Supreme God King

Chapter 2352: Don't mess with dust

Outside the burial site, in the gust of wind and snow, Meng Fan remained motionless and had been sitting still for eleven hours.

In his original world, all the gods of the world, such as the female emperor, the **** of heavenly remnants, and so on, stopped their movements, sat quietly, and constantly adjusted their state to elevate everything to the moment of heyday.

In the soul town tower in the distance, Invite Moon Princess, Battle Sky Giant, Feather Emperor, Scale Emperor, as well as the little Qing Emperor climbing on the shoulder of Scale Emperor, all watching Meng Fan silently.

Princess Yingyue looked at the Heavenly Battle Giant, who was one head taller than Emperor Yu and Emperor Scale, and said lightly: "Five days later, no matter how many dark ally scattered outside find here, he will definitely return to the Ten Thousand Realm. This is undoubtedly going to die, are you sure you want to go?"

The Zhan Tian giant hugged his arms and snorted coldly: "The Central Emperor, is it amazing?"

Princess Yueyue rolled her eyes: "You guys really smell like each other."

"He smells much worse than me." The Zhantian giant shrugged his shoulders and made a creak. "From the day I stepped into martial arts, there was no fear. I always looked at myself high. It was a temperament problem. Lao Meng was not. He was calm, cunning, and treacherous, but he would often commit crimes. Risk, this is a question of temperament, don’t confuse it."

Princess Yingyue frowned and looked back at Emperor Yu and Emperor Lin: "What do you have to do with Meng Fan, and you have to take this Yama Road?"

"We owe the emperor a life." Emperor Lin smiled.

Princess Inviting Yue's brows frowned and tightened: "There are very few goods like you in the heavens and worlds, why are they all gathered in one place."

The Emperor Lin just laughed and pinched the little Qing Emperor on his shoulders: "Your Royal Highness, the Qing Emperor is still immature, and the mystery in the womb has erased 90% of his memories. This trip is as dangerous as you said. I hope you can take in the Qing Emperor."

Princess Yueyue was a little impatient, but suddenly the little branch of Qingdi was placed on Princess Yueyue’s white and tender arms, and a pair of black pearl-like eyes stared at her. This time Princess Yueyue was a little confused, and directly moved Qingdi He took it and put it in his arms: "Just as if I left some thoughts for you."

Suddenly, the wind and snow hovered outside the mansion, and even worse, the eyes of Princess Yingyue and the Giant Battle Sky flickered, raising their heads and looking left and right.

The Zhantian giant wrinkled his nose, he was as lawless as him, and his eyes were shocked. He looked at Princess Yueyue and said, "The Central Emperor found this place?"

Princess Yingyue's face is cold, her eyes are dark and charming.

"There." The Zhantian giant supported the fence of the Soul Resurrection Tower with both hands, and his gaze fell on Meng Fan who was in the snow outside.

At this moment, Meng Fan, who had not moved for eleven hours, opened his eyes.

In front of him, is a man.

He was dressed in gray, and looked young and old, just sitting casually in the wind and snow, but for some reason, it gave people an illusion that they were not contaminated with dust and everything in the world, as if they did not belong to this world.

Meng Fan looked at him silently.

Although the body did not move.

But Meng Fan's spirit was already spinning crazily, tens of thousands of times more violent than this blizzard.

He can't figure it out.

Can't calculate the age of the man in front of him.

Can't calculate his strength.

Can't figure out his means.

Calculus of Providence, even the Central Emperor could calculate some signs, and even the Chaos Great Emperor could deduce some information, but the man in front of him seemed to not exist in this world, whether in the past, present, or future. Does not exist, there is no power in the world related to him, and no words can describe his existence.

This feeling made Meng Fan feel intensely uneasy.

Yes, it is uneasy.

For the real powerhouses between heaven and earth, and those who set foot in the ranks of Meng Fan, the uneasiness often comes from only one thing, that is, they can’t grasp it. When the hall master saw Meng Fan, he thought of fleeing because he couldn't estimate Meng Fan's power.

Incalculable, impossible to deduct, inexplicable, ignorant, these are the real anxiety.

At this moment, even if the Great Chaos Emperor, who can be called the number one person in the universe, appeared in front of Meng Fan, it would not make Meng Fan so uneasy, because after all, Meng Fan learned from too many people and too much literature. Once the Great Chaos Emperor, he was even exposed to the power of reincarnation and the power of chaos.

The man in front of him looked at Meng Fan silently, his eyes straightened.

