Supreme God King

Chapter 2443: Master the cycle

A **** but arrogant Princess Inviting Moon, the yellow robe is like the ancient emperor of the ancient king, appearing outside the Hundred Flowers Realm.

The two killed the vitality **** system and law **** system respectively, and came here with the help of the void opened up by the two heavenly incarnations!

The breath of Princess Yueyue has undergone tremendous changes, and a certain kind of power of the great real meaning circulates in her body.

The ancient emperor, the tuna is long and majestic, and the strength is several times higher.

I don't know what the two experienced.

However, the appearance of the two, the astonishing aura descended, made the white-robed **** kings of the three major heavenly sects feel slightly chilled!

In the distance, the first child of Chaos flashed his eyes and chuckled softly: "Under Meng Fan, the seven main gods of the dark alliance have arrived except for Linglong Xinzun. It is really a big scene. Well, this invites Princess Moon, domineering. Arrogant, yet coquettish, it would be great if it were put into a harem, hehe..."

Inviting Princess Moon to stand in the air, her eyes projected, and she fell into the Hundred Flowers Realm, surrounded by too many strange ghosts and still motionless on Meng Fan, opened her mouth and spit out a blood, pursed her lips, snorted, and then the eagle hit the sky. Into the tide of ghosts!

The ancient emperor didn't move, but turned his head and looked at the discipline god.

"The source of the heavens, the era alliance, the end of the gods, the three big forces are all gathered here, it is really rare, I just killed a god, don't mind killing another god, punish the gods, now you are not enough Qualified to face Meng Fan, but I am willing to confront you once, my will, God does not want to do it?"

The words were casual, but with infinite pride, the ancient emperor laughed up to the sky, his figure flickered, and he punched his domineering punch directly at the face of the discipline of God!

In Meng Fan's alliance, if the strongest is said, it must be the Heavenly Battle Giant.

To grasp the meaning of the source, to open up two seas of vitality, infinite power, especially the upright mind, without distraction.

Then after the Battle Sky Giant, there are two others, whose strength is very close to that of the Battle Sky Giant, not the Linglong Xinzun who has mastered his mind. Although this monster race supreme has many methods, the combat power is not top-notch.

Only the ancient emperor and Princess Yueyue can truly compare with the giants of the sky!

Princess Yingyue inserts the tide of strange ghosts from behind, like a sharp sword, pierced into the belly of the fish, and immediately flies in the sky. Hundreds of strange ghosts are constantly crushed and crushed. Even if they can condense and recover again, there is no time to stop Yingyue The footsteps of the princess.

The figure of black plum blossoms on white background is as domineering as Meng Fan, arrogant as the ancient emperor, and charming as exquisite Xinzun.

Boom! The ghost vortex surrounding Meng Fan's body was forcibly exploded by Princess Yue!

In the void, the ancient emperor and the discipline of the gods of punishment had already met hand-to-hand, fists and feet collided, thunder flashes, divine will spread, and the sky was full of light and flint, extremely dazzling.

The three heavenly sects can only stand far away, but they dare not take action. Their original purpose was to disrupt the Epoch Alliance, and then find the opportunity to cooperate with the three gods to kill Meng Fan!

Nowadays, in the hearts of many puppets of Heaven, Meng Fan is the first target to kill.

This point can be seen from the three major gods joining forces to deal with Meng Fan.

As the creator, how can Xiaotiandao be tolerated by the source of the heavens?

Everyone knows that as long as Meng Fan is killed, the Era Alliance will be hit hard and will even collapse on its own. The three hundred **** kings of the Era Alliance, more or less, will regard Meng Fan as their leader.

However, only one of the three gods came here, and the other two were directly killed. The appearance of Princess Yue and the ancient emperor made the situation more subtle.

This makes the three major Tianzongs do not think there is a chance to shoot.

In the awe-inspiring sky, a white robe suddenly moved his brows, stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the air. It was an idea that fell on his palm. He glanced and read carefully, and was even more shocked.

"what happened?"

In this situation, these white-robed **** kings are all a bit of a soldier, and quickly asked.

"Definitely the sky... is destroyed." The white-robed **** king said in a daze.

at this time!

Violent waves in the void.

Two huge arks suddenly appeared in the sky above Hundred Flower Realm.

On the ark, the five emperors, the master of the temple of time, and the supreme one all looked condescendingly at the battlefield.

There are more than one hundred **** kings.

Era Alliance, everyone is here!

As he held Fang Tian's halberd in one hand, his eyes blinked, and he received the thought from Meng Fan.

"Destroy the vast sky, the natural sky, and the changing sky."

The voice came out.

Zhiwei turned his head to look at the three great heavenly sects floating in the void, completely shrouded in white light, and drove the Fengshen Ark directly into it!

"One heart and one morality, the law speaks casually. After all, I underestimated the Epoch Alliance." The first son of Chaos licked his lips, and his eyes showed red light: "I thought this was an alliance of mobs, but I didn't expect it. Fighting, all the members are here, the creator Meng Fan's words are iron orders, which are executed without hesitation. It is interesting and interesting. It seems that the four chess pieces buried by the heavens in the heavens and the world are not waiting for the real If it comes in handy, it will all be unplugged!"

A piece of chaos emerged in the sky, and several figures came quietly, standing beside the first child of chaos. Seeing their aura, you could guess that they were all children of chaos, but compared to the first child of chaos, it seemed A little weaker, but still stronger than many **** kings who dominated the ages.

"Brother, the situation is complicated." A son of Chaos said solemnly. "Can you still do it?"

"Old Eighteen, what do you think is complicated?" The first son of Chaos smiled sorrowfully. "The Era Alliance, the Four Heavenly Sects, and 30,000 ghosts are in a melee. This is a pool of muddy water, but if we wait a little bit, there will be the fall of the **** king, the puppets of the heavens are killed, and 30,000 ghosts, I guess they will also be damaged. More than half, by then, it won’t be complicated, just wait."

"Wait?" Another child of Chaos showed a different color. "Boss, in this situation, isn't it the best time to kill the Creator? Have to wait, when? This time we followed you out, which is against the will of the emperor. If we can kill Meng Fan, it can prove Our strength, that's okay, if we can't do it, the emperor will definitely condemn it. That is not something we can bear. Every decision you make now is not yours, but it concerns all of us!"

"That's it." The first son of Chaos smiled slightly, looked at this son of Chaos, and suddenly, a palm was printed on his chest!

It's this palm.

This son of chaos broke directly, flying all over, leaving only a head, his face was full of surprise, but his soul was also dissipating, and pieces of his face fell off, and he said viciously: "You dare to kill me, I will Reincarnated at the bridge of reincarnation, first plead guilty to the emperor, and then sue you for 36,000 crimes!"

In the shout, the first son of Chaos waved his hand a little impatiently, and his head completely fell apart, and the son of Chaos was killed.

The rest of the children of Chaos, their faces tense, glanced at each other secretly.

"I forgot to tell you that the emperor has given me control of the bridge of reincarnation. The time limit is ten thousand years. Within ten thousand years, I can control reincarnation." The first son of Chaos sneered.

The children of the chaos around them were shocked and skeptical, but they did not dare to make any trouble.

"The creator, Meng Fan, the leader of this era, who was chosen by the emperor himself, could be attacked and killed by us fishing in troubled waters? I have to confront him head-on, and take a look at the characters that the emperor favors. Have three legs and six arms?"

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