Supreme God King

Chapter 2415: Twelve sky stars

Tian Xing Cang stepped into the front of everyone, outside the realm of impermanence, the sky was shining endlessly, dazzling, it seemed that each creature was quietly telling their stories, hoping to find someone to listen to.

Every time the Tianxingcang took a step, one of the stars in the sky became particularly bright.

"Foot on the stars, with the sun and the moon in your mouth, this is the meaning of the stars, and another great meaning."

Meng Fan was not the only one who saw the reputation.

As the ancient god, Taikoo, who fought against the five emperors in the ancient era, a few words revealed the secret.

Meng Fan turned his head and looked at each other deeply, then looked back.

That's right, Tian Xing Cang, this is another figure who masters the true meaning of the Great Dao, and what he masters is the meaning of stars.

In Meng Fan’s mind and soul, under countless deductions, the true meaning of this Dao is far less profound than that of meditation and divine will, because the true meaning of meditation, divine will, Zen, divine will, and good fortune are all the highest laws in this world. , Can't disobey, and the meaning of stars is not a rule, but a kind of power.

Just like Yang Zun's ambition, its essence is not an irresistible law, but a kind of power.

The meaning of aspiration, the aspiration derived from it, is the purest vitality between heaven and earth.

However, this kind of power is terrifying!

The meaning of ambition can modify the law, even change a person’s spirit, wash a person’s mind, and turn a demon into a devout believer, especially as long as it truly masters this power and has infinite believers, then from a certain In this sense, you can have inexhaustible vitality.

It's just that the current Yang Zun, although he is the master of the aspiration, has not really mastered the core of the aspiration, nor can he mobilize a truly powerful force.

Similarly, the meaning of the stars in this Tianxingcang is also such a power.

All the acupuncture points on his whole body corresponded to a star.

This is a very primitive, very ancient, but very powerful cultivation method.

Meng Fan also had many similar cultivation methods, but when he reached his current state, these cultivation methods were of little use to him, so they were all taught to people in the dark alliance to teach his disciples.

For example, he has mastered the meaning of good fortune. From the meaning of good fortune, the powers of "five elements", "yin and yang", "six ways" and so on are spread, and from this he created the "five virtues for the gods" and the "nothingness of Yin and Yang". And the three powerful cultivation techniques of the "Six Immortal Methods", this kind of cultivation technique derived from the true meaning of the Great Dao, if any one falls in the hands of a monk below the realm of the **** king, it can cause endless snatching and attract It's bloody.

And this "Five Virtues Conferment Technique" can condense the five internal organs, strengthen the physical body, and possess various means to operate the five elements.

The "Void Yin and Yang Dao" constantly reverses Yin and Yang in the infinite void, extracting various powers to nourish itself, and its vitality flows.

The "Six Immortal Ways" are similar to the Five Virtues Conferring Gods, but they practice the Six Fu-organs.

And this sky star warehouse, the meaning of the stars of cultivation, is similar to the method, but he is a body of 129,600 large caves, corresponding to the vastness of the world, 129,600. The stars.

With the power of the stars, he is nurturing himself, and he is nurturing himself every moment, even if he does nothing in a big dream, his strength will steadily increase.

Therefore, although the meaning of the stars is not truly profound among the true meanings of the great avenues, the power should not be underestimated.

As soon as Tian Xing Cang entered the Jue Wu platform, he stood out from the crowd, because there were endless stars shining on him, making other **** kings look a little eclipsed, whether they were tough or not.

"The true meaning of the great road between heaven and earth, and the unbreakable power, are probably as many as there are stars in the sky." Meng Fan whispered to himself.

At first, he really began to pry into the true meaning of the Great Dao. He always thought that there were not many true meanings of the Great Dao in the primordial universe. Even once, he thought it was the nine true meanings of the nine great gods.

But after that, the meaning of origin appeared, the meaning of time appeared, the meaning of disaster also appeared, and now, the meaning of stars appeared again.

Now he has also become the Creator. He can feel the many powers in the heavens and the earth. He knows that in the heavens and the world, there are so many forces that bind everything and everything, forming a terrifying network. All living creatures are in this one. Dancing on the Internet.

