Supreme God King

Chapter 2378: Sea of ​​Sunlight

Six days passed.

Qiankun's Ark has been moving forward quickly, leaving space ripples in the sky.

In these six days, the people of the dark alliance are all intently asking, the **** monkey Tianxing is advancing by leaps and bounds under the guidance of the earth star Uranus monkey, while Yuhan has recovered most of his memory in just six days, reaching half Step into the realm of the **** king, infinitely close to the **** king.

In the six days, only Meng Fan and Gu Huang had not asked, but were playing a game of chess.

Between black and white, sometimes murderous intent emerged, sometimes the road went up, and after the move, the chessboard was like a stagnant water, or the dragon was slaughtered outright.

For six days and six nights, there was never a winner.

If you compete in the realm of cultivation, the ancient emperor today is no longer Meng Fan’s opponent. Even the most powerful battle giant in this Ark of Universe except Meng Fan, in all calculations, there is only one person facing Meng Fan. The fighting power of the boxing box is no more. There are only a handful of existences that can truly compare with Meng Fan in today’s heavens and myriad worlds. All the people that Meng Fan has seen so far are the Central Emperor, Impermanence King, and Xumi. Gods and Buddhas and Tai Wuji are qualified to fight Meng Fan.

Even now hiding in the Ark of Universe, the ancient and powerful existence of the immortal elephant, the master of the original meaning of the previous generation of Taoism, is not qualified.

But he has never shown any powerful means. He has always been a humble and cautious Yang Zun, who always seemed a little mysterious in Meng Fan's eyes.

Since the power gap was obvious, Meng Fan chose to play against the ancient emperor on a chessboard.

For the past six days, people have been quietly entering this cabin, watching the game without saying a word. Of course, they are all the characters of the first-level king. They will often look at them for a moment, then their eyes will brighten, and they will realize something and leave immediately. In retreat and meditating, there are too many great avenues in the game between the two, which are extremely precious to any **** king.

However, most of the **** kings watched for a short period of time in the six days, and then immediately walked away. Even if they were the **** kings, they didn't dare to watch the chess game of Meng Fan and the ancient emperor too much, because the avenues were too chaotic. It's complicated, and sometimes it's even more murderous.

However, Zhantian Giant once watched for three hours, and his face remained expressionless, and finally was dragged away by Yuhan, but Zhantian Giant's brain was not good, and he might not understand it.

It is Linglong Xinzun who can really see through the chess game, and even add fragrance to Meng Fan and the ancient emperor Hongxiu. She has been waiting for the chess game since the fourth day. It has been two days and two nights. At this moment, she is slender. With a delicate white chin, lying on the case next to him, silently thinking about how the ancient emperor would settle next.

The ancient emperor has not settled for two hours.

Meng Fan had already looked at the scenery passing by outside the Ark of Universe and didn't know what he was thinking.

Linglong Xinzun saw that this chess game is a fight between Tao and Shu, but in it, Tao has a very large proportion. Skills are about methods and methods. To kill and cut decisively, get immediate results, and Tao pays attention to one thing. In this state, the outcome is not important, but the depth of the game and the process of placing the pieces are important.

Linglong Xinzun always thought, Meng Fan and Gu Huang, the two souls and minds, are extremely terrifying, and it can calculate the existence of tens of millions of moves in a single moment. What will the final result of the game be? If it was a technique, Meng Fan would have won it a long time ago, and God's will deduced that Gu Huang was definitely not an opponent.

After thinking for a moment, Linglong Xinzun pulled up her hair, and put a piece of whale bone agarwood peculiar to the monster clan into the stove. This agarwood was brewed by some aquatic monster clan half-step **** kings. Any piece of it can calm your mind. It is great for martial arts practice, and the **** king must be greedy, but for Meng Fan and the ancient emperor, this thing is just a lining.


The ancient emperor finally settled.

Meng Fan turned his gaze back, directly and decisively dropped a child.

"The day when the source of the heavens of the ten thousand domains will be opened is getting closer, but I have a hunch that the source of the heavens will be opened before the scheduled day." Meng Fan said.

The ancient emperor frowned: "Because of the Central Emperor?"

"It's hard to say what kind of means the Central Emperor has, but the door is not open, he may be forcibly smashed. The providence I hold is derived from the source of the heavens in the ten thousand realms, and there is a certain connection between them. Feel this possibility."

"The source of the heavens in Ten Thousand Realms is very important." The ancient emperor was bolder this time, and he fell behind without thinking for too long. "As part of the heavens, but not all, the power of the source of the heavens in the ten thousand realms is much weaker than the real heavens, and it is easier to snoop. At this moment when the Great Tribulation of the Era is constantly emerging, step into the source of the heavens in the ten thousand realms. Many secrets can be discerned, as well as the many auras of the source of the heavens. If the kings can step into it, there may be many powerful **** kings who have a trace of heaven."

"The central emperor will naturally not control the will of heaven." Meng Fan fell behind. "It is conceivable that he just wants to pry into some mysteries, using the source of the heavens as bait, and let the kings help him accomplish his goal, but the source of the heavens of the ten thousand domains is left by the ancestors of humanity, and there may be some of them. The mark of humanity and orthodoxy, these are the prohibitions of the Central Emperor, and no one can touch them."

"what's your plan?"

"After finding the fragments of the ancient ship from the common world, I immediately rushed back to the ten thousand realms. Although the central emperor never missed a defeat in his life, in the battle of the ten thousand realms, he and I were only a tie, but his plan was completely Subversion, this is a major blow, and I am very curious about what kind of attitude the Kings of Ziguang have towards the Central Emperor."

"During the First World War, there were several people from the Dark Alliance who became the King of Gods." The ancient emperor left a son and took away the three sons of Meng Fan. "The two lore against you have failed. This blow is really too big, but he must have expected that you will come back again when the source of the heavens opens. There will be more means waiting for you, don’t forget Regardless of whether it is Dao or Shu, the central emperor is a master in the hands of master Yi."

"I know."

"The thirteen hall masters are going to die in my hands." Gu Huang said suddenly.

Meng Fan smiled, noncommittal.

At this moment, the speed of Qiankun's Ark suddenly slowed down.

Meng Fan, Gu Huang, and Linglong Xinzun immediately turned their heads and saw outside the Ark of Universe, a dazzling brilliance.

Those rays of light are like entities, flowing slowly, forming an incomparably wide river. In front of this long river, the Ark of Universe, which is enough to cover ten thousand domains, appears very small, like a flat boat in the ocean.

"Sea of ​​Chenguang." Gu Huang immediately got up. "In the rumors, the ocean that isolates the common world from the heavens and all worlds is different from the complete'nothing' of no sea. The horror of the sea of ​​sun light lies in the powerful gravitational force. No existence can escape the **** of this gravitational force. The reason why the rays of light converge into entities is that they cannot be lased out and are pulled by gravity. According to legend, space and time are distorted and extended infinitely in this gravitational force, even the laws of heaven and earth, and vitality. , It is impossible to pass this sea of ​​celestial light at all, only one power can cross the sea of ​​celestial light."

Meng Fan nodded lightly and put down the chess piece: "This game may take a long time." After saying that, he jumped out of the Ark of Universe in one step. As soon as he jumped out, immediately, he felt the amazing gravity of the Sea of ​​Chenguang!

Indeed, in this gravity, time, space, laws, and vitality are all pulled and distorted, unable to operate normally, and even light cannot escape.

However, there is always a force that cannot be affected by this gravitational force, which is the true meaning of the unbreakable road.

Meng Fan raised his hand to incorporate Qiankun's Ark into his original world, stepping into the sea of ​​celestial light.

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