Supreme God King

Chapter 2423: leader

A word from Meng Fan silenced Emperor Bei Cang again.

Not to mention the few people Meng Fan didn't know, they were the ones he knew.

Just talking about Meng Fan himself and the central emperor is endless!

Qin Taichuan also fought violently with Meng Fan.

As for the various ties and grievances between these leaders and kings, I don't know how many and how complicated they are.

This was the reason why Emperor Bei Cang was silent and why Meng Fan waited quietly.

It is indeed extremely difficult to gather hundreds of **** kings, and it is not easy to gather a few **** kings together.

"In fact, at this moment, it is the most likely opportunity for the Third Era Conference to be held." Emperor Bei Cang finally spoke. "The Lord of the Temple of Time has also reached the world of impermanence. He was the king who walked out of the world of impermanence. He and our five emperors are old acquaintances. This time, it is also for the Era Conference. If our three leaders can sit Together, this matter may be possible."

To gather all the leaders and kings on the list of the five emperors is tantamount to idiotic dreams, but it is easy to take the second place and gather the leaders who may be united together.

Emperor Bei Cang looked at Meng Fan very earnestly.

In fact, it is not the Five Emperors that is most likely to hold the Third Era Conference in the entire heavens and worlds today, nor is it the little-known Temple Master of Time, but Meng Fan!

This matter, needless to say, Bei Cang Emperor also knew it in his heart.

So she is extremely sincere.

Ever since Meng Fan stepped into the path of Shenyin and fought against several great Shenyin giants, his reputation has spread like wildfire.

However, his fame really resonated across the heavens and all realms, and it was the moment when the Purple Light Empire invaded.

Frustrated the various plots of the Purple Light Empire, the Heavenly Dao must kill the list at the top, rescued some **** kings in the battle on the edge of the sea, and fought against the ancient giants such as Jiuquan Mozun and Tai Wuji, and finally smashed back to Wanyu. The **** king regained countless people from the dark alliance. His story and his past have been investigated by many **** kings intentionally or unconsciously, and he has already become a legend.

Meng Fan's reputation and prestige are much higher than the five emperors who have always stayed in the world of impermanence.

This point can be seen from the body of the Most One. Regardless of whether there is anything concealed in the body of the Most One, at least when he said in full view that he would become Meng Fan’s right arm, everyone just felt surprised, but No one finds it absurd, this is Meng Fan's prestige.

If you change a person, for example, Zhiweiyi wants to become a goddess of Sumi, or the right-hand man of a person too, although they are giants of gods and hidden, they know a lot of people, but the kings will definitely think it is a nonsense. It's a cultivator crazy.

In addition, even if Meng Fan didn't say it, Emperor Bei Cang knew that the five emperors' leaders in the list of **** kings were all from Meng Fan's camp.

The four sages, the leader of the demon clan, the leader of the natural gods, Yang Zun, and the five pure-blooded heavenly dragons, are all in Meng Fan's original world at this moment!

The ancient emperor was also an ally of Meng Fan, and even his biological daughter was handed over to Meng Fan.

Although the sum of these **** kings is similar to the number of **** kings in the Purple Light Empire, all factions and races can actually gather around Meng Fan, and some simply join the dark alliance directly. This charm is amazing. of.

Emperor Bei Cang wanted to see Meng Fan very much, most of the reason was for the epoch conference, and part of his selfishness, it was this menswear woman, and wanted to meet this man who could be called the "most attractive" man in the universe. Style.

This name only began to appear a few months ago.

When Linglong Xinzun was born, all the people I met, even the King of Gods, sighed for the beauty of Linglong Xinzun, so her reputation spread. Everything became more and more miraculous. The appearance and appearance of Linglong Xinzun Jiaoyan has been rumored to be the "one in eternal age", of course this is false, others don't know it, but people in the dark alliance know that the Wanwei Demon Ancestor of the Ancient Era is exactly the same as Linglong Xinzun.

And Meng Fan, tied with Linglong Xinzun, was called "the most attractive man".

Only when Emperor Bei Cang saw Meng Fan, he didn't feel the charm of Meng Fan at all.

Powerful, confident, calm, and unfathomable, these words can all be used to describe Meng Fan, but Emperor Bei Cang never felt the charm of his personality.

She was very curious about how Meng Fan managed to gather so many powerful people around him.

But these are not important now. What she cares about is how Meng Fan will respond. As long as Meng Fan agrees, then the third era conference can be held, and even the era alliance can be formed!

Meng Fan closed his eyes.

He was always skeptical about the United Kingdom of Heaven and Earth, standing in the same camp, fighting together against the tide of ghosts and the Great Tribulation of the Era.

This point can be seen from the conversations between him and the Yuhuang Emperor and the Scale Emperor when he was close to Wuhai, slaying strange ghosts, and that he expressed his attitude at the time. All the kings gathered together, and they didn't believe that such a conference could change the great luck of the universe.

In certain things, Meng Fan is no different from other **** kings. He also scorns the common people. It is also very difficult for him to join forces with other **** kings. Now the strong people gathered around him are not forced, but once. Another encounter, one story after another, brought them together.

But now, his attitude has changed.

Stepping into the end of Shenyin became what he most wanted to do at this moment, but it was too difficult.

If the third era conference can really be convened and the era alliance can be formed, it would be a big step closer to entering the end of the gods.

He opened his eyes.

Emperor Bei Cang was taken aback for a moment, because Meng Fan's eyes had disappeared, and it was a sacred white.

The white gradually disappeared, and Meng Fan returned to his original state.

"The first two epoch conferences ended without a problem. The first epoch conference, the constant disputes, attracted the sniper of the incarnation of heaven, and the second epoch conference was the conspiracy and **** of the central emperor. This third era conference, If there are any more questions, I will take my people out immediately, not going to this muddy water, and don't want to waste time."

After speaking, Emperor Bei Cang immediately exhaled and nodded deeply: "As long as you have any dissatisfaction, you can leave directly. We won't say a word."

"it is good."

Meng Fan stood up: "In this case, let's go to see the Master of Guangyin Hall, are the other four emperors already with the Master of Guangyin Hall?"

"No, for this meeting, I will represent the Five Emperors." Emperor Bei Cang said.

Meng Fan frowned slightly, his eyes rested on Emperor Bei Cang, looking up and down.

This round of scrutiny made Emperor Bei Cang extremely uncomfortable.

As one of the five emperors of the impermanence world, she has always been aloof since the beginning of the era. Even with the other four emperors, she is still sitting on an equal footing, but at this moment in front of Meng Fan, she suddenly has a naked body, seen through, and somewhat despised. a feeling of.

"In the Judicial Martial Arts Meeting, your five emperors paved a avenue for all the gods to walk. In this martial arts meeting, there were more than 30 **** kings of the impermanence world. The young man Tian Xing Cang and I, who are not in the impermanence world, said the five emperors are the overlord of the impermanence world, but they have no absolute control at all, only appeal. In my eyes, the five emperors sitting together can only be regarded as the impermanence world Half a leader, you alone, even one tenth leader? One tenth leader, what qualifications do you have to talk to me?"

Emperor Bei Cang was stunned.

In Meng Fan's words, there are no profound roads at all, and there are no lip-services. It can't be simpler, but it also shows the terribleness of his creator who has no background and has suddenly risen in thousands of years.

Emperor Bei Cang stunned for a moment, and said solemnly, "I will call the other four emperors."

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