Supreme God King

Chapter 2380: Common people kingdom

In the gorgeous palace decorated with silk and ancient colored glaze, nine monks gathered together to meditate with aloes, and the paintings on the walls were soothing, and the palace had a gentle and delicate taste.

Of these nine monks, three of them are in the realm of God Kings. They are Human Race and Demon Race. The last one is actually Dragon Race. Although it is not a true pure-blood Heavenly Dragon, it is obviously some kind of Flood Dragon or Chiron, but there are dragons all over the body. It looks almost the same as the pure blood dragon.

The rest are half-step **** kings, mostly wearing battle armor, with long robes on the outside, divided into purple, red and blue.

"Time is too tight." The Human Race God King said solemnly holding a spar fragment. On the fragments, there are some words, densely packed, extremely small, at least tens of thousands of words. "With the Divine Capital Realm as the core, the thirty-six great worlds are gathered together by gravity to form a great world. The forces of the world in each great world are mutually exclusive. If one is not careful, the world will collapse."

"At present, half of them, a total of 18 great worlds, have been gathered. The rule of using gravity to change the power of the world is also feasible." said the demon king. This demon king is clearly a woman with a very petite body. The pupils are scarlet, and a pair of ears are sharp and slender like two daggers. "Your Majesty meant that the time for the remaining eighteen great worlds to converge should be shortened. It only gave us one year. If we are too eager for quick success and instant benefits, we are afraid that things will change.

The mixed-blood dragon **** king frowned and said, "Master of the realm, Master of the supervisor, this is the emperor's order and cannot be violated."

The Terran King sighed: "My lord, can you tell us why your Majesty is so anxious? One hundred and thirty years ago, he ordered the merger of thirty-six worlds to form a vast world. This is an unparalleled deed and feat. Li and the people praised him. It was originally steadily moving without any problems, but the past eighteen great worlds were merged in one hundred and thirty years, and now the remaining eighteen great worlds It takes a year to complete the merger. Please forgive us for being stupid and not being considerate of the holy intentions."

Among the three **** kings, the human **** king is called the realm master, and the monster **** king is called the supervisor.

When the Dragon God King heard this, he whispered: "The Great Tribulation of the Era has begun."

The Realm Lord of the Human Race God King and the Supervisor of the Demon Race God King were both taken aback: "This era has reached the end?"

The Dragon King nodded: "Not only has the Great Tribulation of the Era begun, but the list of Tianzhu has also appeared. The search officer sent by the court to the heavens and the world returned to report and said the same thing."

The Terran God King was in a daze: "Could it be that... Your Majesty’s name also appeared on the Tianzhu list? This shouldn’t be. My Clan Realm is isolated from the world by the Sea of ​​Chenguang. The last Era Great Tribulation did not affect the Clan Realm. The influence was too great, and all the sages passed through."

The demon king also solemnly said: "My father has been safe from the last era to the present."

The Dragon God King said: "Your Majesty’s name does not appear on the Tianzhu list, but in various deductions, your Majesty has noticed that this Era Catastrophe is different from the last Era Catastrophe, and the calculations in the Palace of Heavenly Secrets have also proved After your majesty’s deduction, the most important thing is that many investigators brought back news saying that the way of heaven gave birth to a new existence, a wise creature."

The Human Race God King said in surprise: "My lord means... Heaven has an incarnation?"

The Dragon God King nodded gently: "The Sea of ​​Chenguang can distort all laws and isolate everything. Although Heaven is strong, it can only operate in the existing way. Even if the will of Heaven can detect the existence of the common world, there is nothing it can do. With the incarnation of wisdom, it is another matter."

He stood up and walked slowly in the palace. The six half-step kings kept their heads down and wrote various notes, drawing their dialogues, images, expressions, and tone very clearly.

"Your Majesty is the sage of the ancient times. In the last era, your Majesty imitated humanity, unified weights and measures to establish an ancient civilization, built natural and dangerous plank roads to connect all the worlds, chiseled canals to nourish all living beings, moved mountains and reclaimed the sea to create thousands of fertile fields, and set the four banks regardless of race. The education of the common people, in the end, abolish prostitution and enshrine the gods, and no existence who has been baptized by heaven to become a **** king is allowed to claim to be a **** king, overlooking the common people from above, can only be called a sage.

