Supreme God King

Chapter 2428: Rookie and King

The final battle will be the final battle of the five gods.

Above the stands are densely packed.

The Five Emperors also arrived at the position, sat down, waved back the servants who were waiting around him, and looked at the martial arts stage with piercing eyes.

"The five of us have always imitated the ancient sages and did not contaminate the cause and effect of the heavens. Therefore, we never touch the true meaning of this great road. The meaning of disaster can be given to the Creator. He will participate in the final martial arts meeting? Meaning." Nanhe Emperor said in a voice.

Emperor Dongsheng said: "The final martial arts meeting is a grand ceremony that we have made. It is not only to call on the gods from all walks of life to participate in the Third Era Conference, but also to improve our reputation. The five battles have been won. If we don't fight in the final decisive battle, what would the **** kings guess? Meng, the leader, also gives us face."

"I'm afraid I will get wet shoes." Emperor Xiling sneered: "Tian Xing Cang, Yi Xian Tian, ​​Little Five Emperors are not easy to deal with. They are different from us. These young people are all in the rising stage, and their strength is increasing. When Tian Xing Cang took the shot, we had all calculated. If we want to completely block his twelve fallen stars, we must take the action of three of us. I am really afraid that the Creator will capsize in the gutter and lose to a group of young children. Hands."

"Xiner?" Emperor Zhongxu said solemnly: "Everyone, don't forget that the Creator is also a newcomer who has emerged in these ten thousand years."

As soon as these words came out, the five emperors were all startled, and finally remembered that Meng Fan was also a rookie who has risen in these ten thousand years. Although in terms of seniority, he became famous a few years earlier than the rookies selected by these days, but in these short years, For the boss who has lived an era, it is not worth mentioning.

Ten thousand years, and one thousand years, in the eyes of these bosses, there is no difference.

Unless it is like the Lord of the Temple of Time, there are only a few months left.

At this moment, the five gods appeared one after another.

It was Meng Fan who appeared first.

Just like the fifth fight, this time, he also walked on the road paved by the Five Emperors. The reason is simple, that is, to give the Five Emperors a face.

It was still the white-shirted dragon smiling proudly.

What surprised the spectators from all walks of life was that when Meng Fan walked in, there was still one person, who followed closely behind, who was actually the arrogant and domineering one who also walked this road.

Then, it was Tianxingcang, and also the martial arts platform on this avenue.

In the end, three of the five gods were all walking on this avenue. As a result, the **** king of the impermanent world, the first line of heaven and the little five emperors of the five gods, hesitated for a moment, obviously did not want to be maverick, so Follow along this avenue.

The Five Emperors didn't respond much, but looking at the corners of their mouths slightly raised, they seemed to be satisfied.

From the convening of the Judicial Meeting to the present, the five emperors feel that this grand ceremony is a failure. Although the **** kings from all walks of life come to participate in the Judicial Meeting, they do not pay much attention to the Judicial Meeting. Even Weiyi shot down Dongsheng Emperor, and ridiculed the Five Emperors. In the end, the five gods all walked the road they paved. This face is good, and it has a good ending.

On the contrary, Emperor Dong Sheng did not smile, but became more serious.

Upon seeing this, Emperor Beicang said strangely: "Emperor Dongsheng, what's wrong?"

"If the Creator doesn't take this avenue, then in today's decisive martial arts meeting, there will only be one person walking this avenue."

Emperor Zhongxu took a deep breath: "Obviously, the Creator has never intentionally influenced the situation, but his every move is always changing the situation. What is this called?"

"The road goes up." Nanhe Emperor said.

When the road goes up, everything will follow.

As autumn goes to winter, everything is gone.

Just as day and night alternate, sentient beings dormant or wake up, multiply and thrive.

Emperor Xiling looked at Meng Fan, the coldness in his eyes became more and more obvious.

Five gods stood on the martial arts stage.

Emperor Bei Cang stretched out a finger, pointed it on his clean and white neck, spoke gently, and the sound penetrated infinitely and clearly passed to everyone's ears.

"Impermanence Realm's first decisive martial arts meeting, the final decisive kill, now it can begin."

The voice fell.

There was no confrontation, no stalemate, but for a moment, the five **** kings each made different actions.

Tian Xingcang's starlight robe suddenly flew up, and then quickly expanded, like a curtain of night, covering the entire martial arts platform. His robe is obviously a tool of enlightenment, faintly, it is the countless stars of the heavens. The miniature is a horoscope, guiding the infinite stars!

The five emperors stood still with their feet, like an old tree rooted, inserted into the martial arts platform with vitality and law as the roots, and the billowing waves of vitality spread out quickly with his feet as the core, forming a circle of ripples. His strength is constantly increasing.

His hair gradually turned purple, and even drips of blood flowed out of his eyebrows, which showed that he was burning his lifespan and essence to improve his vitality!

It is directly an overdraft style of play, this approach, and only this kind of young man who suddenly rises, who has the fearless courage, dares to do it easily.

Yi Xian Tian held a sharp sword and had not been out of its sheath, but his eyes had locked everyone in the field.

Zhiwei picked up the halberd, but his actions made the spectators feel strange, because his Fangtian painted halberd, this ancient artifact, was clearly aimed at everyone in the field, but only did not face it. "Long Xiaoao".

In the distance, Fairy Bai Xue looked at the scenes in the field and whispered softly: "This is a fight between a rookie and a king."

Yes, this is a fight between rookies and kings.

Only a handful of people who saw Meng Fan's identity knew that he was the creator.

He is the king.

Everyone else in the field is a rookie.

Although, among these people, the moment of becoming the King of God is not much different from that of Meng Fan, and the first-line sky among them is much earlier than that of Meng Fan.

Meng Fan rose during these ten thousand years.

However, a ray of sky divided the sky with a sword 30,000 years ago.

However, whether it has risen in 30,000 years or in a thousand years, in the eyes of the old gods and kings of all walks of life, they are all rookies, just like some seventy or eighty-year-old masters in the secular dynasty who regard their teens or twenties. The people are all young people.

But Meng Fan would not be regarded as a rookie, he is a king, fame and prestige are kings.

So what will be the result of this fight?

At the moment when Fairy Bai Xue was watching the battle seriously.

The appearance of "Long Xiaoao" changed.

In just a few moments, he was restored to his original appearance.

Wearing a blue shirt, gilt cuffs, dragon-patterned phoenix tails, jet black boots, the face is as white as jade, like a work of art without any flaws, beautiful and unparalleled.

For a time, many people in the whole field exclaimed.

"The Creator!"

"Dark Alliance Leader!"

"It's actually him."

At this moment, he no longer needs to hide his identity.

You don't need to suppress your own means and strength, you can take action as much as you want.

Thus, the demeanor of the Creator is fully revealed.

The Tianxingcang, which has always been undisturbed, was also slightly surprised at this moment.

Yixiantian and the little five emperors were expressionless. After all, they are the **** kings of the impermanence world. Although they have heard about the heavens and the world, they have not personally experienced the various storms of the heavens and the world, although they know the creator Name, but don’t know what it means.

Then, Meng Fan moved.

The gazes of Tianxingcang, Yixiantian, and Little Five Emperors still stayed where Meng Fan had just stood, smashing the vacuum, and the speed was so fast that they didn't even react.

Little Wudi didn't even see, a foot in black boots that was close at hand.

This speed has surpassed the binocular limit of Little Five Emperor.

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