Supreme God King

Chapter 2363: Dark League One

The collision between Meng Fan and the central emperor continued.

No one can see through the white light and purple air.

In the battlefield, the pillars of the restricted area burst with the thirteen hall masters and four of the tools of enlightenment.

The loneliness and arrogance that carried the majesty of the entire ten thousand domains showed the means to make the thirteen hall masters also look shocked.

When Meng Fan ruled the ten thousand realms and had a reputation throughout the heavens and all realms, there were always some figures standing behind him, the exquisite Xinzun, the heavenly giants, the female emperors, one by one the top **** kings who mastered the true meaning of the great way, their methods were earth-shaking, But no one knows the group of brothers who accompanied Meng Fan to rise in the youthful years.

It is only because Meng Fan is in charge of the Four Great Dao true meanings that he has become the Creator.

Meng Fan ranks fourth only because of Heaven's Killing List.

Therefore, all living beings in all the surroundings seem to be divided by an invisible boundary, and on the other end of the boundary are overlord emperors such as Meng Fan.

So no one will remember the countless figures standing behind this overlord emperor.

Lone Heart Proud was born as a tomb-keeper and declared to the world that the countless people waiting behind Meng Fan are not always silent!

He finally arrived, just a few steps away from the Lord of the Thirteenth Hall.

The air of black death has formed a heavy barrier.

But before even touching the lonely and proud body, it burst apart.

A fist that resembled the emperor's fist suddenly fell, killing a palace master in the chest.

"I will dig a grave for you."

With a cold voice, a palace master was knocked into the air by the sky.

The thirteen hall masters' formation was broken, the ancient emperor's hair was flying, and in the roar, Ba Jue's punch directly smashed another restricted area pillar!

The fallen palace lord’s eyes were about to split, and a black death spear pierced the ancient emperor’s armpits. At this moment, the ancient emperor was full of scars, blood flowing, and even the origin was split, but there was nothing to dodge or block. Meaning, his heart only obliterated the thirteen hall masters, sorrowful and hated, countless years of precipitation broke out completely today, ignoring the black death spear that stabbed him, and blatantly grabbed the face of the hall master with one hand.

This is extremely violent, suicidal style of play.

But the black death spear has not arrived.

Two swordsmans cut it off directly.

Meng Niuniu and Jian Tongtian joined forces.

The host was shocked.

The ancient emperor had reached his palm, grabbed his face and burst out vigorously, in the voice that made people fall into pieces, the head of the palace owner was directly crushed, and the broken body retreated madly!

Yuhan's death, the power of Meng Fan's creator, was finally born out of loneliness and arrogance, inspiring the murderous aura that everyone in the Dark Alliance could not suppress in their hearts!

Yun Feiyang, Tianchou God King, and Hong Xi were even more culled to another hall master.

At this moment, the thirteen hall masters who had been hit hard one after another showed anger. Seeing Yun Feiyang killed several people, they shouted, "You dare!"

"Why don't you dare!" Yun Feiyang yelled, and the vitality tide arrived first before his voice arrived.

The mountain that once weighed on the heads of all people in Wanyu was the mountain that Meng Fan and the ancient emperor had the qualifications to face. Indeed, throughout the ages, few people dared to get angry.

It's like what Gu Xin proud said.

The old man Pishan and the Big Dipper entered the restricted area brazenly before, and Meng Fan tore the restricted area behind.

It's not something that no one has done since ancient times. Since there are predecessors, why dare you!

The sudden horror aura of the dark alliance kings complements the power of Gu Xin proudly adhering to the ten thousand realm aura and faintly controlling the entire ten thousand realms. For a moment, even if the purple light king is several times larger than the dark alliance, he still stands still. Frightened.

The Ziguang Empire once had more than one hundred **** kings. For 100,000 years, they fought and fought back and forth, each forming factions, crushing and confronting each other, with endless power and means. Every time there was a quarrel in the Senate, there was always a fight.

In the Era Conference, there were hundreds of **** kings who took refuge in the Purple Light Empire. No one knows what they want. They are definitely not of the same heart.

The dark alliance is different.

Meng Fan is the soul, one mind.

Even if Meng Fan stepped into the restricted area, it attracted many high-level dissatisfaction, but no one retreated even half a step in the battle of the world, no one hesitated even half a moment, the little soldier still stuck to his line of defense, fighting for eight days and nights. , When countless forbidden zone pawns besieged the headquarters of the dark alliance, the skyline of the dark alliance reinforcements that arrived with the sunrise is still in an endless stream, such as the spear piercing the enemy, the Xuanyuan Emperor clan traveled thousands of miles to slay the square.

Even if because of the disappearance of Meng Niuniu, the female emperor, regardless of the safety of the ten thousand domains, mobilized almost all of her power to search the mountains and seas to find, resulting in the emptiness of the ten thousand domains, and the Purple Light Empire took advantage of the void and took control of the ten thousand domains, but no one complained. One word.

The people in the dark alliance are all temperamental people, up to Meng Fan, down to a small soldier who is not in the realm of Tianyuan.

So mistakes are always made.

Always go into a detour.

But Meng Fan is the soul, and all people are one mind. Even if Meng Fan is obsessed with breaking into the infinite Shura hell, everyone in the dark alliance will follow him to hell!

It's not just Meng Fan.

Even if the empress falls into hell, so does the dark alliance.

This is true for any **** king in the dark alliance.

This is the dark alliance.

It is understandable where is the Purple Light Empire with many factions!

In the epoch venue.

Taiyi's eyes flickered, and he muttered to himself: "Meng Fan, Meng Fan, your dark alliance...too tough!"

In the venue, the many gods and kings looked and minded like the Taiyi boy.

The power of the dark alliance has been heard in the past, and you can see it with your own eyes today!

"What a dark alliance!" In the void, with the rise of the four holy wars of the mixed world, the Great Sage of Lingming laughed, and with a finger of the diamond stick in his hand, the four big monsters turned into four golden lights, opening and closing, slashing and killing.

Suddenly the thunder fell.

That was the punishment of heaven.

On the execution stage, Gu Xin'er suddenly recovered from her injuries, and her clothes turned into a thunder purple robe, becoming a **** king!

Another thunder fell.

A little monkey wearing a brown armor becomes a **** king!

The third thunder!

The snake old man giggled and rose into the sky, looking down at the heroes in a brand-new posture of the king.

The fourth thunder.

But it is not the dark alliance high-level, not the dark alliance core, but a dark alliance fighter who joined the dark alliance many years ago and experienced the ups and downs of the world wars, half-step the level of the **** king, and now brazenly become the **** king.

Lonely and arrogant, the tomb-keeper of the dark alliance, the tomb-keeper of the ten thousand domains, the moment of becoming a king is like a lighthouse illuminating the endless dark sea, and also illuminating the hearts of too many people.

Successive heavenly punishment comes, successive dark alliance people become the king!

The Ziguang kings couldn't help but retreat one by one, and the momentum of the dark alliance continued to rise at this moment, it was too terrifying, and there was a chill in the liver.

Outside the ten thousand realms, in the void, the three old monks also looked at them with solemn expression.

The **** Xumi moved in his hand, constantly pinching, and said in a deep voice: "I can't calculate the luck of the dark alliance, the world's general situation, at this point, the dark alliance should be destroyed, the means of the central emperor, absolute repressive force, Meng Fan is bound to die, but why is this luck fluctuating so fiercely, why is cause and effect so messy, so...Impermanence! The luck of the dark alliance is already blurred!"

The killing sound still shook the sky.

The purple air and white light where the central emperor and Meng Fan met were still rolling.

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