Supreme God King

Chapter 2354: Before the wind

Burial place.

The wind and snow are even worse.

This blizzard is a big array and a barrier.

In a hidden snowy palace, the Princess Yue was invited to roll up her sleeves, stretch out her slender hand to light the soul lamp, and then blow off the flames at her fingertips, and then lifted up the little Qingdi who was still ignorant on the side, walked in slowly, and walked for about a half. An hour, came to a huge stone monument.

This stone tablet is written with weird words, even the realm of the gods is difficult to see through. It is a pattern drawn with the true meaning of the road. In front of the stone tablet sits an old man who is the burial master.


Princess Yueyue said lightly, she has always been so temperamental, no matter who she is, she is so cold, even her father, the highest leader of the burial ground, is in charge of all the roles of life and death in the burial ground.

"I can't see through."

The burial master said vicissitudes of life, and stood up a little tired: "How many years have been searching for the profound meaning of the underworld, but you can really find it. You use the underworld to paint for three thousand miles, but I can't understand it. This seems to be my fate."

Listening to the words of the burial master, Princess Inviting Yue's eyes moved slightly. She clearly felt that the burial land master was getting too old compared to before the retreat!

It seems that too much effort has been spent on the calligraphy and painting on the stone wall in front of him.

Even Princess Yueyue was suddenly a little sad.

"Hehe, my fate is over..." The burial master smiled and turned around, looking at the peak state, the overbearing Princess Meng Fan invited the moon: "Next, it is your age, Emperor Wanyu Stayed in the burial site for a few days, accumulated energy, and finally went to Wanyu. How long has it been?"

Princess Yueyue said: "Seven hours have passed since I left, with his method of smashing the vacuum, it should be almost here."

The burial master nodded: "What about you."

"Me?" Princess Yingyue frowned.

"Although the burial site is large, it is a dry well compared to the heavens and worlds. The universe is prehistoric, the storm is surging, and the moon is surging. You have surpassed being your father, surpassing everyone in this burial site throughout the ages. Your future should not be Restrained in the burial ground, in this era, there is no such thing as peaceful enjoyment. You are either born to be stubborn, or born to be brave. You, like the Great Emperor, are not a stubborn person. Go, leave, and disturb the situation."

As soon as the burial master's palm moved, the stone wall written by Princess Yingyue in the mind was suddenly broken.

"Let's go, leave, and go hand in hand with the Central Emperor, Creator Meng Fan, Jiuquan Demon Lord, Xumi God Buddha, and even the mysterious and unpredictable Chaos Emperor!"

Lang Lang’s voice echoed in Princess Yingyue’s ears, her eyes widened, her mind could not be quiet, and her palms trembled slightly. It took a long time to turn her head and glance at the little Qing Emperor who was holding by her hand, and suddenly knelt on the ground, facing the burial. The Lord lowered his head.

The burial master was taken aback: "Yue'er... never saw you lower your head..."

Princess Yingyue stood up immediately.

"Father, I have never lowered my head. In the future, I will not kneel to the world or the common people. I will still be like a dragon. I kneel to my father once today. I am not grateful, but thank my father for allowing me to be born in this world. See too many stars!"

After saying this, invite Princess Yue to flicker, take Qingdi, and leave the burial place!

Desolate and empty.

Jiuquan Demon Sovereign has a complicated expression, watching the annihilated woman destroy a floating island that carries all living beings with no expression.

I don't know how many creatures were destroyed by this one.

The annihilated woman turned her head, looked at Jiuquan Demon Venerable, and curiously said: "Is it the way of heaven that gave birth to me?

What's the use of giving birth to me, is it just obliterating everything?

When everything collapses, where do I go?

Who is Emperor Shimizu and why do you call me that? "

Question after question was raised, but Jiuquan Mozun felt unable to answer.

He waved his hand and wiped out all the dying creatures that had fallen into the void, and slowly approached the annihilated woman. Suddenly, the intense meaning of annihilation hit the sky and the earth, leaving dense wounds on his body, but He endured the pain and did not back down, moving lightly.

"I will tell you a story."

The voice of Jiuquan Demon Venerable is a bit bleak.

The annihilated woman is even more curious.

"At a forgotten point in time, a demon sent away his last old man. As the king of gods, he was in charge of death and his longevity lasted for hundreds of thousands of years. Hundreds of thousands of years of parting.

Therefore, he hurried by and didn’t want to be tainted with any emotions. But when he avoided everything and fell asleep on a rock, a clean woman in a veil interrupted his rest, and the woman’s control collapsed. All she wished was to destroy everything in the world. When the woman saw the demon, she had no idea how many worlds had been destroyed, so she was puzzled.