What's more, there is the true meaning of rebelling against the heavens flowing from the end of Shenyin?

I don't know how many such forces there are.

At the moment when he was slightly fascinated, on the martial arts stage that was thousands of miles wide, the fight began.

Countless bystanders held their breath and watched carefully.

There are also many people who use their vitality to record various scenes in the spar.

Even in Meng Fan's origin, the people of the dark alliance are watching.

The reason is of course needless to say. The battle at the first level of the **** king is the top match in the world. The **** kings in the impermanence world are all powerful characters. Their methods are really "horrible and empty" and cannot be measured by common sense. , This kind of battle is really rare, and it is also of great benefit to the king of gods.

Once a fight, between the electric light and flint, infinite power erupts.

"That is the Longevity Immortal King of the Little Longevity World." Suddenly someone spoke and pointed in a direction.

I saw the twenty-odd **** kings on the martial arts stage, suddenly forming a certain camp, of which there were five **** kings, protecting a very old but powerful **** king.

These six **** kings suddenly formed a faction.

"Hmph, what is the purpose of this martial arts meeting, although I can't guess, it is obviously not a pure martial arts." A **** king said coldly. "The old **** king is the longevity immortal king of the little longevity world, and the other five **** kings may not be recognized by others, but they have some intersections in the past. They are the protector of the little longevity world, the right arm of the longevity immortal king!"

Meng Fan's gaze moved, and he understood naturally in his heart that in this decisive martial arts meeting, an immortal king and all his horses could be arranged in a duel, so obviously, there was some kind of shady.

This is not a conspiracy at all. For a person at the first level of the King of God, if you are aware of the details, this is a Yangmou.

His eyes flickered slightly, and various calculations were being carried out in his mind.

Heavy footsteps.

Tai Koo came to the front, his eyes full of power stayed on Meng Fan for a moment.

The **** king who was swept away by his formidable light immediately became all kinds of uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

That is the coercion from the ancient giants!

However, it fell on Meng Fan's body and immediately became invisible.

Obviously, this Taikoo Duke saw something unusual from Meng Fan's body, which was probing with his eyes.

Meng Fan, who was staring at the battlefield, remained motionless, leaving his entire back to Grand Duke Taikoo. This kind of behavior made the **** kings around him feel his powerful confidence, even if this is the world of impermanence, there are five emperors sitting here, but gathered here. , They are all **** kings, **** kings are existences that change their fate against the heavens. They are true "lawlessness". No one cares about the impermanence and the rules. Meng Fan dared to leave his back to an apparently deliberate test of himself His strong presence shows his confidence.

"There are too many powerful existences in the impermanence world, so endless catastrophes are circling. In this era, these long-term disasters will come at any time, and may destroy the entire impermanence world in the blink of an eye. Therefore, the five emperors must take measures. The Judicial Meeting is one of the five emperors' many methods."

Taikoo's buzzing voice echoed in many people's ears, and he didn't have any intention to lower his tone.

Meng Fan still said nothing.

No matter what method Taikoo uses, he does not respond, so this temptation is invalid.

He just stared at the martial arts stage.

The hair is flying, and there is a windless and automatic Tianxingcang in a little robes.

Then he sighed softly, "Really domineering."

Others don't know what Meng Fan's "really domineering" means.

Immediately their attention was drawn away again.

Tianxingcang spoke up.

His voice was ethereal, as if coming from the depths of the universe.

"At the end of the era, the world is ups and downs, visions are coming, heroes appear frequently, and their light is the most shining star in this world."

Tian Xingcang said, unlike his constantly flying appearance, his voice was calm.

At this moment, the Five Emperors suddenly raised their heads and looked outside the realm of impermanence.

After that, one after another, some powerful kings raised their heads.

In the end, all the gods felt abnormal.

Meng Fan, who was the first to perceive the vision among all the people, had long known what was about to happen, so he was also the only **** king who did not look up.

Twelve stars equivalent to one-eighth of the ten thousand domains were summoned by the Tianxingcang, piercing the power of the world and the impermanent domains that are not contaminated with cause and effect, and smashed into the battlefield!

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