Supreme God King

Chapter 2356: First punch

In the venue of the Era Conference, the eyes of more than 800 gods gathered on the execution stage of Wanyu.

"In order to follow the example."

The ruling hall master said with a spirit wave that only he and the confidant beside him could hear.

"Even if the Era Great Tribulation, even if the ghost tide comes to the world, even if the Purple Light Empire is already the most vast behemoth in the heavens and all realms, and can proceed smoothly in the Era Conference, if this code wants to get the consent of hundreds of gods It's too difficult, but at the moment when people's hearts are moving, the execution begins, and the ancient emperor's reputation will be beheaded. It is enough to deter everyone. The Central Emperor's methods are too harsh."

"Then Meng Fan... will he really come?"

"Come or not, what's the difference?"

On the top of the summit, there was a breeze.

The central emperor sits steadily, with a bronze mirror in his palm. This bronze mirror looks no different from ordinary bronze mirrors. The strange thing is that there are some wandering ink stains on the bronze mirror, which rolls and turns into strips. The lines, composed of some seeming patterns and the existence of words.

With the changes in these patterns and characters, the central emperor’s eyebrows were tightened and stretched from time to time. After a long period of time, he looked up at Jin Yuanqing.

The meaning is clear, and the execution can begin.

In this execution, in the ten thousand realms, and in the purple light world, there are more than nine hundred gods and kings who witnessed it in person, and it is also destined to spread across the heavens and all realms, shocking the four places.

Because throughout the ages, at least in the visible literature, there has never been a first-level existence of a **** king who has been executed!

God king level, maverick, supreme beings, dare to step into the source of the heavens, dare to **** the true meaning of the great avenue, no laws or regulations can be imposed on them, since they even dare to rebel against the heavens, and there are What kind of law can restrain them?

Therefore, since ancient times, there have only been two reasons for the death of the **** king and death. One is the imminent life or sitting, and the other is death in battle.

All kinds of guilt and responsibilities were added, bound by mortal laws, **** on the execution platform with chains, and finally tried and executed. I have never heard of it.

This scene is the best interpretation and most majestic blessing of the code in the Era Conference venue!

Even the **** king must abide by this code. Even the **** king can judge and even the **** king can be put to death.

Jin Yuanqing read the guilt of Linglong Xinzun, Gu Huang and so on.

Every word is sonorous and powerful.

Hundreds of **** kings in the Era Conference venue have different thoughts, and some **** kings have chills in their hearts-the most supreme being in the world has become a prisoner who can be slaughtered by others.

On the huge execution platform built with countless stone pillars, the Linglong Xinzun sitting cross-legged was still so seductive and moving, looking at the chains on his hands, thoughtfully, turning a deaf ear to Jin Yuanqing's words.

Aside, the ancient emperor looked at her and asked: "Linglong Xinzun, what are you thinking about?"

"After thinking about how we should escape when Meng Fan breaks in." Linglong Xinzun said.

The corner of the ancient emperor's mouth roused: "Yes, with Meng Fan's temperament, he will definitely come, live and die together."

Jin Yuanqing was still talking endlessly.


"Shit guilt."

There was a shriek of laughter, which immediately attracted a lot of attention, and saw a demon monkey wearing a gray cloth linen holding a slender metal stick like a toothpick, standing not far away.

Many Purple Light God Kings were taken aback: "Great Sage Lingming! How did he pass through the passage between the Purple Light World and Ten Thousand Realms? There are levels of restrictions there."

Huh huh!

The three lights and shadows shuttled, and there was an ups and downs between the two passages. The Great Sage Listening, Great Sage Jiao Ming, and Great Sages of all generations fell by the side of Great Sage Lingming, all looking at them with smiles. Execution stand.

"I repaired the avenue and sought the righteous results, nothing more than to break the laws of the heavens, all kinds of constraints, to find a free, central emperor, but you old ghost set more rules for all living beings to obey. It's boring, too boring. !"

As Lingming said, he reached out his hand and took the metal stick in his mouth. The stick suddenly expanded several times and turned into a heavyweight diamond stick. After that, he was completely covered in gray cloth and linen, and the golden chain mail appeared. Four The pole banner spread out from behind, with awe-inspiring spirit, straight into the sky.

There are countless monsters in the world.

But the Four Saints in the mixed world are the most famous!

I don't know how many demon races, they are all their demon sons and grandchildren in terms of generation, and they are closely following their steps.

When Jin Yuanqing saw it, she said coldly: "Four Saints, what are you going to do?"

