Supreme God King

Chapter 2374: God is ruthless

A few words, gentle but firm and powerful.

God Buddha Xumi put his hands together: "All beings in the world must have their own calamities. The calamity of ordinary creatures is death. What is the calamity of the **** king? Jiuquan Demon Lord, your calamity is your attachment. If you die, you will definitely not survive this era of catastrophe."

"I'm dead long ago." Jiuquan Demon Lord said in a long voice: "When I was in charge of the mind and could manipulate death, I was dead. Seeing all the people who accompany me died of life, I had no boundaries and lived alone. What is the difference between the walking dead and the walking dead? If I can't save her in this era, then perish."

"It's profound, but I don't understand it." God Buddha Sumi said: "I have no heart, and no emotion, but in my opinion, you are a little sad. You see, there is no life in her eyes. Her emotions, she is just a product of heaven, and she only has the idea of ​​destroying everything in her heart. It is no different from a ghost who just wants to swallow all living beings. Maybe she is confused and curious about the world, but she is obviously about everything you do. Indifferent."

When Jiuquan Demon Lord heard these words, he slowly turned his head and looked at the annihilated woman.

This girl who was as thorough as clear water really didn't have any emotion in her eyes.

Just curious.

She is curious about everything, everything, especially Meng Fan in the void, she is very curious.

And under this curiosity, what is hidden is obviously another emotion, a...the idea of ​​destroying everything.

Just like all beings want to eat and drink water, this is an instinctive thought, and it is her only thought.

"I still don't understand." The Annihilation woman said softly to Meng Fan: "Why do you have to piece together a grand plan when the world is falling apart?"

Meng Fan did not answer, but felt a little sadness in his heart.

This is a bit of sorrow that cannot be contained, for Jiuquan Mozun.

Linglong Xinzun sighed: "He always wants to wake up, and the heart demon will always break out."

Jiuquan Mozun laughed, and the smile was so miserable. Yes, in the last era, when he found that he could ignore everything, but could not ignore Emperor Qingshui, but Emperor Qingshui still went to God to find the meaning of his existence. Hidden Road went to death, when Jiuquan Demon Sovereign arrived, but failed to prevent everything from happening.

He finally understood that everything was just his own wishful thinking.

Just like this annihilated woman, but he deceived himself.

Suddenly in this miserable laughter, Jiuquan Demon Venerable's body began to burn.

The red-gold flame lotus flower came out from under his skin and continuously burned his body, but he did not do anything, just kept laughing, jumping up and down, and twitching with laughter.

"The great calamity of the heart demon comes from the origin of the divine soul, and it can't be stopped." Linglong Xinzun said with some sadness: "No matter the creator or the big demon, all living beings are sentimental, but heaven is ruthless."

The **** Buddha Xumi silently watched Jiuquan Mozun's whole body burn with flames, folded his hands, and sang softly in his mouth. The Sanskrit sound was vast, but it was obscure, like a parting poem.

"It's not that I ignited your heart demon calamity with a few words, Jiuquan Demon Venerable, this is the calamity you planted yourself. If you say, being alone is no different from death. In fact, you shouldn't live this way. era."

Taiyi and Princess Yingyue looked at each other, and flew up at the same time, rushing towards the fierce burning Jiuquan Demon Lord.

Although this group of flames burned with the life of an ancient giant, it was only a small flame compared with the vast and dark road to the hidden gods, and it was not worth mentioning.

Fire reflected in Meng Fan's pupils, and all that was in his heart was tranquility.

"Seeing Jiuquan Demon Venerable, I think of someone." Meng Fan whispered, this voice can only be heard by Linglong Xin Venerable, it is an exchange of mind.

"Think of yourself?" Linglong Xinzun asked.

Meng Fan blinked his eyes slightly: "If my sister is Qingshui Emperor, then I must be Jiuquan Demon Sovereign."

In the crazy laughter, Jiuquan Demon Sovereign was swallowed by flames. Suddenly, he stopped the laughter, turned his head, and looked at the annihilated woman who still had no emotion, but was a little curious staring at him.

The woman's curiosity originated from the flames on the body of Jiuquan Demon Lord.

She couldn't figure out why such a powerful giant would suddenly burn and die on its own.

Jiuquan Mozun stretched out a hand.

Extending hard, it was too difficult to touch the woman's face.

His lips trembled and he could only whisper.

"If I get cause and effect for you, you are my Zen, which can be cultivated forever."

