Meng Fan chuckles: "Senior Tai Yi really has a heroic demeanor."

A group of people shook their heads and said: "Little devil Meng Fan, you still wouldn't use the people of the dark alliance as bait to give up all of them... That's fine, if there is really only one giant, the Purple Light Empire, left in this world , I’m really boring, and I’ve been in retreat for too long, so I personally went to the Purple Light World to participate in the Era Conference. If I can find a little bit of a clue about someone from your dark alliance, or I happen to be able to rescue one, then I’ll help you."

Meng Fan listened to the words, suppressed his smile, and sincerely bowed his hand in salute: "Thank you in advance, and I also promise that if one day you want to share life and death with Jiuquan Demon Venerable, of course I will not take action. He is your way. You fight alone, life or death is your destiny, but I can promise to shield you from all obstacles."

After speaking, Meng Fan left directly.

Too one person stopped for a moment, and the boy incarnation rose directly into the air and headed straight to the Purple Light Empire.

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