The Great Sage of Lingming placed the King Kong stick on his shoulders, put his hands on both sides, and walked forward step by step. The Great Sage of Listening, the Great Sage of Jiao Ming, and the Great Sage of General Generation followed closely behind, and the four gods, kings and demons The monkeys all have a weird smile and a rebellious face.

"doing what?"

The Great Sage Lingming smiled.

"This epoch conference is so boring, and you, the Judgment King, is a whole lot of nonsense. Why don't I add a splendid performance to you and rob a magic field?"

"Heh..." Jin Yuanqing smiled: "Four sages in the mixed world, you are indeed well-known in the world, if you line up the top 50 strongest in the heavens and ten thousand realms, I think there will be four of you, but you dare to make a second here. Is it ignoring the law of purple light and ignoring the majesty of humanity? There must be a limit to the mantra arm as a car!"

The voice fell, before the presence of the hundred purple light gods, among the leaders of the eight pavilions, the four pavilion giants, the **** of war, the golden palace owner, the hundred sage old man, and the immortal temple owner, suddenly disappeared from the place and reappeared, and they have come to the four sages of the mixed world. In front of him, without a word, bursts of vitality burst out and swept!

Immediately, an astonishing force set off a monstrous wave in the ten thousand domain.

Around the execution platform, the remaining leaders of the two pavilions, as well as more than a hundred purple light **** kings, still sat firmly in their positions, motionless, silently watching the fight.

The Four Saints of the mixed world are indeed the devil of the mixed world.

But in the face of the enormous Ziguang Empire nowadays, what they did was indeed no different from that of a man.

Despite the surging wind and waves in front of him, the rays of light burst, more than a hundred **** kings looked at him blankly.

Especially the thirteen hall masters, did not squint at all, did not look at the Four Sages at all, all their spirits were placed on the execution platform, the ancient emperor.

In the world of purple light, hundreds of **** kings in the Era Conference venue also watched silently, with different expressions.

"carry on."

A cold voice came, and it was the central emperor who spoke. Jin Yuanqing nodded slightly and read the last sentence. Suddenly he spread his hands, and the power of judgment gathered in the palm of his hand. Soon, it turned into a judge. sword.

Jin Yuanqing walked to Linglong Xinzun's side and raised the sword of judgment high.

"Are there any last words before death?"

Jin Yuanqing was taken aback.

Linglong Xinzun raised his head and smiled.

"What are you talking about?" Jin Yuanqing, who was clearly the torturer, felt baffled, and the trial sword was also hesitant in the air.

Linglong Xinzun moved his fragrant shoulders, and seemed to be tired after sitting for too long: "There are too few people among the heavens and worlds that can withstand this blow. Maybe there is only one pair of hands. You are definitely not among them. , So let’s say a last word."

Jinyuanqing became more and more inexplicable.

But at this moment, the Central Emperor suddenly stood up!

The emperor got up, as if the entire sky was raised by a piece, the humanity canopy suddenly appeared, and the billowing purple gas flowed down like a waterfall. He sat steadily for a long time, the accumulated majestic strength reached the limit in the front of the box, and then, took a step Step out!

At the moment when the central emperor took a step.

Jin Yuanqing was torn apart without warning.

With her as the center, the space within a radius of less than ten feet collapsed rapidly, forming a tens of millions of space faults that the **** king could not count. Jin Yuanqing was directly torn to pieces by this space fault, with only some remnants in the air. coil.

The new Judgment King of the Purple Light Empire was instantly killed in his body, and there was no time to react!

And the Central Emperor is waiting for this moment.

The man he wanted to kill all the time, returned to the realm with the meaning of emptiness, and used the strongest means to directly obliterate the moment when he was unstable!

The figure quietly emerged.

A green shirt was revealed.

The central emperor's boxing front also arrived.

The two of them have never met, but have confronted each other many times. They don’t share their opponents, whether it’s national feud, private grievance, or the humanity struggle between Wanyu and Ziguang World, they are the biggest in the world. The enemy!

This kind of hatred surpasses the hatred of Taiyi people for Jiuquan Demon Venerable countless times.

After such a long time, Meng Fan, who finally shattered the vacuum and returned to the Ten Thousand Regions, just revealed half of his body, his eyes turned, and he saw that the central emperor's fist was close at hand.

Then, the two punches collided.

Returning to the Ten Thousand Realms, the first fight against the Central Emperor, it was not Meng Fan who shot.

The shot was the giant of the sky that urged the original intention to the extreme and brewed this attack for many days!

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