Supreme God King

Chapter 2398: Retake Wanyu

Walking out of the time palace, the Ark of Universe, still docked quietly.

Meng Fan's mind moved, the meaning of time flowed, and the world of Qiankun Ark and his body were changed at the same time, and there was a great truth in it.

Although this great Dao true meaning is far less powerful than the other five great Dao true meanings that Meng Fan has mastered, it still makes his creation more powerful.

And vaguely, just like the complementarity between good fortune and meditation, the meaning of time and space also have the meaning of fusion.

At the same time, many pieces of ancient ships were thrown into the Ark of Universe by him, and the kings of the Dark Alliance immediately began to refine them.

Meng Fan sat in the void, feeling the meaning of time while waiting for the further completion of the Ark of Universe.

A long time passed.

Suddenly the Qiankun Ark flashed a dazzling brilliance!

Extremely dazzling.

However, this brilliance flickered for a short moment, and then returned to the ordinary. The Ark of Universe was still what it used to be, but there was a heavy weight that could not be shaken by any force, as well as the simplicity and vicissitudes that spanned long years.

Meng Fan looked over.

The kings of the dark alliance swayed.

That's right, they reshaped the ancient ship without sea!

After an era of fragmentation, this precious treasure, which can be counted between heaven and earth, was finally reborn. It seemed that no force could tear it apart, and Meng Fan thought he could not do it.

However, Meng Fan knew that owning an ancient ship without sea did not mean that he could cross Wuhai and step into the end of Shenyin. The gap between him and the Great Chaos Emperor was too great, let alone the last chapter of the last era. , It was the Great Chaos that smashed the ancient ship without sea!

This power is too terrifying.

Before being able to face the Great Chaos Emperor, Meng Fan would never put the life of the entire dark alliance in danger.

"Linglong, it may take me some time." Putting Qiankun's Ark into his body, Meng Fan shattered the vacuum and left.

His eyes were extremely firm.

Powerful is a concept.

Just like when his sister disappeared in the prehistoric cosmos, he was powerless.

Today, he seems to have control of life and death, and resurrected the divine monkey and Yuhan, who were only the gods.

But still unable to resurrect my sister.

It even saw Linglong Xinzun being taken away in front of him.

Even in the heavens and worlds, countless people call him the creator Meng Fan, the top rank in the world.

But compared with the existence of the Great Chaos Emperor, he is still weak.

His two goals, one, the ancient ship without sea has been reshaped.

Second, plunder more of the true meaning of the Dao.

So he made a decision.

Kill back to Wanyu!

The evolving soul has just deduced that the central emperor will use some means to open the source of the heavens in the ten thousand domains in advance. This inference will not be true or false. Meng Fan will kill the ten thousand domains and retake the ten thousand domains.

When the source of the heavens in the ten thousand domains is opened, he must incorporate all the power in it into his body, even-swallow that part of the source of the heavens!

As for what the evolving soul said, what are the four disasters.

Maybe it is true, maybe it is false.

But Meng Fan didn't care.

If the fate has already been determined, then sentient beings don't need to struggle or guard against the sky, after all, the result cannot be changed.

But Tiandao still fears many gods!

His speed is amazing.

It is getting closer and closer to Wanyu.

In the ten thousand domains.

The Ziguang Senate was empty, quiet, and there was no one.

Suddenly a broad road leads here, and the central emperor slowly walked out, came to the new human emperor throne, and sat down weakly.

Meng Fan!

These two words constantly echoed in his mind and could not be dispelled.

His plan is to convene the Era Conference to form an unprecedented epoch alliance, spread his order and laws throughout the heavens and all realms, so that everyone can abide by them, and become the true leader of the heavens and all realms, thus bringing humanity , Push to the top!

Just like in the previous era, the pure-blooded Tianlong clan led by the Oracle Dragon Emperor was at the highest position, the overlord and supreme leader of all living creatures. That was the era of dragons, and this era should be the era of humanity. His humanitarian strength will also be higher than ever.

