Supreme God King

Chapter 2393: Time and space

"Since I built this time palace and started gambling, there have been two epochs. You have seen my guardians outside the door. They are all powerful gods. Of course, they can’t be compared with you, but It is also strong enough to take the step into the palace two hundred zhang as a bet, to protect me as a bargaining chip, in exchange for a bit of time power from me, to win my long life.

However, there are others who exist just like you. They not only stepped into two hundred feet, but also opened the door, walked to me, and made a big bet with me. Among these people, there is you. I should have seen it. It is Qin Taichuan, the forger of the Sea of ​​Sunlight. One epoch ago, he won my gamble, so I lost 30% of my lifespan and helped him deduct his life for the next million years until today. The abacus I used in my deduction at the time was still in the Palace of Heavenly Mystery in the common world, but just 10,000 years ago, my million-year calculation reached the deadline. He should be at a loss for his future.

The second one is the impermanence fairy king. Six hundred years ago, he found me, hoping to calculate the whereabouts of Zen through my hands. I helped him to calculate a name-God and Buddha Sumi.

The third one is you, creator Meng Fan, I can tell you the truth, you came here, I didn’t count it at all, you are already a “Little Heaven’s Path”, I can’t deduce you, you step into the palace of time The reason is that the Great Primordial Chaos character who has shielded all the power of the heavens, I can't even count it.

But when everything has happened, even if it’s an afterthought, I know your purpose afterwards. The first thing is to know why I am among the heavens, and there are very few gods who really want to step into the end of the gods. One, the second, is to take the fragments of my ancient ship without sea, reshape this ark, and then step into the sea?

I can answer your first question directly. This is just to tell you what I know. It’s nothing. As for the second one, if you want to take away the fragments of my sealess ancient ship, you need a big bet. Please sit down. . "

As soon as the evolving soul stretched out his hand, a crystal clear chair appeared behind him and Meng Fan.

The two sat down peacefully.

Evolving Yuanshen Dao: "In the last chapter of the ancient era, the nine kings and many heroes joined forces to fight against the Chaos Emperor. Most of the body died and disappeared. Others who escaped, such as Jiuquan Demon Venerable, Dutuo Buddha, and Ye Xuanji, also inevitably died. In the Great Tribulation of the Era, of course, I cannot count the resurrection of the Jiuquan Demon Venerable. The **** king who has mastered death, who can count his life and death?

Leaving aside these for the time being, just say that the nine great kings and countless heroes stepped into the end of the divine hiding. They were on the ancient ship without sea. After that, the Great Chaos completely destroyed the ancient ship without sea, and the fragments were scattered everywhere, among which the ancestor of humanity Taking away half of the fragments and dispersing them in various humane worlds, Qin Taichuan took two tenths away in order to consolidate his common world. As for me, three tenths were taken away. The reason is that he hopes that one day, he Shaping an ancient ship without sea, stepping into the end of Shenyin.

The reason why I want to step into the end of Shenyin, I can make a sentence first-Linglong Xinzun will not die, but it may not be unscathed, because the purpose of Chaos Great Emperor's taking away Linglong Xinzun is not to control the mind, I think this. , You should have guessed that neither the Great Primal Chaos nor the Great Central wanted to master any power of the Heavenly Dao, they wanted to create a power comparable to the Heavenly Dao, so what? "

The evolving soul stopped appropriately.

Meng Fandao: "Just like he created reincarnation and chaos, two powers comparable to the true meaning of the Dao, he has to imitate his mind and create another power."

The evolving soul nodded gently: "Yes, that's why I want to step into the end of Shenyin, because the first generation of masters of the meaning of time is the son of chaos!

Emperor Chaos has countless sons. In fact, he created them with the two powers of Chaos and Reincarnation. They can reincarnate forever, immortal creatures, but among all the children of Chaos, there are a few, very powerful. Among them, the third son was the first-generation master of the meaning of time, but later, the meaning of time flowed to the heavens and all realms and was obtained by me. From this, I calculated that the Great Chaos abandoned time because He created a similar force following the meaning of time. "

Meng Fan was a little surprised. In the past, he knew nothing about the Great Primordial Chaos, so he felt that this cosmic primordial king was a bit unreal and extremely remote.