"There is no dust between heaven and earth, you are the first person I have seen." Meng Fan spoke first, breaking the deadlock: "Even if the ancestor of humanity exists in a plane that I can't touch, it does not exist in the present and the future, but The ancestor of humanity exists in the past, and there are many memories of him; even if the Great Chaos is sitting at the end of Shenyin and shielding the laws of the heavens, he has never escaped from the heavens since ancient times."

"I have no cause and effect, so where can I get the dust?" the man said softly.

There is no cause and effect in oneself, where can the dust be caused.

Meng Fan squinted his eyes: "So deep Zen."

"Good savvy." The man also said.

"The old man Tou Tuo of the Buddha has long since died, and all the traditions are in the body of the **** Xumi, you are not the old man of the Tou Tuo."

"I am no one, there is no me in the world."

"Is it?"

"of course."

Meng Fan eased his brows.

Stand up suddenly and kick it out!

In this foot, the golden divine will exploded, and a beam of light that broke through the clouds appeared, the power was indescribable! The man immediately raised his arms and shook his foot forcibly.

There was a loud noise.

Meng Fan was trembling.

The man moved half an inch.

"If you are not in this world, how can I kick you?" Meng Fan said coldly.

The man’s eyes flickered, "It seems that I risked being contaminated with cause and effect, risking being killed by the catastrophes of the heavens, and I came out to see you. That's right, creator Meng Fan!"

"The central emperor can't find where I am." Meng Fan said with another kick, which directly forced the man in front of him to stand up and back two feet, leaving a contour in the wind and snow. "But you can find it?"

"Never forget, there must be reverberations, this truth is reflected in anyone, and it is even stronger in me." The man said lightly, and suddenly he slapped a palm, colliding with Meng Fan's good fortune emperor fist.

Both of them tried their best to shoot.

However, the fluctuations were limited to within a few feet of a radius, and the burial site was not affected at all. Both of them were at their peaks at the moment, gathering all their strength in one place without leaking at all.

During the collisions, the Heavenly Battle Giant and Princess Yueyue on the Soul Resurrection Tower both had heavy expressions. Now in the world, there are too few who can fight Meng Fan to such a level.

Disciplinary gods were killed by Meng Fan in seconds.

Jiuquan Mozun will also be at a disadvantage.

He possesses the true meaning of the five major Taoisms, fully comprehends the four of them, possesses a variety of powers, vigorously close to the feather emperor and the scale emperor, and the knowledge of various methods is like a sea, especially the speed and power to crush the vacuum. His flesh is fused with the flesh of his creator, and there are so few that can be equal to Meng Fan in the world!

But at this moment, when the man and Meng Fan fought, he was quite casual.


The wind and snow stopped suddenly.

As if time freezes.

Meng Fan and the man stopped at the same time, separated by nine feet, to their level, it was no different than close at hand.

"The Creator..." the man whispered: "The strong from the ages to the present, and the rare people who pioneered the world, including the nine ancient gods, mostly just inherited the traditions of the predecessors. Ye Xuanji inherited the meaning of emptiness. And the battle giant on the Soul Town Tower, also inherited the original meaning of the third **** king in history, the princess of Yueyue inherited the meditative mind of Jiuquan Demon Venerable, but you are the character who opened the world. The four true meanings are in one, becoming the Creator. Throughout the ages, no **** king has ever achieved such an existence. Presumably the will of heaven has faintly calculated to this point, so you are ranked fourth on the list of the heavens."

Meng Fan looked at the man, his pupils kept shrinking. Even though he fought the man so many times and kept colliding, he still couldn't figure out any information about the man.

This man simply does not exist between heaven and earth.

"I came here today just to see you. I have avoided the dust for too many years, I have been cleansed for too many years. I may avoid an era, but I can't avoid it forever. I always have to come to the world again, sinking and floating the world, so the heavens and the world are'maverick' People, I always have to visit in person one by one."

He raised his head and looked at the top of the soul-suppression tower.

But it's not watching the giant Zhantian and Princess Yueyue.

His gaze stayed on Yuhuang and Linhuang for a very brief moment.

Suddenly a bridge appeared behind him, a shadowless, colorless and shapeless bridge. I don’t know where it leads to. It is vaguely an artifact that even Meng Fan can’t see through. The man stepped into the bridge and watched Meng silently. Fan glanced and said softly: "See you tomorrow, if you are a friend, you are an enemy."

The bridge disappeared.

The freezing wind and snow began to drift again.

Meng Fan stood in the wind and snow, with his hands behind him, silent for a long time.

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