Supreme God King

Chapter 2403: Invincible

The sword continued to penetrate Meng Fan's bones.

He knew he couldn't hold it for long.

But he had no panic or fear.

On the contrary, it was very calm.

This kind of calm fell in the eyes of the Central Emperor, and it was a provocation, so he was even more angry.

Then he pushed the sword even harder!

In his body, life passed quickly.

His blood and vitality continued to gush out into the sword.

In just a few breaths, he looked a few years old, and even gray hair appeared on his temples.

"Do you know why I don't hide?" Meng Fan suddenly said.

The central emperor's eyelids throbbed.

"As soon as the blood sword of humanity comes out, I am not your opponent. It is easy to defeat me, but too difficult to kill me. If you really want to kill me, you will be consumed first."

Meng Fan's voice hit the central emperor's ear word by word.

In his body, too many creatures, dozens of gods and kings, constantly released the power of ambition to supplement his consumption.

The power of creation is flourishing, repairing his constantly broken body.

This is no longer a duel.

More like a confrontation.

Was Meng Fan smashed by the human blood sword first, or was the central emperor exhausted first?

"I can give up one arm and you will run out of half your life!"

Meng Fan's voice trembled a little, and the pain caused by the Humane Blood Sword made it difficult for him to calm down, but the Central Emperor was equally uncomfortable!

"Kill him, I will take you... leave!" Central Emperor's voice spread.

Immediately, the purple kings jumped up, but did not immediately kill them, and many stopped.

Just like the original World War I.

The place where Meng Fan and the central emperor fought was the forbidden area. No **** king dared to approach easily. Those **** kings who wished to approach were all instantly crushed into powder by the power of the two figures.

At this moment, it is the same situation.

at this time!

Thirteen black qi ignoring the terrifying realm created by the confrontation between the two figures, inserted horizontally, and the long spears condensed by the black death qi directed at the heart of Meng Fan!

The thirteen hall masters are here!

Except for the Central Emperor, who is the most powerful in the entire Ziguang Empire today? Leader of Eight Pavilions? Or the newly added Yang Zun, or some other powerful **** king?

Of course neither.

It is the thirteen hall masters!

Thirteen in one, with one heart and one virtue, complement each other, and the means are amazing.

At this moment, Meng Fan and the central emperor were in a stalemate, and no one could break free. The thirteen hall masters suddenly arrived, seeming to completely change the battle.

But the parties know that it will not be that simple.

The thirteen hall master did not directly kill, but from a distance, directly threw a spear.

boom! Bang bang bang!

The spear burst short after not reaching Meng Fan's heart.

Several figures jumped out.

The three dark alliance **** kings, ancient emperor, war giant, and female emperor, step directly out!

Any **** king, in this trap set by the heavens, will be subject to various restrictions, and even encounter endless dangers, and may directly become a puppet of the heavens. However, the three powerful **** kings of the dark alliance who have mastered the true meaning of the big way , But definitely not, stepping out in one step is the momentum of smashing the horns and directly killing the thirteen hall masters.

This is a method that has been brewing early, and the ancient emperor and others don't know how long they have been waiting.

When the thirteen hall masters saw this, they flashed out as soon as they moved.

After the ancient emperor and others crushed the thirteen long spears that the black death gas turned into, they did not chase at all, and suddenly turned around. , Directly kill the central emperor!

"Waiting to kill you."

"This is the moment!"

"The Central Emperor!"

The voices of the three echoed quickly.

The strength is rolling, and the entire field is trembling slightly.

The central emperor had a cold face. He wanted to draw his sword and leave. He used his palm to force, but found that the sword was three points deep into the bone, and he couldn't pull it out!

A trace of true meaning is the most indestructible net in the world.

The flesh and bones of the Creator are the most difficult abyss in the world.

Meng Fan's lips trembled slightly, his face was slightly pale, and the humane sword pierced his body. Of course, it was painful and confusing, but he still smiled and looked at the Central Emperor.

The Central Emperor finally knew.

It is easy to swing a sword, but difficult to collect it.

Because he killed Meng Fan.

