Supreme God King

Chapter 2447: Parallel twins

When the first son of Chaos approached slowly. www.しwxs520. co[phoenix\\/phoenix\\///ia/u///]

On his body, the chaotic aura that originated from the end of Shenyin suddenly faded.

In the faintness, that hanging over the head of Chaos First Child, the envelope of Chaos Great Emperor, gradually disappeared without a trace, he seemed to have stepped out of some kind of shackles and shackles, and his strength was rapidly climbing.

As if turning into a butterfly.

It seems that Nirvana is born again!

That's right, at this moment, Meng Fan frowned, and what he felt from the first son of Chaos was the taste of abandoning everything and being completely reborn.

"The emperor said that between heaven and earth, the most indestructible real meaning of the Great Dao, derived to the extreme, can display the means of changing fate against the sky, the method of rebirth of the Jedi, just like the impermanence of the impermanence of the impermanence of the exercise of causality to the extreme. , The ultimate meaning of time is to break free from the shackles of time, break the timeline, and become an existence on another plane. According to the emperor's words, this state is the true mortal, a kind of twin."

In the words, the body of Chaos First Child swayed slightly, and immediately behind him, an afterimage appeared.

This afterimage is not a phantom left in Meng Fan's eyes because the first time of Chaos is too fast.

The eye of creation cannot be deceived by the degree!

It was the first son of Chaos, who suddenly split himself and transformed into another flesh.

It is not a clone, it is not a rebirth of flesh and blood, but another level of differentiation.

It's... the differentiation of time.

Just as Meng Fan saw the infinite himself in the sea of ​​sun light!

That's right, the first son of Chaos, as if changed the timeline, reversed time and space, and pulled himself in another time and space into this time and space.

But unlike Meng Fan’s experience in the Sea of ​​Chenguang, in the Sea of ​​Chenguang, if Meng Fan touches himself in any time and space, there will only be one result, that is, time and space collapse, causing irreversible damage, and even destroying himself. Erased from the heavens and worlds, no longer exists.

However, the first son of Chaos has achieved two time-space selves, which exist in the same domain. Moreover, one of the first sons of time-space chaos has extremely strong chaotic aura on his body. Obviously, he is still under the control of the end of Shenyin. Down, and the other first son of Chaos, just like the **** king of the heavens and all realms, free and free from any constraints, even the heavenly catastrophe above his head did not appear.

Where twins!

Meng Fan took a deep breath, squeezed his hands, his fists shook.

"It seems that you have given the evolving soul a bargaining chip that cannot be rejected, and you have given you the means to merge time and space to escape the control of the Great Primal Chaos. In addition, I also saw in your body the true meaning of the Great Dao from the end of Shenyin, which is obviously The creation of the Great Chaos. I have seen some of the children of Chaos, but you are the only one who grasps the true meaning of the gods. Now, I have seen reincarnation, chaos, and eternity, but I am very curious, what kind of anti-sky methods you can display ?"

The true meaning created by the Great Chaos is as powerful as the true meaning of the Dao, but it is completely rebellious, reincarnation against contemplation, eternal against disaster, and chaos against order.

Meng Fan had already seen that the true meaning of the Son of Chaos was also resisting the control of Heaven and repelling the advent of disaster.

"The true meaning I have is a bold attempt by the emperor." The two first sons of Chaos said at the same time, with a grinning smile on their faces. "All things and everything, the heavens and the universe, the cosmos, these are all words used to describe the heavens and the earth, describe the great road, describe the law, describe the whole world, everything exists because of'being', but will die because of'nothing'."

A chaotic first child, slowly stretched out his palm.

In the palm of his hand, a certain power hovered and rose rapidly.

When this power appeared, the entire void suddenly became silent, invisible and invisible, and even Meng Fan was shrouded in this power. In an instant, the pillars of martial arts buzzed, and the six major truths , Trembling violently like a string, repelling the power displayed by the first sub of Chaos.

This power can be described in one word.


Meaning of nothingness!

There is heaven and earth.

There is everything.

Then the universe is prehistoric, through the ages.

Everything exists because of "being".

The true meaning of the Great Dao in the palm of the first child of Chaos is nothingness, complete nothingness, ignoring all existence, ignoring all power, lawlessness, and extreme madness!

At the same time, a large silver-black umbrella appeared above his head.