But now, he has personally seen the horrific methods of the Great Primordial Chaos, taking a person away in front of him, but he can do nothing.

So I was even more shocked when I heard something about Chaos Great Emperor.

Because it was very real, it happened around me.

"So I want to step into the end of Shenyin, see the Great Chaos Emperor with my own eyes, and see if he has this power, so I started to wait for an opportunity, like the nine kings of the ancient era and countless heroes stepping into God together The timing of the hidden end, but this is too difficult. After an epoch, the Great Chaos will definitely become stronger."

The evolving primordial **** You You said, a little lost, and after a while, a round table suddenly appeared between him and Meng Fan.

A round table is a symbol of fairness. Unlike a square table, which has the main seat and the second seat, there is no distinction between the main seat and the second seat.

This means that the betting is about to begin.

"Ancient ship fragments." Evolving Yuanshen flipped his palm, and there were many pieces of wood floating in a small space-time box.

It is the fragment of the ancient ship without sea.

Under Meng Fan's gaze, he deduced a little and got the answer. As long as all these fragments are refined into the Ark of Universe, then Ark of Universe is an ancient ship without sea!

"This is what you want." The Evolved Soul pushed the box forward. "And what I want is only you have, that is... the meaning of emptiness."

Meng Fan narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Why the meaning of emptiness?"

"I once said that the primordial universe is made up of time and space." Evolving Yuanshen whispered: "If I get the meaning of void, I will not be the Lord of Time, but the Lord of Time and Space. I think, this It's not difficult to understand."

Meng Fan fell silent.

For him, any kind of true meaning of the Great Dao cannot be easily abandoned.

Not to mention the meaning of emptiness!

Once the meaning of emptiness is lost, the consequences are unimaginable. Whether he is still the creator is unknown, but the origin of the body in the body is bound to collapse.

Qiankun Ark, he can no longer push it with all his strength, he can only use his vitality to push it like other gods.

Shattering the vacuum, ignoring the distance, these have become impossible.

After a moment of silence, Meng Fan said: "I'm very curious, how did you lose to Qin Taichuan and the Immortal King?"

"The gambling is not as difficult as you think." Yanhua Yuanshen said, throwing a pair of dice on the round table, a total of 23. "There is only one thing in the world that cannot be calculated, and that is the variable."

Meng Fan looked at it carefully and suddenly discovered that these 23 dice actually—not in this time and space!

That's right, this is a dice taken from twenty-three time and space.

There is absolutely no connection between them.

Not to mention that Meng Fan spied with God's will, even if the **** Xumi is here, it is impossible to use causation to calculate what points the 23 dice will roll.

"There are three types of gambling contracts. The first is a duel of 600 million cards. The second is to turn a drop of blood into a creature and survive in the kingdom of time I created. You and I are not allowed to interfere, just look at this. Two creatures created by you and me, who can live to the end in a few years or millions of years, the third is the simplest, the collision of spirits and souls."

Meng Fan thought carefully.

In a battle of 600 million cards, even Meng Fan thought he could not be the opponent of the evolving soul, and his calculation ability was dozens of times that of Meng Fan.

In addition, the second and third types, Meng Fan has a chance of winning.

Even if it is a collision between the souls, the soul of the evolving soul is huge, but the soul of Meng Fan is extremely strong.

After thinking about it for a long time, Meng Fan chuckled. He once told the ancient emperor that anyone in the dark alliance can hesitate, but he can’t, because if he hesitates too, everyone will hesitate and lose. direction.

So, he stretched out his finger very simply, and the meaning of emptiness emerged.

"I want to add another bargaining chip." He waved his other hand, and immediately more than a hundred reincarnation pillars emerged.

These stone pillars may not be able to see their secrets when replaced by two people.

But the evolving soul immediately opened his eyes!

Of course he can calculate that this is a powerful force against ghosts.

"What else do you want?"

"The meaning of time."

The evolving soul frowned and raised his head, hair fluttering.

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