Supreme God King

Chapter 2449: The death of the creator

The big mouth turned into the meaning of nothingness bit off half of Meng Fan's body in one bite. ??

The body of the creator, the flesh reshaped three times, has not been injured by the falling of the stars, but was swallowed half by the mouth of this meaninglessness!

If this scene were to be seen by many **** kings who had fought against Meng Fan after he became the Creator, he would be shocked and even shake his soul.

But it is true.

First of all, this is the home court of the first son of Chaos, and all the power is controlled by him, and he can wield 12% of the strength.

Then, under the umbrella, Meng Fan couldn't wield much power at all, and he couldn't even move the law and vitality.

Therefore, Meng Fan failed to transform himself into a dragon in the first place, making himself sacred and inviolable.

One will lose and the other will grow, and the meaning of nothingness will divide him!

The sharp pain at this moment is hard to explain.

It is no longer bone-thinning, but a sharp pain from the deepest part of the soul and the deepest source.

Even for an instant, it was no longer painful, and Meng Fan, who was still motionless in the face of the stormy sea, suddenly felt dark in front of him, and almost passed out in pain.

It was also at this moment that many emotions that had long been stripped away by him reappeared in his mind.

Fear, panic, hesitation, and loss.

These, long ago abandoned by him, long ago did not belong to his emotions.

Becoming the Creator, experiencing life and death countless times, choice and parting countless times, Meng Fan's heart has long been as solid as a rock, no matter what storms, ups and downs, or pains, he can bear or even ignore.

But at this moment, he lost half of his body instantly, but now he can't resist the growth of these emotions at all.

In the severe pain, he turned around and punched, doing his best, bombarding the body of the first son of Chaos!

But he tried his best to punch, but was easily avoided by the first chaos.

His strength has weakened too much.

The first son of Chaos retreats quickly, and the huge mouth that the meaning of nothingness has melted into his body. He sees his abdomen up and down, the corners of his mouth are raised, and he enjoys incomparably, like a hungry ghost, eating the world’s best delicacies, like a Pervert, saw the most beautiful woman in the world standing in front of her meticulously.

He even moaned uncontrollably!

Meng Fan's flesh and blood made him feel extremely satisfied!

Although under this mouth, it only swallowed the flesh and blood, it did not really touch the power of Meng Fan's origin, vitality, laws, pillars of martial arts, and the true meaning of Dao.

But still too cruel.

Meng Fan, who was already at a complete disadvantage, became like this in an instant. It can be said that he was completely forced into a disadvantage!

"The meaning of nothingness is too horrible." The first son of Chaos looked like he was leisurely, strolling in the air, watching Meng Fan, who was suppressed by the skyless umbrella and could not reshape his body, leaving only half of his body and half of the skeleton. . "Back then, the emperor always wanted to create a boundary, a boundary that even the realm of heaven could not cross. He did not finally achieve this until he grasped the meaning of nothingness, but the meaning of nothingness, formlessness, shapelessness, soundlessness, such Power is too difficult to control, and it is in conflict with all powers. Therefore, the emperor took many years to separate this true will from himself and put it under my control, and I have suffered from this true will for many years."

His face slowly changed in the words, and in a faintly manner, all the strange physical characteristics gradually disappeared, suddenly showing some human signs.

With only one eye left, Meng Fan gritted his teeth tightly and endured the pain, but he could see that the reason why the first son of Chaos showed the physical signs of the human race was because it had swallowed Meng Fan's half-body!

Son of Chaos, Meng Fan has long been spying.

This creation of the Great Primordial Chaos does not belong to any race between heaven and earth, and even in Meng Fan's deduction, he has seen how the son of Chaos was born.

The Great Chaos used the body of a certain **** as an embryo, and then used his own thoughts or strength to shape the soul.

Immediately afterwards, add the most important thing, that is, a hint of chaos.

Until now, Meng Fan hadn't seen the true face of the meaning of chaos, but the power of chaos he occasionally saw made him extremely shocked by the majestic and vastness of this power.

Everything comes from chaos!

Chaos is messy, without rules, and completely muddy.

Therefore, no matter the ghost, the lord of the ghost, or the child of chaos, they can eat other creatures at will without restriction, turn their flesh and blood into their own flesh and blood, and turn their power into their own power. Many blood vessels and many physical signs are manifested.