Umbrella bones are rugged, crooked and twisted, the umbrella surface is undulating, the handle is curved, and the shape of the umbrella is a few feet long, without any rules, like a crooked monster, a weird creation.

There seems to be no magic.

But Meng Fan's eyes couldn't see through this big umbrella!

In his eyes, there is only the shape of this umbrella.

But everything in the umbrella is totally invisible, completely distorted.

In the eyes of Meng Fan's creation, even the most profound things in the world have been insight, even if the true meaning of the gods is hidden, some of the reasons can be seen.

This big umbrella is like a bottomless abyss, and nothing can be seen at all!

For an instant, Meng Fan suddenly had an illusion that "the sky is above."

That's right, like a huge sky, shrouded above his head, laws and orders suddenly appeared, fettering his power.

When he reached the realm of the **** king, he began to change his fate against the sky. Today, Meng Fan is already the creator. I don’t know how many **** kings he has crossed. It is already a "lawless" existence.

Shenhou and Yuhan were already dead, but only because there was a ray of soul left, they could be reborn by him.

Fingers of creation, creatures everywhere.

The hand of heaven also failed to **** Mingyi from him.

The catastrophe above his head surfaced several times, but disappeared several times because the will of Heaven was not sure of obliterating him.

Powerful, as a "little heaven."

There is no power, and it can restrain him, life and death, time, and space will not suppress him in any way.

Real lawlessness.

At this moment, there was suddenly a law of heaven, and the sky enveloped him. He was not a sky, but the illusion of a weak creature living under the sky!

Meng Fan could not imagine.

Just like a dragon elephant, accustomed to living among ants, but suddenly feels insignificant.

Just like an eagle, it cannot fly now.

Like a lone wolf, it became prey in front of the sheep.

Meng Fan’s knees were extremely heavy, and his calves tremble. He gradually buckled his body. Even if he tried to straighten his waist, he was still panting. His pupils were congested and scarlet. His teeth gurgled and seemed to fall out of his mouth.

Every head is no longer flying.

Wearing a green shirt also lost its light.

He gently squeezed his knees with his hands, and he didn't understand or understand why there was such power in the world.

"What creator, you will always appear, in the realm of heaven, in front of the most secretive power in the primordial cosmos, in front of the most secret and unheardable power in the primordial cosmos, you are nothing." The first son of Chaos is the crazy smile, the grim smile, Two flesh bodies, two from different time and space, one of them still escaped from the chaos controlled by the emperor, gently waving the big umbrella.

The umbrella surface hovered, as if covering the sky, the sun disappeared, the vitality disappeared, and everything was invisible.

"Do you think that the discipline of the gods, the vitality of the gods, and the law of the gods, are they the earliest incarnations of heaven?" Chaos first son sneered. "It's a big mistake and very wrong. As early as many epochs, the source of the heavens had created an incarnation, but compared with the three gods of this era, the ancient incarnation failed too much.

The ancient incarnation is not the aggregation of the will of heaven and the law of heaven and earth, nor the incarnation created by the source of the heavens. Unlike the three gods, which can be reborn even if they perish, the ancient incarnation is the **** of heaven from all living beings. The chosen one is said to be still a human race, a barbaric world, and an ordinary*.

Heaven gave him power, endowed him with infinite laws and vitality, and cultivated him into a strong man and a firm believer in Heaven. Then, he stripped his flesh and blood, cause and effect, origin and so on. , Gradually replace these forces with the means of Heaven, the prohibition of Heaven, and the weight of Heaven.

In the end, a powerful incarnation that has never been seen before was created. "

The first son of Chaos took a few steps forward, and finally Meng Fan knelt on one knee. His body was uncontrollably suppressed by the sky-like power, making it difficult to even raise his head.


A drop of blood fell in the sea of ​​vitality.

A tooth came out of the mouth.

Seeing his hands, Meng Fan's nails began to fall off, and his bones were exposed.

"Heaven created this avatar with only one purpose, that is, to kill the first person in the primordial universe, the Great Chaos, so this avatar stepped into the end of Shenyin, but as a result, he lost.

The first son of Chaos sneered and shook his head slightly: "It was a terrible defeat. Because the emperor possesses not only the most powerful power in the world, but also the most meticulous scheming since ancient times, and this oldest heaven Incarnation, said to be an incarnation, is essentially just a creature. In the process of transforming into an incarnation, I don't know how many regrets there are. These regrets have become the emperor's means to deal with him."

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