Supreme God King

Chapter 2430: Liwei

A sword that Yixiantian had brewed for a long time was pierced.

When he saw Meng Fan's method of breaking the vacuum.

The power of creation.

An inviolable defense.

He was still in the most tricky moment, outrageously out of the sword.

In this sword, a certain spirit is sublimated.

If you move forward, you would rather bend than bend.

Dare to pierce this sword, a line of sky, is a first-class sword god.

Meng Fan suddenly turned around.

It's like when the stars are moving. The whole martial arts platform, even a radius of tens of thousands of miles, is at this moment, it seems that day and night are reversed, life and death alternate.

It's all because of Meng Fan's turning around!

And he was facing Jian Feng.

A thin line of sky holding a sharp sword is right in front of him.

He closed his eyes.

Meng Fan knew that whether this sword was successful or not, it was not important to Yixiantian. His daring to stab this sword was the most important step for him to become a sword god.

Before he knew it, Meng Fan had become a mountain in front of many people.

Just as many years ago, the end of Shenyin, the ancient emperor, and the lord of the thirteen halls were an almost insurmountable mountain in front of Meng Fan.

Just like now, some of the top existences among the heavens and all realms, such as the Great Chaos Emperor, the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao who are constantly reborn, and some other hidden characters that have never appeared, are still a mountain in front of Meng Fan.

For young rookies such as Yixiantian, Tianxingcang, and Xiaowudi, Meng Fan is such a big mountain.

Dare to challenge this mountain is supreme courage.

Meng Fan is called the creator.

The sword of Yixiantian is to assassinate the Creator.

Regardless of the result, he will leave the history behind.

Jian Feng arrived.

Meng Fan didn't move.

Wrapped in dragon scales, the power of creation is flourishing.


There was a crisp sound.

The sword of the sky is broken.

On Meng Fan's chest, two dragon scales fell off.

A ray of sky stopped his figure, stood a few feet in front of Meng Fan, looked at the broken blade in his hand, closed his eyes, and carefully recalled the momentum of the sword just now.

Although he had broken the instrument of enlightenment, he did not regret it at all.

Being able to assassinate the creator is already his martial arts, a rare experience.

Throwing away the broken blade, bowed and saluted Meng Fan, and said, "The Creator, one day, my sword will let you see blood."

"I'll just wait for that day." Meng Fan said lightly.

Xiantian went straight out of the martial arts platform.

When Yixiantian walked out, Zhiweiyi was still stunned for a moment. It seemed that he hadn't slowed down since Meng Fan defeated Tianxingcang, Xiaowudi, and Yixiantian with absolute overwhelming strength after three shots.

After the front line of the world came down, Zhi Weiyi finally recovered, with a satisfied look, it seemed that he saw Meng Fan's shot, which was the happiest thing, and then turned and walked directly off the martial arts stage.

The first and possibly the last decisive martial arts meeting in the world of impermanence is over.

The creator, Meng Fan, walked out of the martial arts stand with his hands behind him in a blue shirt.

At this time, the news that Meng Fan appeared in the world of impermanence and won the Judicial Meeting immediately spread.

Today's Meng Fan doesn't have a big reputation, too many eyes are staring at him, so once he appears anywhere, news will spread like wildfire and spread everywhere.

Just a dozen hours after the end of the decisive martial arts meeting, the news also reached the Purple Light Empire.

The Ziguang Empire at this moment, the whole, gave people a dull feeling.

Although several great catastrophes and great turmoil have not affected the Purple Light Empire, the people here still work and rest normally, and the area under the jurisdiction of the Purple Light Empire has not diminished in the slightest, but even an ordinary monk can feel the Purple Light Empire. , The road goes down, and luck is declining.

In today's Ziguang Empire, there are only more than seventy gods left.

Among them, there are nearly half of the **** kings who gathered from all over to join the Purple Light Empire after the central emperor left.

The successive failures and the central emperor's exhaustion of the Purple Light Empire's humane powers have caused the Purple Light Empire to suffer an extremely heavy blow. The fall of too many Divine Kings has greatly damaged the strength of the Purple Light Empire.

A word, also gradually spread in the Ziguang Empire.

"At the end of the era, luck is ups and downs, some are rising, some are falling."

This sentence obviously refers to the Ziguang Empire.

Originally, it was most likely to become the leader of the era and build a great achievement in the Purple Light Empire, but now it is down to the extreme, a scene of sinking, even some old-brand Purple Light Kings have a certain mind, leaving the ever-falling Purple Light Empire, Don't be pulled into the abyss.

This kind of thing is really sad.

The central emperor was lying in his residence, staring in a certain direction with his eyes unblinking. This look had been for many days.

He has been like this since the last time he failed against Meng Fan in Ten Thousand Realms.

Anyone can feel the snow-white hair, the old face, and the heroic breath.

Nowadays, there is already a certain voice in the Senate of the Purple Light Empire, which is to choose a human emperor. Although the voice is not very high because of the powerful strength of the central emperor, it is just a private conversation of certain gods. Since the sound was made and it was not subdued, it showed that this was the idea of ​​many old **** kings.

Regarding these, the Central Emperor turned a blind eye, and did not express any attitude. Now, all matters in the entire Ziguang Empire, he has no more questions, and is completely left to the Eight Pavilions.

The calm for a few days was broken.

Suddenly, the ruling palace lord appeared in his residence.

"My lord, look."

The ruling palace lord handed over a document.

The central emperor picked up the document and looked through it for a while. A certain luster flashed across the pupils and said coldly: "Looking at this posture, the world of impermanence is going to convene the third epoch conference, it is to form a new era. alliance?"

The ruling palace lord nodded slightly: "I think so too, and Meng Fan appeared in the world of impermanence. Once he appeared, he overwhelmed the crowd. Obviously, he was also the main leader for the third era conference."

The Central Emperor smiled.

The smile is very peaceful.

But then it turned into a sneer.

"The ruling palace lord, you have been the leader of the Eight Pavilions for many thousands of years. The Scheming City Mansion is horrible. If I do not leave the customs, you will be the emperor of the Purple Light Empire. Now the Purple Light Empire is beginning to decline. The voice that I dare not say clearly after leaving office, of course, is from you. These days when I don't appear, you decide the size of the Purple Empire. Now that this happened, why did you come to me?"

When the central emperor said so, the ruling hall master did not change his expression, and respectfully said: "The world is in great shape, and adults must be at the helm. How can I have this ability?"

"You do." The Central Emperor nodded slightly: "I will bear the grievances with Meng Fan. Starting today, I will abdicate. If you re-elect the emperor, I will leave the Purple Light Empire."

The ruling hall master was startled.

It seems that some can't believe my ears.

The central emperor got up and got off the couch. From his arms, he took out a black and purple token with the three characters on it very eye-catching.

"The ruling emperor."

Then, he took out a side seal.

"The ruling emperor's imperial prestige."

One by one, he removed all the symbols of the Emperor of the Purple Light Empire, and handed them all to the hands of the ruling palace master.

In the end, only one white shirt was left.

"In just a few years, the two emperors of the Ziguang Empire resigned within a few months after taking office. The ruling palace lord, the Ziguang Empire is falling, and luck is declining. This sentence is what I said, and the next emperor, also It won't last long." The Kangzhuang Avenue opened at the feet of the Great Central Emperor, and he left directly, silently, without leaving any traces.

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