Supreme God King

Chapter 2410: Disaster

Compared with the big and impermanent realm of the common people, the realm of impermanence is the real glazed jade tile, exquisite and solemn everywhere, stern and firm.

Here, there are many shops, shops, even wine shops, and gambling shops in the streets and lanes, but they are completely different from the common people. The shops here are almost half-stepped by the existence of the gods, and there are even many shops of the gods. , Using the law of space to form a small void, inside it is placed a variety of divine artifacts, but there is no clear price.

When it comes to the realm of the **** king, any spar has no meaning, and it is difficult to have a constant currency, so it is often exchanged for things that are needed.

There are also businesses, Qionglou Yuyu built to tens of thousands of floors.

There are even some shops that sell sacred beasts and monsters, and there is even a shop that sells a brave baby with three drops of immortal water!

The fetuses of ancient divine beasts were all sold.

Some ancient documents, fragments of murals, and fragments of martial arts can also be seen.

After a few steps, Meng Fan was even more surprised. He actually saw a shop selling a trace of the meaning of void, and even claimed that the meaning of void came from the hand of the creator Meng Fan.

Selling the Dao’s true meaning is also vigorous enough, this kind of action is simply a huge mockery of the heavens.

Meng Fan did not hesitate to use some rare beasts and divine objects to buy this hint of emptiness.

After that, he continued to acquire something.

As the overlord of the Ten Thousand Regions, the Dark Alliance has accumulated a lot of wealth. Although it was once taken away by the Purple Light Empire, most of them were taken back. Not only did they retrieve the wealth, they also moved the Purple Light Empire to the Ten Thousand Regions. Many palaces were looted.

Many of these wealth are of little use to Meng Fan or the Dark Alliance.

But it can exchange for some useful things, especially the physical treasures of some ancient wild beasts, which is of great benefit to Meng Niuniu and others.

While buying and selling, in fact, Meng Fan was also collecting information on the entire world of impermanence.

He already knew that the biggest difference between this place and the common people was that there was no real leader.

There is not even a person who can be called a leader.

It seems that in the very old age, the first group of powerful **** kings who entered here once wanted to take the entire impermanence realm as their own. As a result, a great battle broke out. They were all injured heavily, and then they fell into a confrontation. After that, in order not to destroy this piece of world independent of the heavens and worlds, all the gods began to silently maintain a balance and peace.

This state has gradually consolidated and has continued for millions of years.

Therefore, in the current world of impermanence, the "five emperors" are basically in charge of the overall situation.

These five emperors are the oldest **** kings in the world of impermanence. They are very mysterious and unpredictable. They each occupy a part of the world of impermanence. In the part they manage, they have the absolute right to speak. However, in addition to the fields they manage, there are still some Scattered "free zones" not controlled by anyone.

If something affects the entire world of impermanence, the five emperors will gather together and discuss a result together.

If nothing happens, then every once in a while, the five emperors will be together and set up some important ceremony or celebration. This is also a way to maintain balance and peace.

Recently, although the world of impermanence is still exquisite and gorgeous, everyone has some shadows in their hearts. The five emperors have also gathered many times in a short period of time. The reason, without him, the great catastrophe of the era has come, and the tide of strange ghosts has awakened.

The world of impermanence is different from the world of Binoculars. Here, everything that happens in the heavens and the world is always concerned.

Even some veteran **** kings witnessed the decline and rebirth of the entire world in the last epoch.

In order to deal with it, few people know whether the Five Emperors have discussed the results, but they did do a few things.

The first is to join forces. This kind of cooperation is reflected in many aspects. For example, the barriers between the five domains are gradually disappearing. The Five Emperors jointly sent their cronies to form some explorers to enter the heavens and the world, staring at the tide of ghosts and the era. Robbery, wait.

The second is to gradually ban the sale of the true meaning of Dadao.

The true meaning of buying and selling Dao Dao is the greatest mockery of the Dao of Heaven. It is the most unimaginable transaction in the world. The true meaning of Da Dao is the unbreakable power and supreme power. Souls can be sold, but the world of impermanence has not paid attention to these. In the past, there were a large number of fragments of the Dao’s true meaning, fragments of immortal monuments, and even one of the nine ancient gods, Emperor Xuanhuang, a hair that has been sold. But now, the real meaning of the trading avenue is getting less and less.

It is conceivable that the purpose of the Five Emperors' doing this is mainly to prevent the catastrophe of the heavens, after all, the entire world of impermanence is permeated with powerful catastrophic forces.

Third, what many people don't understand is that the Five Emperors jointly organized a "decisive martial arts conference."

Not only is the entire impermanent realm called for the powerful **** kings to participate, even outside the impermanent realm, the powerful **** kings of the heavens and all realms can participate.

This is the reason why there have been many more gods in the world of impermanence recently.

This martial arts conference is divided into five battle zones. The winner of any battlefield can get a martial arts classic written by the five emperors, and a whole pool of "immortal water", this kind of immortal water , It can reshape the flesh and improve the strength of flesh and blood.

In the end, the winner will get the meaning of disaster.

That's right, it's another kind of true meaning!

The meaning of disaster is to brew the true meaning of the great power of heaven's punishment, catastrophe, catastrophe, etc., and the five emperors of the impermanent world have obtained this immortal monument and regarded it as the ultimate winner of this decisive battle. prize.

The Judicial Meeting will officially begin in three days.

After receiving all the news, Meng Fan decided to find a place to settle down.

His goal has already appeared.

Get the meaning of disaster!

I found a top-notch guest hall. Although Meng Fan used the power of creation to completely change his state, no one can see who he is, but he can still see that he is a **** king, so he immediately received warm hospitality from the people in the guest hall. , I chose a sky-character house, which contained its own space, garden fountain, some rivers and pastoral, and then settled down.

As soon as he entered, he directly sat cross-legged. As long as he has time, Meng Fan will enter a state of meditation anytime and anywhere. When he reaches his realm, there is no point in any training. The martial arts does not need to be polished, only the life and death level. Only by fighting, or quietly contemplating, and forging inwardly can you truly improve your cultivation.

The moment when Meng Fan and the many dark alliance people in the vast world in his body began to meditate or practice martial arts.

More **** kings stepped into the world of impermanence.

Among them, a huge ark and the man with Fang Tian's painted halberd on the ark are attracting attention.

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