Supreme God King

Chapter 2389: The old man and the sea

At the beginning, Meng Fan, together with Jiuquan Demon Venerable and Xumi God and Buddha, saw a face on the road of divine hiding. That face, said by Jiuquan Demon Venerable himself, was the deity of the Great Primal Chaos.

However, under various calculations and guesses, Meng Fan came up with a result. It was not Emperor Chaos, but the mouthpiece of Emperor Chaos. Perhaps it was another son of Chaos, a very powerful son of Chaos.

Jiuquan Mozun thought that it was the Great Chaos Emperor. In Meng Fan's conjecture, the reason was that even though the nine great kings and countless heroes stepped into the end of the Shenyin at the end of the Ancient Era, there was actually no one at all, and the Chaos Great Emperor was really face to face!

This most mysterious figure since ancient times, a figure who has not even been detected by Meng Fan, has always been shrouded in mystery.

At this moment, Meng Fan also confirmed his conjecture.

Because "Linglong Xinzun" said in an old voice: "You are really a'Little Heaven'. In the last era, Jiuquan Demon Venerable confronted me for Qingshui Emperor. In fact, what he was confronting was just a phantom of mine. He thought he was facing me until he died, but you can see it thoroughly."

All the kings showed different colors.

The Lord of Chaos!

Although I don’t know what method was used to appear here in the body of Linglong Xinzun, even if the Emperor Chaos is not here in person, this kind of coercion is also frightening. There are even some gods who have no intent to fight. Give birth-timidity!

The existence of the God King is extremely keen, able to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and will never hardly shake its edge when dealing with all irresistible forces, and the Great Chaos gives people a feeling of irresistibility.

It was also because of this feeling that Meng Fan concluded that the emperor Chaos was present.

Except for the emperor Primordial Chaos, who else can make him feel such a strong sense of oppression?

The central emperor and him were in a tie, the impermanence immortal king was driven away by him, and the emperor Qin Taichuan did not dare to chase him down to heaven.

"Linglong Xinzun" only looked at Meng Fan, turning a blind eye to the other dark alliance kings: "Creator, this name is too big and too heavy, I'm afraid it will crush you, but I have been from the beginning of the universe until now. , I have seen too many countries and too many heroes, appearing one after another, and then dying one after another. My old man is really numb when I look at it. Your name may be forgotten by me, maybe it will be remembered by me. , But I don’t want you to have only one name left in the end. I hope you will thrive and grow into another existence that is hated by the gods but is of no avail. That is the best, and I can only live in Wuhaihou. The lonely old man, some fun."

Everyone who listened to that old voice was numb, and there was even a rapid passing of time. In the blink of an eye, it was an illusion of thousands of years. A sense of vicissitudes belonging to the ancient years permeated everyone, as if they were about to grow old...

Meng Fan was the only one who could stand and even act under this horrible atmosphere.

He took a deep breath and opened his mouth: "It turns out that there is such a big foreshadowing in the countless blood sacrifices of the Monster Race that lasted an era."

As soon as he said this, a smile appeared on the face of "Linglong Xinzun": "I really like you. I am a very pleasing child and a very clever child." The tone is exactly like an old man who has gone through the vicissitudes of life and is in charge of everything. A young man who is still young. "The demon race that I created with the blood of the Ten Thousand Tail Demon Ancestor, in the blood sacrifices weeded out from generation to generation, looking for the imprint of the Dao’s mind, is to create another Ten Thousand Tail Demon Ancestor and get the inheritance of the mind. Linglong Xinzun, what then? She took her sisters and all the monster races and escaped. From then on, she was out of my control?

How could it happen, how could it happen... Isn't it natural to leave some means, why can't I think of it? The blood sacrifices again and again are also the rituals for me to imprint my spirit thoughts in the blood of the monster race, Linglong Xinzun, and these monster races, all my children, all my puppets. "



The Jade Immortal Venerable and the Misty Immortal Venerable suddenly screamed, clutching their heads, and screaming heartbreakingly.

And the many monster races who joined the dark alliance with Linglong Xinzun at the beginning, also wailed at this time, and even shivered like a spasm.

Meng Fan looked very hard and saw the appearance of many monster races. The fire in his heart ignited. Those monster races are suffering indescribable pain at this moment. The pain comes from the spirits, and their spirits are splitting, even In decline!

But Meng Fan could only watch, but couldn't do anything at all.

These monster races were originally created by the Chaos Great Emperor. After generations of multiplication and rebirth, the blood sacrifices are eliminated. Their spirits are completely branded by the Chaos Great Emperor. This brand has long been combined with blood and spirits. One, it will never be stripped out.

And Meng Fan hadn't noticed it at all for so long!

"The Ark of Universe was built, very good. Seven tenths of the fragments were found by you, refined by you, and three tenths of the remaining are in the hands of a divine king named Yanhua Yuanshen. Of all the powerful beings in the Ten Thousand Realms, only a few people really want to step into my chaos realm. In order to gain the humane inheritance, the Central Emperor is one of them. You are the second to destroy the ghost tide, and the evolving soul is the third. You can find him, kill him, or join hands with him to completely reshape the ancient ship without sea, and come to me. It's an era. I am an old man, really lonely."

"Linglong Xinzun" said softly, with a lonely tone, and can clearly perceive that this is not a joking tone or a joke, but a real loneliness and dullness.

When the source of the heavens was formed and time began to flow, the first **** king to appear in the primordial universe was the Great Emperor Chaos.

From the beginning to the present, six epochs.

This great emperor has always been immortal!

He created a wave of strange ghosts, a disaster comparable to the Great Tribulation of the Era.

It also created the most feared realm of the heavens and all realms.

The existence that God hates most and most wants to obliterate.

The true "Supreme King".

An invitation was sent to Meng Fan.

"Come and see me, a widowed old man."

"Linglong Xinzun" said, slowly standing up.

"As for this thing that belongs to me, I will take it away."

One sentence export.

The pale face of "Linglong Xinzun" gradually returned to **** color, and the flying hair fell one after another, and changed back to the appearance of the most beautiful person Meng Fan had ever seen.

Only at this moment, a feeling of helpless fear appeared on Linglong Xinzun's face.

This kind of sentiment appeared when Meng Fan stepped into Linglong Xinzun's state of mind with his soul, and when Linglong Xinzun was about to sink completely and would never wake up.

Grief, fear, helplessness, loss, abandonment, etc. all negative emotions.

Linglong Xinzun's lips trembled.

"Meng Fan, save me..."

The last word has not yet fallen.

Linglong Xinzun was pulled by a huge force and directly broke the Ark of Universe, shattering the infinite law and vitality, and flew backwards at an astonishing speed!

Her hands were still desperately grabbing forward, wanting Meng Fan to hold her.

"help me!"


Meng Fan directly smashed the vacuum.

He stretched out his hand, wanting to catch Linglong Xinzun's hand!

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