Until the end, His Majesty spied on the Qi of Heaven and Earth, learned the secret of the Great Tribulation of the Era, used infinite years and used powerful means to forge the Sea of ​​Chenguang, and established the world of common people. Thirty-six worlds can only be escaped by the favor of His Majesty. The last time the Era catastrophe, but this time, can it pass through?

Combining thirty-six great worlds into one is a big plan for the common people. Time is cruel and will not wait for others. The two adults are the masters and supervisors of the Nanhe world. They are in charge of a great world. They also hope to be considerate of the holy will and speed up their actions what. "

The human **** king put down the spar fragments and nodded: "Do your best."

The Dragon God King lightly stroked his beard with satisfaction, and suddenly his brows moved: "Someone has crossed the sea of ​​celestial light?"

The owner and the supervisor quickly got up and came outside the palace. The South River Realm is the border of the common world, and it is very close to the sea of ​​Chenguang. The one hundred and thirty years of "consolidating the world" is mainly aimed at being close to the core of the common world. The Nanhe Realm has not yet started to move in all the great worlds surrounding the Divine Capital Realm, so it still guards the border.

The three **** kings came out together, but the realm master and the supervisor did not see anything unusual about the vast sea of ​​Chenguang.

After all, the sea of ​​Chenguang completely isolates the heavens and the world from the common world. The search officials of the common world have the holy gravitational ferry disc, and are the only ones allowed to enter and exit the sea of ​​Chenguang, and are the only ones who can truly cross the sea of ​​Chenguang.

Except for the search officer, in millions of years, no one has ever heard of anyone crossing the sea of ​​Chenguang!

The Dragon God King's eyes were extremely dignified, he stretched his finger in a direction, and the realm master and the supervisor also looked over. They were all taken aback. They saw that in the vast sea of ​​time, there was a very small one. If you don’t pay attention, you can hardly see it. Channel.

In this channel, even the gravitational force and the liquid-like light disappeared, and it was a real vacuum channel!

"That's..." The supervisor thought carefully.

The Dragon God King frowned: "This is the true meaning of the Great Dao. There are records in the Siku classics. This is the meaning of emptiness."

"How is it possible?" The realm master said in amazement: "Since the establishment of the Common Life Realm, I have never heard of any outsider crossing the Sea of ​​Chenguang!"

"There are also many powerful existences in the heavens and worlds, and they may be able to do it," said the Dragon God King. "You are all born in this era. You have never left the realm of the common people. You can say that you don’t know anything about the primordial universe. However, some of your parents and elders in your family should know. There are several powers in this world. You can cross the sea of ​​celestial light, such as the true meaning of the avenue, such as humanity. Servant shot, take Siku to engrave classics!"

Immediately, a half-step God King walked forward with a very heavy book. When this half-step God King walked, his steps were heavy. Obviously this book was extraordinary. The Dragon God King picked it up and looked at it. , There are millions of pages, and each page contains tens of millions of words, arranged in a very complicated way.

"Today, the most powerful existence in the heavens and worlds is undoubtedly the Great Chaos, but the Great Chaos never appeared. Even in the last era, it was just a wave of ghosts. According to your Majesty, few people have really seen it in the past. Emperor Chaos."

The Dragon God King quickly flipped through the classics.

"In addition to the Great Chaos, there is a second column of powerful beings, the Central Great, the Evolved Primordial God, the Impermanence Immortal King, the Creator, the God Xumi Buddha, the Yang Zun, the Heavenly Giant, the Linglong Xin Zun, the Annihilation God, etc. There are still more than a dozen names. These existences, either mastering the unique power between heaven and earth, or mastering the true meaning of a certain avenue, are all powerful existences, and they also have the qualifications to cross the sea of ​​light. Immediately report to your majesty, landlord, and monitor. You must mobilize all your forces to guard against all ferry crossings and checkpoints. You must find clues. This matter is of great importance!"

The realm master and the supervisor nodded deeply. They knew how important this matter was. The Cangsheng realm could become one of the three prehistoric realms of the universe because of the isolation of the sea of ​​celestial light. If anyone can cross the sea of ​​celestial light, it must be the sky. Big thing!

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