Then, with a large army of gods and kings, confront the tide of strange ghosts, challenge the Great Chaos, find the remains of the ancient Hundred Saints, and expand the power of humanity.

In addition, there are three treasures of humanity that he has not found yet.

There have been six treasures of humanity in six epochs from ancient times to the present. The first epoch was the one-character monument, which was the word "person" handwritten by the ancestor of humanity.

After that, they were the Great Dao Law Code, the Eight-Foot Ancient Mirror, Human Emperor Jade Seal, Saint King Pen, and the humane canopy of this era.

Establish the era of humanity, get the inheritance of the Hundred Saints, and master the six treasures, then he will accomplish a great cause that even the ancestor of humanity has not been able to achieve!

The power of humanity purple energy will also be stronger than ever!

But everything became more and more difficult because of Meng Fan's existence.

In the First World War, all the people of the Dark Alliance were rescued, causing the Central Emperor and the Purple Light Empire’s prestige to be severely damaged. Many **** kings left directly. The Era Conference that was being held at that time was not enough, even those laws. The chapters have not spread.

In the first battle of the common people world, the treasure of the human emperor jade seal was directly crushed!

This kind of blow was extremely heavy for the Central Emperor.

No matter what his goals or plans he has, it no longer matters now. As long as he kills Meng Fan, he can move forward.

But now Meng Fan is already at the first level of the Creator, and he still won’t be disadvantaged when he fights against the Central Emperor. Many people in the dark alliance and those who are concerned about him are in his body. Smashing the vacuum, wandering around the world, how to find him?

After thinking for a long time, the Central Emperor only thought of one way.

Go find the evolving soul and make a bet to find Meng Fan's whereabouts. The price is your own soul thought. If you fail once, you will gamble again. At all costs, find a way to kill Meng Fan!

At this moment, the ruling palace lord slowly approached the Senate, and bowed and said: "My lord, the convening order for the Third Era Conference has been issued, and most of the gods have already received it, but... There is very little response."

The central emperor said nothing.

The ruling palace master pondered for a moment, and said: "The tide of alien ghosts is surging day by day. In the sea of ​​no sea, more alien ghosts have been awakened, and there is news that the son of chaos has appeared. In this case, the Many **** kings are calling to form an army to directly confront the tide of strange ghosts."

The central emperor gave a cold look at the ruling hall master.

With this look, the ruling palace master immediately sweated, lowering his head.

This news was sent to tell the central emperor that the **** king of the heavens and the world was completely opposed to his law chapter, so he did not want to listen to his call, but spontaneously and directly resisted the ghost.

"How many **** kings in the ancient era have reached the end of the gods, they are all dead." The Central Emperor said coldly: "Are they still going to imitate those **** kings? Continue to become the undead under the Chaos Great Emperor, and become the food of the strange ghost tide. What's more, the Great Primordial Chaos is in front, and the way of heaven is behind. All beings will die in the hands of these two forces. Only I can truly change everything and create a perfect kingdom for all beings, a kingdom full of order and law. Strict, well-defined class, and will not perish in the kingdom of Era!

"The United States you imagined is just what you imagined."

Suddenly a voice sounded, and the central emperor immediately looked out, but frowned: "Yangzun?"

Yang Zun, this powerful natural god, appeared in the Senate.

Since the World War I, many **** kings of the heavens and worlds have left, only a few remained. Yang Zun was one of them, because as the top ten on the list of the must kills of the heavens, joining the Ziguang Empire directly became the elder. .

This character has always been very low-key, even Meng Fan has said that he can't see through him.

Because from the beginning, Yang Zun's performance was normal everywhere, he had never taken a shot, and there was no shocking strong strength.

But not only Meng Fan, the Central Emperor also had some confusion about him.

"Sir, with all due respect, it's just that at this moment, it's better to do it than to say it. If the Lord can directly lead the kings to fight against the tide of ghosts, and be the first of the heavens and the world, then you can truly convince people. ."

The central emperor said slowly: "Really?"

In his eyes, the cold light flashes constantly.

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