She asked the exact same question as you just now, what is the purpose of giving birth to her, and where to go.

So she found me, the meaning of collapse destroys all things, and the end of all things is contemplated.

She asked me what I asked for in charge of the mind.

I said that to hold death is to see through death. "

Jiuquan Demon Sovereign had already stood in front of the annihilated woman.

He was bruised all over.

"She was born by the Dao of Heaven, so she will eventually be controlled by the Dao of Heaven. Therefore, in the Great Tribulation of the Era, no matter what the outcome, she will eventually be annihilated in the world. In order to save her, I entangled with an old monk for many years, just to be able to Understand Zen, cut the cause and effect for her, and help her jump out of the realm of heaven, but I didn’t do it. In the end, she still lost consciousness and became a puppet of the realm of heaven. At the end of the last era, she was dominated by the realm of heaven and stepped into the gods. The end."

The annihilated woman's eyes flickered.

Something was born in her heart.

Such things are called... emotions.

"You can be Emperor Qingshui, and I will cut the cause and effect for you!"

Jiuquan Mozun stretched out his hand and took the Oblivion Woman's hand.

The woman let him pull.

The two flew in the path of Shenyin.

"Sumi God Buddha, I will definitely find you!"

Somewhere hidden.

Su Mi Shen Buddha suddenly opened his eyes.

The root buried **** and Buddha, the Xianjie **** and Buddha turned their heads and looked at him.

The eyes of God Sumi kept turning, and his face showed a panic that he hadn't had since he became "Sami God Buddha". He stretched out with one hand and pinched hundreds of Dharma seals, and whispered: "Variables, infinite variables... …The world is full of variables!"

The Root Burial God Buddha and the Xian Jie God Buddha looked at each other and said in unison: "Someone messes with cause and effect?"

"Some people touch cause and effect, some cause cause and effect, some enter cause and effect, and some break cause and effect... All are variables... Can't understand, can't understand, can't explain." God Buddha Xumi shook his body and opened a channel. , It is the world of purple light.

The root burial **** Buddha said: "Why go to the Era Conference? There are too many gods and kings gathered there, and the gathering of heaven and earth is too chaotic. Right and wrong should not be contaminated!"

Before the turbulent flow of space in the passage, God Xumi's cassock rolled, his face struggling, full of hesitation: "If you don't enter the cause and effect, how can you know the cause and effect, all weather fortunes are gathered here, can it not exist without contamination? That is to hide the ears. "

The three of them moved towards the world of purple light.

Ziguang World, the rolling mountains where the Senate was once located, is now the location of the Epoch Alliance.

Hundreds of **** kings live here, with vitality surging, beams of light soaring into the sky, and vigorous.

This second era conference, several meetings, have set various programs, and the unprecedented era alliance has finally been formed. Today, the law will be issued to the heavens and the world, and the order will be reorganized. Then, everything is entangled. Power, destroy the tide of ghosts, and even...attack the end of Shenyin!

A scorching sun in the Era Alliance is like a palace in the land of burning heaven. Yang Zun sits opposite to the four demon monkeys. These four demon monkeys are the four sages of the mixed world.

"Great Sage Lingming, Great Sage Listening, Great Sage of all generations, Great Sage of Jiao Ning, the world is set, you still come to me, this old man who has lived an era in vain, what do you do."

Yang Zun said strangely.

The four awe-inspiring chaotic great sages have different appearances, the great sage of listening is bare-chested, and he laughs strangely: "Kill the tide of ghosts and make a big fuss at the end of the gods, I am very happy, but the heavens What does the law mean? From now on, the central emperor will not be the emperor of the heavens and the world? Do I have to surrender to him? Isn’t the humanity going to be the highest road? The four are the chiefs of the evil spirits, the leaders of the spirits, and the world group The demon didn't know that hundreds of billions of dollars followed the four of me, and went the wrong way, causing the demon children and grandchildren to suffer."

Yang Zun blinked, "I can't tell you this."

"Boss, do you really sleep well, can you fart?" Great Sage Lingyin said to Great Sage Lingming who was not far away wearing gray cloth and linen.

The Great Sage Lingming suddenly turned around, holding a slender iron rod in his mouth. He thought it was a toothpick without looking closely, and said impatiently: "Is Linglong Xinzun a human or a demon?"

"Of course it's a demon."

"I will be executed in a few hours. I will go to the robbery field, and you three will not follow."

"A purple light?"


"Hehehe, okay, interesting, do you want to tell the demon children and grandchildren to prepare to do it?"

Yang Zun was frightened when he heard it.

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