The rookie who has risen in ten thousand years looks at him with a pale face and a slight smile, too mad and proud.

The central emperor suddenly became weak.

Extreme powerlessness.

From the moment he entered the martial arts, everything was a matter of course. His strength, realm, means, and the majesty of being in charge of humanity, the absence of any existence in the primordial universe of the universe has made him feel powerless.

Upon exit, the chaotic Ziguang Empire was integrated into a monolith.

Between the palms of the hand, it was to take the entire Ten Thousand Territory and make the Dark League a dog of loss.

But why?

"Why." The Central Emperor's lips trembled: "Why is it so difficult for me to kill someone!"

In the roar, the offensive of the ancient emperor, Zhan Tian, ​​and the empress arrived.

The central emperor abandoned the sharp sword derived from the life essence and blood, and retreated a hundred steps.

In the sword, there was too much effort circulating in him. This was real effort. Many of his powers, especially his long life span compared with the evolving soul.

White hair in a flash!

There are many wrinkles on the face.

It's like a dying person with half of his foot in the coffin.


Where is the Central Emperor?

The dying old man!

This scene is really shocking, especially those Purple Light God Kings who are squeezed out by the coercion of the heavens and various forces, are all dumbfounded.

The ancient emperor, Zhan Tian, ​​and the female emperor also looked deeply and silently.


Difficult laughter came from the mouth of the Great Central Emperor. He looked at his palm and the old spots on his arm, wondering if it was a wry smile.



Meng Fan trembled with his hands, pulled out the **** sword blade, and whispered: "I want to resurrect my sister, want to reverse life and death, want to change the destiny, want to save all the people of the dark alliance, why do you ask? My answer is , When I am obsessed and persistent, because I am never moving forward."

Because, never go ahead!


What is the highlight of Meng Fan's life?

It is not based on a certain monument of immortality like Zen Temple, God Store, and Underworld.

It's not like an annihilated woman was born as a **** king.

It is not the bloodline of a pure-blooded dragon.

It was not that the central emperor was born with humanity and luck, and he was never defeated in his life.

It's not the impermanence fairy kings and the evolving souls who use various methods to spend one epoch after another, and use time to accumulate strength.

Meng Fan was born an ordinary person.

Suffered from worldly suffering.


Cried, more than once.

I have been in pain and lost more than once.

He has endured all the suffering that sentient beings have.

He has all the emotions that the **** king should not have.

But he never stopped.

Go ahead!

So the power of the world can be used by him!

Therefore, the true meaning of Dao Dao can be included in the pillar of martial arts!

So become the creator!

So it is for Xiaotiandao!

So there are countless heroes under his command!

So any power that wants to kill him but fails to kill him will make him stronger!

The Central Emperor suddenly understood.

He had already lost the opportunity, the chance to kill Meng Fan, and every moment he wanted to kill Meng Fan, the possibility was even slimmer.

Because every moment, Meng Fan is moving forward, whether it is meditating to enlighten himself, or devouring the universe, or silence, or fighting, he is growing wildly.

This kind of growth is despised by many strong people.

Both the Central Emperor and the Immortal King said that Meng Fan's power was mixed.

The **** Xumi once said that Meng Fan has too much cause and effect.

This is the price of Meng Fan's growth. He has no scruples about using any kind of power between heaven and earth to strengthen himself and keep himself moving forward. Therefore, the strength is mixed, the vitality is chaotic, and there is too much cause and effect.

But all of this produced an unprecedented reversal in him, and he became the creator.

Become a small heaven that can hold everything.

Any power, any great meaning, has become his weapon.

The Central Emperor looked at Meng Fan, who was slowly repairing his body, and the feeling of powerlessness in his heart was beyond words.

At this time, the origin of the body is in the vast world.

Countless people in the dark alliance slowly closed their eyes after hearing Meng Fan's words.

Their breath has been elevated again and again.

Meng Fan is the soul of the dark alliance.

His indomitable progress is the invincibility of the dark alliance!

Many dark alliance fighters broke through.

Some dark alliance core elites even appeared, and they suddenly took the most critical step, drew smashing punishments on their heads, and directly became the **** king!

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