Even Meng Fan couldn’t do this. Even with the means of his creator, he would not easily swallow other creatures, especially those powerful creatures. Since Meng Fan began to grasp the true meaning of the Great Dao, he has truly "devoured "The creature is the Oracle Dragon Emperor, or because of the ancient flesh and blood rebirth mystery mastered by the Emperor Yu and the Scales, it is not actually swallowed, but the power of the Oracle Dragon Emperor is completely integrated into Meng Fan's body.

But the Child of Chaos does not seem to have such scruples!

To put it simply, it's like pouring water and oil together. Most powerful creatures swallow each other, and they cannot be completely compatible with each other. They may even repel each other. Even their bodies may explode and their origins may break.

Or water has overcome oil and gradually assimilated oil. It takes a long time to truly turn external forces into its own.

But the children of Chaos do the opposite. They are water, and the external power is oil, but they do not assimilate the swallowed power, but in turn, accept the swallowed power, and even become the swallowed power!

Therefore, every child of Chaos cannot determine the race, because in their bodies, the signs of any race they swallow will show up. Therefore, the children of Chaos, some give birth to dragon horns, some give birth to huge wings, and Yes, with three heads and six arms, even fish scales, fangs, wide mouths, and so on.

And the first son of Chaos, who lived for two epochs, didn't know how many creatures he swallowed.

Hundreds of millions!

Among them, there are many powerful gods.

It's terrifying.

Just like a person, even if he eats fish every day, he cannot become a fish.

A wolf eats a sheep and cannot become a sheep.

But at this moment, when he swallowed Meng Fan's half body, this powerful Creator's body completely defeated all the blood and physical signs in the body of Chaos First Sub, directly becoming the king among them, and making Chaos the first Yizi's appearance became more and more like Meng Fan, and the human aura became stronger and stronger.

"Ah..." Chaos First Child breathed in excitement. "The creator, Meng Fan, as long as you completely swallow you, I no longer need this meaning of nothingness. In the past, the meaning of nothingness was a double-edged sword that tortured and bound me, but in the fight, it gave me A powerful force, now, as long as I eat you, even if I abandon the meaning of nothingness, I will be infinitely strong, and forever, out of the control of the Great Chaos!"

After speaking, he raised his hand and grabbed it, the meaning of nothingness turned into a dagger, and cut a mass of flesh and blood from Meng Fan's body.

It's even more painful!

Under the Umbrella, Meng Fan tried his best to push the true meaning of the Dao in his body several times, but he couldn't display it no matter what. The suppression of him by the Umbrella was complete and complete.

This powerful Taoist tool has even developed the concept of a Taoist tool. The divine object made from a part of the source of the heavens is much stronger than any incarnation of the heavens!

Such suppression of Dadao's true meaning is simply terrifying.

It is conceivable to what extent will the true source of the heavens suppress the true meaning of the Dao?

Of course, the way of heaven itself cannot cut itself at will.

"The Creator, compared to me who lived for two epochs, your appearance is really too sudden. They call you the number one **** king of the heavens and the world, the number one person in the eternal night, and a light in the dark room. "The first son of Chaos shook his head again and again. As a winner, he was full of mockery: "How vast and terrifying this universe is. You still don't know anything, Creator? It's just a joke, compared to the emperor. Compared with the power at the end of Shenyin, you are just a baby!"

The meaning of nothingness suddenly condenses endlessly.

This colorless and invisible, even without any true meaning of power fluctuations, actually became tangible in an instant, turned into a crystal-clear white square the size of a palm, and was hit by the Son of Chaos at Meng Fan with a palm!

"Return to nothingness!

Completely disappear.

It's not just cause and effect.

Not only time.

There will be no trace of you in the heavens and myriad realms, the cosmos, and throughout the ages, there will be no traces of you, completely disappeared, and erased forever. This meaning of nothingness is your funeral! "

The white "square piece" came straight to Meng Fan.

Meng Fan tried his best to urge Dao's true meaning, his flesh and blood was burning, and his seemingly infinite lifespan was decimated!

Finally, in the body, a great path of true meaning was slowly moved.

The meaning of space.

He wanted to break the vacuum and walk away.

But this true meaning has not yet been fully mobilized, the square piece of the meaning of nothingness has penetrated his body!

The small square piece suddenly unfolded.

Meng Fan's body suddenly became flat, as if being oppressed by some incomparably huge force, it became a piece of paper-no, no, it is not a piece of paper, even a piece of paper, no matter how thin it is, it must have thickness. Yes, but at this moment Meng Fan, even the thickness does not exist!

It's just a shadow of if there is nothing.

Then, disappear into nothingness.

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