Supreme God King

Chapter 2384: Qin Taichuan

The Divine Capital Realm, the Cangsheng Palace, is the core of the entire Cangsheng Realm, and it is also the emperor's official residence that forged the Sea of ​​Chenguang and ruled the entire Cangsheng Realm for an era.

In the smoke and clouds, the common people palace is looming, silent, an indescribable throbbing and uneasiness is brewing.

In the Cangsheng Palace, a majestic place is the Prince's Hall. Inside, the great prince of the Cangsheng Realm sitting gracefully in a brocade robe listened to a group of kneeling subordinates reporting many things, occasionally speaking, all of them were "OK" Or with simple words like "no", the subordinates understood the intention and immediately proceeded to deal with it, showing the grand prince's dignity in pointing the country.

"His Royal Highness, Eternal Duke Qin Ciyu returned with a group of investigators. I heard that this time, he brought back one person and was going to see your Majesty."

The eldest prince stood up immediately, his grace was completely absent, and he turned with a sullen expression: "Qin Ciyu...Father is in trouble now, so he dare to bother? Is he bringing someone back from the outside world? This is a crime. The highest law!"

The voice was rolling, and I could feel the immense anger in it.

There was a subordinate shivering below: "His Royal Highness...It was because I was not able to do things, Eternal Life escaped from us..."

The prince snorted coldly: "I know Qin Ciyu's methods. When he failed to become a sage, he would fight against Zuo Zhuguo for a hundred rounds and escape from your hands. It is not unusual."

The subordinate immediately relaxed a lot.

"But you once issued a military order to send your own head without taking Qin Ciyu's head. I always do things reasonable, and I can't break the rules!"

With a wave of his palm, he immediately took off the heads of a group of subordinates, and the blood was immediately filled, causing the legs of the other subordinates to tremble even more nervously, almost kneeling down.

"Who is Qin Ciyu bringing? Is it the evolving soul?"

"No... Your Highness, it's... the Purple Light Emperor!"

"The central emperor? Huh, it is said that all the heavens and all realms are aliens, a group of disorderly and ruled madmen fighting against each other. What kind of **** guys dare to call themselves the emperor and return the central emperor to let him go. Seeing the father is fine, see what trick Qin Ciyu can make. The mysterious person who broke into the sea of ​​Chenguang without any consent, I will kill myself, give the father a great gift and take my armor!"

Another part of the Cangsheng Palace, the Hall of Nourishment.

A group of investigators in the common world have long been disarmed, and all the treasures of the gods have been taken away. They followed a **** king who looked like a teenager with black hair fluttering behind him into the Hall of Yangxin. The whole body of the **** king who looked like a teenager The blood surging, the signs of the human race, but also the signs of the ancient gods. It was the one hundred and sixty-seventh son of the emperor of the common world, the eternal father Qin Ciyu.

And the investigators behind him, without exception, are all in the realm of God Kings, there are mixed-blood dragon races, half of the monster races and half of the human races. They are all strange and strange. These gods are completely different from the sages of the common world, and they have killing and decisive. The will, revealing cold blood everywhere, is very similar to the **** king of the heavens and the world.

Because the search officer is the only person who is qualified to enter and leave the sea of ​​time and leave the common world to explore the outside world. Compared with the common world world that has been peaceful for an era, the search officers are all the gods who fight and fight for years.

And among the investigators and Qin Ciyu, there was another person, wearing a plain white shirt, with an extremely ordinary appearance. He couldn't see any demeanor while walking, but he was the Emperor of Purple Light, the Great Central Emperor!

After numerous gates, guards came up to interrogate and recorded the conversations in the book. More than a hundred pieces of law chains were put on the central emperor. It took more than an hour before they were in the two common world pillar nations and many Accompanied by the servant of the half-step God King, he came to the center of Yangxin Hall.