After a word, the flames all over his body became more anxious and burned to his tongue.

He still tried his best to make a sound.

"How many years, slowly, slowly, did you understand from the shallower to the deeper, the so-called fate, it is rare to be able to write about this life and this life, but it is only a moment and a half, you can only look at each other's backs, keep your mouth silent, and know the world There is a dilemma. If you want to say you can’t say it, you can say you don’t want to say it, you don’t have to...bye.

The flame went out.

Jiuquan Mozun disappeared.

Only a piece of black dust, and a simple and immortal monument remained.

Meng Fan whispered: "The nine ancient gods, so far, they have completely become legends."

Princess Yueyue and Tai are doing their best to rush towards the monument of Mingyi.

The three veteran monks, the God Buddha Xumi, the God Buddha of Root Burial, and the God Buddha of Xian Jie, raised their heads together and looked at Meng Fan.

They have guessed that Meng Fan's goal is cause and effect!

At this moment, the three old monks did not know how many calculations they were doing in their hearts, planning thousands of escape routes, but one after another was overthrown.

That’s right, they are in charge of cause and effect. If they cut off some of the cause and effect threads, they can break out of this situation, but Meng Fan is no longer the Meng Fan who just broke into the tomb of Jiuquan Demon Venerable. At this moment, he has become the creator and crushed with his bare hands. In a vacuum, the heavenly will spy all things, even if the **** Xumi escapes with Zen, he will inevitably be overtaken as long as he leaves a few clues.

If you try hard, the three old monks may not be Meng Fan's opponents!

With his hands behind his back, Meng Fan still missed Jiuquan Demon Venerable, and he didn't care how much the three old monks deduced. He was 90% sure that he would inevitably get Zen causality.

"Heaven's Dao made a move." Linglong Xinzun said suddenly.

Meng Fan’s ears flicked, listening to the voice in the void, and said solemnly, “It’s not the incarnation of the heavenly path, nor the Ligue 1 desolate god...It’s another power to recover the mind!”

When he moved his body, he immediately incorporated the Qiankun Ark and many gods and kings into the original world, and then the will of heaven was permeated, branching out, searching many spaces, looking for the trajectory of the movement of heaven.

It's not wrong, Heaven did it.

Not only him, but the **** Xumi also has a serious face, and the Zhantian Giant shrugs his shoulders uncomfortably.

Any **** king who is in charge of the true meaning of the Dao, can feel the power of the Heavenly Dao secretly working, extremely powerful.

"The sky is healthy, the road goes up...This is the way of heaven, just shoot!"

Meng Fan's expression was deepened to the extreme.

That’s right, the entire space, all the power, laws, vitality, etc., are being distorted, driven by a certain terrifying will, and evolving. This is not something that an incarnation of the heavens can make. This is... Got it!

From the time he entered the martial arts to today, even if he has become the creator, Meng Fan has never really seen the heavens.

He just saw some extremely abstract heavenly powers.

There are also the incarnation of the heavenly way, the puppet of the heavenly way.

He couldn't guess what the real way of heaven was like.

The cosmos and the laws of time and space are all twisting, and a thick and huge arm gradually emerges.

In front of this arm, Princess Yingyue and Tai stopped immediately, not dare to make any rash moves.

"The source of the heavens..." In the original world, the ancient emperor who was guarding the coffin said: "Meng Fan, you are right. This is the power of the source of the heavens. I entered the source of the heavens at the beginning. , I have seen it before, but... this power is not at the same level as what I was facing at the beginning!"

Not a level!

Of course.

Because the source of the heavens that the ancient emperor stepped into was only a small part of the source of the heavens among the ten thousand domains, it was just the tip of the iceberg of the heavens.

At this moment, it is completely different.

That big hand slowly stretched out towards the monument of Mingyi immortality.

"At the end of the epoch, the great catastrophe is approaching. Since sentient beings are sentimental, they will inevitably end up old, and heaven is ruthless, so they will live forever. This is a war between sentient beings and heaven. I finally saw the eyebrows of heaven.

Meng Fan took a long breath, and suddenly all the gods, kings, creatures, and everything in the world he originally wished were suddenly sent into the Ark of Universe, and then the Ark was thrown out of the body.

This move immediately made everyone guess what Meng Fan was going to do.

He did so as expected.

Ripples were knocked out in the space, traversing and reaching before the huge arm.

Then he slammed a punch!

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