Supreme God King

Chapter 2436: Extraordinary Twins

When the mighty chaotic army appeared, there was a dead silence between heaven and earth, and any vitality was swallowed.

And the son of Chaos, who stepped out first and was very mysterious and powerful, took the lead and left this army of Chaos behind. He took the first step and shuttled to a place in the void of the heavens and worlds.

This place is amazingly time palace!

The location of the evolving soul.

As soon as the son of chaos fell, the eighteen patron saint kings opened their eyes, their expressions were suddenly shocked, and they quickly shot out vigor, and fell on the son of chaos without any damage.

"Hello, character, stand aside, don't delay my time."

The son of Chaos, the sound of urn sound, like a sound from the abyss, and a faint reverberation, expressionless, stretched out his hand, and immediately a patron saint king dizzy, his body shook, and then his face was blue and purple. , Seemed very painful, with a "pop", his chest exploded, and a heart flew out and fell into the hands of the son of chaos!

Although the realm of the **** king would not die even if the body was broken, but the heart was taken out in the air, still suffered heavy injuries, lying on the ground, constantly twitching.

The Son of Chaos sniffed this lively beating heart, swallowed it in one bite, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, looking extremely cruel.

"Evolve the soul, get out of me, otherwise I will kill your patron saint and tear down your time palace!"

The eighteen patron saint kings were shattered, shivering and afraid to approach.

At this time, Shimen opened.

With a wide robe and big sleeves, the young man's evolving spirit came out with a tight face.

"The Great Emperor Chaos doesn't know how many children of Chaos there are. Although there are a large number, there are a few, and they are so famous--I didn't expect that the first son of Chaos went out of Wuhai and returned to my palace."

The first child of chaos!

That's right, the Great Emperor Chaos, I don't know how many children of Chaos are all the **** king roles he created by various means.

But no matter how many children of Chaos there are, there is always a head and the first person.

The son of chaos in front of him is the first son of chaos, the first **** king created by the great chaos!

"The emperor said that the evolving soul is the most deduced character between heaven and earth. Because of the meaning of controlling time and spying on the past and the future, he likes to bet with various gods and kings, get their spirit ideas, refine and incorporate them into his own spirits. Therefore, the evolving soul, possessing the most powerful soul in the universe, and the ability to transcend cause and effect, today I have seen it. From my birth to the present, there have been two epochs. I have never stepped out of the end of the gods, but you I can figure out my identity in one click, then, can you figure out why I came here?"

"You can come here for anything." The Evolving Yuanshen said calmly: "To see the past, to know the future, and to calculate the present, you can come here. I have been in the Time Palace for so many years, and the people who come to bet with me are different. The reason, then, the first son of chaos, you should be Meng Fan."

The first son of Chaos has bright eyes, grinning sneer, and four sharp teeth are exposed.

"Yes, yes, you are right. In the last epoch, the emperor chose the nine great kings as guides and gave them various purposes, allowing them to lead many kings to the end of the gods. In this era, the emperor also A leader was selected, the creator Meng Fan, and he gave him various purposes, allowing him to lead many gods to the end of the gods, just like the ancient nine gods, he became the emperor’s plate lunch, but, I don’t agree with this plan. Do you know why?"

"Because of the body of his creator." The evolving soul was still calm.

The first son of Chaos was so happy that he couldn't help applauding: "You are really the happiest one to talk to, and you can understand it in one sentence! That's right, in fact, all the sons of Chaos are the biggest ghosts The difference lies in our bodies. The emperor used his means to create ghosts out of thin air, but to really create a perfect son of chaos, it would not be that simple. The emperor needed to be made with the flesh of the **** king, including me, Two epochs ago, it was the emperor who created me with the body of a **** king and his chaotic meaning.

At this moment, the great emperor gave the order to remove the creator Meng Fan from the swallowing roster and the nomination certificate. He wanted him to lead all the gods to the end of Shenyin safely and securely. In the true meaning of his great way, good luck and meditation The meanings are all powers that the emperor has never imitated, and of course they will be used by the emperor. Then his flesh and blood will be swallowed by the emperor, it does not matter, but there is another possibility that the emperor creates another son of chaos, and the rest Everyone can guess. I'm afraid that the position of the first son of Chaos will not be preserved, and I am greedy for the flesh and blood of the Creator, and I have stayed at the end of Shenyin since I was born. I am curious about what the heavens and worlds are. Looks like, I also want to relax in a big battle. "

The evolving soul frowned: "As the first son of Chaos, how dare you defy the order of the Great Chaos?"

"Of course I dare." The first son of Chaos chuckled: "If you say this, it means that you can't count everything. You don't understand the emperor. The emperor is the most unconsidered existence between heaven and earth. Between heaven and earth, the only thing that can be called the Greatest Jane, the loud sound, the invisible existence of the elephant, my careful thoughts, these calculations, or my defiance of the emperor’s orders, are nothing, as long as I kill the creator , Then in the eyes of the emperor, I am strong and can be forgiven forever.

Well, evolve the soul, I came to you this time with only one purpose. I once heard the emperor say that there is a very mysterious realm in the world, and people who can reach this realm, at present, in the heavens and all realms, only you evolve into the soul, and I want to reach that realm. "

The evolving soul's face became more and more solemn: "I don't understand, what kind of realm is there in the world that only I can reach, and I don't know it?"

"This realm is a state called a transcendent twin. Upon reaching this realm, my power will expand infinitely." The first son of Chaos sneered and took a step forward: "Evolve the soul, you don't always want Thoroughly comprehend the profound meaning of the world, so as to escape from time like the impermanence fairy king escaped from cause and effect? ​​You don’t know this realm now, because you have not truly escaped from time, but I can help you do it. , But at the price, hehehehe..."

Out of time?

Evolve the soul, like a slapstick!

"The Extraordinary Twin..."

The four words reveal infinite mystery and profoundness.

The various forces deployed by the Heavenly Dao in the heavens and worlds focused on Meng Fan, the moment when the first son of Chaos also focused on Meng Fan.

Qiankun's Ark is slowly moving along the path of divine hermit.

In fact, with the speed of the Ark of Universe smashing the vacuum and the power of creation, at this moment, it has reached Wuhai.

But such slow progress was meant by Meng Fan, who was sitting on the first floor of Qiankun’s Ark.

"The Ark of Impermanence and the Ark of Conferred Gods reach their limit speed, which is less than one-thousandth of the Ark of the Universe. The Era Alliance has just been established. The three Arks are the entire alliance and cannot be separated too far." Meng Fan said softly.

A **** king on the side nodded cautiously, recorded Meng Fan's words, and left immediately.

This is an alliance **** king, responsible for various communications between the three arks.

When the **** king left, the female emperor who had just arranged the king's residence came nearby, and she saw Meng Fan's expressionless face, but when she was careful, she could see that Meng Fan's brows were also slightly frowned.

"What's wrong?" The Empress asked with concern.

"The avenue is messy." Meng Fan said softly, his eyes immediately turned into pale eyes of creation, and God's will brewing in them. "Some kind of turbulence is about to begin, and I feel restless."

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