Here, there are only a dozen women who are born with ice muscles and bones, all of them ethereal and gorgeous, extremely unreal, just like the women in the painting, waiting for an old man whose whole body is covered in a large imperial robe.

The central emperor raised his head to look at the old man in the broad imperial robe.

The old man raised his head, a pair of gray and yellow, dull eyes fell on the central emperor.

"The Emperor of Purple Light, the leader of humanity..." the old man slowly said: "The Evolved Soul once said that even if the ancestor of humanity died and disappeared, a new humane leader must rise, and this person will become the leader of this era. People of the Wind and Clouds... The Central Emperor, you have already seen my appearance in the common world, how does it compare to your Purple Light Empire?"

"Rotten and ridiculous." The Central Emperor laughed.

As soon as these words came out, the two pillar kingdoms and many half-step **** kings were angry and shouted: "Bold!"


The chains of the central emperor's body were broken one after another.

Everyone was shocked!

The two pillar kingdoms immediately pulled out the sharp blades on their waists and jumped up. The hall of nourishing the heart was covered with wind and sand, and the hostility rose, and the offensive of the two pillar kingdoms also came close.

Everything is in the blink of an eye.

But after hearing the two crisp sounds of "bangs", the weapons in the hands of the two pillars broke off.

The central emperor did not move, still standing in place, not even shifting his eyes, still staring at the old man.

"Stop it." The old man waved his hand wearily: "Ciyu..."

The immortal father Qin Ciyu, who had been watching coldly, stepped forward and said, "Father."

"You are my most unfavorable son, but you are the most rebellious one. You broke the shackles on your body and made a lot of merits. Over the years, you have made countless close friends in the heavens and all realms. The central emperor was brought, why, my father, my birthday is coming, and all the children are about to move, do you think the time has come?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Hall of Nourishment, including the two pillar nations, immediately knelt down, frightened.

On the contrary, the immortal father Qin Ciyu said blankly: "The father's merging of the thirty-six worlds is not to resist the five decays of the heavens and the humans of the Great Tribulation of the Era. Many strange ghosts, I know, the father wants to make the 36 realms into a huge melting pot, imitating the strange ghosts, swallowing all the people of the entire common world realm, and reshaping the vitality of life. This is an absolute magical means. , Retrograde, and the possibility of success is less than 10%. In the eyes of the son, the father and the emperor are old, if he can abide by the way of heaven and leave with peace of mind, it is right.

Erchen suffered all the hardships and neglect since he was a child, tasted the bitter fruits of the world, and tried his courage. If this world of common people is handed over to Erchen, he will surely be able to survive this era of catastrophe! "

Such rebellious remarks immediately aroused the anger of a pillar country in the Hall of Nurturing Heart: "Duke Yongsheng,!"

The old man chuckled: "Well, the central emperor, the children are ignorant, too superficial and too immature, thinking that they will make countless friends in the heavens and the world, and then they are looking for you. At the moment when my life is about to die, It will be a huge help for him to become the emperor of the common people. I know you must have other plans. You won't be fooling around with children, just say it."

When Eternal Father Qin Ciyu heard these words, his expression immediately solidified, and he looked at the Central Emperor with some horror.

The central emperor said lightly: "Someone crossed the sea of ​​celestial light and broke into the common world to capture the fragments of the ancient ship without sea. As long as you have this person, Qin Taichuan, you don't have to swallow the entire common world, and get the power of this person. The vitality will be endless, and I, as long as this person dies!"

The old man, his real name was Qin Taichuan!

Today, everyone in this Hall of Nourishing the Heart is truly shocked, especially the name of the emperor of the common people, which has not been mentioned for millions of years, and no one knows it.

"You are talking about the Creator." A hint of light flashed in the old man's gray and yellow eyes, and he grinned, showing a smile: "Humanity leader, Ziguang Human Emperor, Central Emperor, is said to be the top level of the universe. Existence, it will actually be lost to a rising star who has just risen for ten thousand years, so what qualifications do you have to join me?"

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