Supreme God King

Chapter 2451: Huangquan

That is the soul.

Remnants of souls, wisps of spirit, some, just a thought, there is no consciousness at all, and it is slowly drifting.

Meng Fan didn’t know where he was, but he knew very well that in this world, there is no underworld, no hell, no Yamada, everything will eventually be destroyed, reincarnation is just the true meaning of the end of God’s concealment, its true meaning is What, Meng Fan didn't know, but the underworld certainly didn't exist.

Back then, on the edge of the Universe Great World, that existence resembling Yan Luo Dao was nothing but an experiment by the ancestor of humanity.

In the last epoch, the ancestors of humanity did two things. The first thing was to do something that no **** king had done since ancient times. They cut a part of the heavens and wanted to explore the mystery of it. The second thing was to use brokenness. Fragments of ancient ships without seas created one ark after another, which carried human beings and used it to continue humanity.

These human races hiding in the Ark have gone through a long period of great calamity, and do not know how many generations they have. The last Ark has only a few thousand people left, and they have come to a brand new world. They were selected by the ancestor of a personal Tao in advance. Humanity is gradually declining in some places, and in some places, humanity is becoming more and more prosperous. Among them, the two places where humanity is most prosperous are the Universe World and Ziguang World.

The Ziguang World gave birth to the giant Ziguang Empire, while the Universe World gave birth to 36 sects.

Later, in the early days of the Sixth Age, the ancestor of humanity still existed in the primordial universe, and lived in the universe for many years. Taking care of those humane bloodlines and humane fire, he will also be in the universe. He will hide from the gods. Part of the power of reincarnation that was plundered was condensed into a hundred stone pillars, and wanted to explore the mystery of reincarnation, and created the underworld of the universe.

But the underworld of the universe, to put it bluntly, is a very gloomy place, without sunlight, isolated by various restrictions and barriers, and then in the "underworld", there are teleportation arrays leading to the central area of ​​the universe. , After being buried, any dead creatures will be transported to the "underworld". If some creatures and souls still exist, they will be kept in the "underworld" and will not disperse for many years.

Some powerful spirits have even existed for hundreds of thousands of years.

This method is not powerful. Even if it is Meng Fan, it is nothing to keep the spirit of the monkey for tens of thousands of years and hundreds of thousands of years. It can even be retained for millions of years. The real shock lies in using this method The ancestor of humanity had the unhurried imagination and terrifying ambition that day.

Therefore, for this, Meng Fan was not surprised.

Here is an extremely cold place, without the slightest yang energy. If the real creature is here, unless it is a powerful divine king, otherwise, it will be eroded by the cold, and even the soul will be swallowed and taken away. In short There are ten thousand ways to die here.

But here is the heaven of souls.

Compared with the "underworld" of the universe, the only difference here is the huge rejection of any creatures, flesh and blood, the infinite rejection, and the absolute cold.

At this moment, Meng Fan was very weak, extremely weak.

Lost his body, only some broken souls remain. All the true meanings of the great avenues lie dormant and cannot be moved at all. Even the pillars of martial art have turned into a shadow and remained in his thoughts. Therefore, it is difficult for him to calculate The true meaning of this world.

But he can calculate that this world has existed for a long time, and the source cannot be traced back, and the end cannot be seen.

At this moment!

A ghost cry.

Not far away, a few huge ferocious spirits, like a hungry wolf and a tiger, slaughtered them like a sheep!

Even in the world of spirits, there are the weak and the strong, and the fittest survive.

All creatures have the concept of life. Sex is the longevity and life is the life of the flesh. Generally speaking, life is very short. Because the sun, moon and stars, day and night, spring, summer, autumn and winter, the four seasons alternate, life and death are impermanent. They will age very quickly. People are less than a hundred years old, and ants are less than one autumn.

Kindness, the lifespan of the soul is very long, usually several hundred years.

It's just that when the body dies, the soul escapes and is exposed to the scorching sun, thunder, and yang. It can't bear it, and even when it is blown by the breeze, it will immediately disappear, unless you find a good place, such as this extremely gloomy place, to protect yourself.

But even in an extremely gloomy place, the soul is always aging.

As a result, many souls will devour each other, like a wolf eating a sheep, like a big fish eating a small fish, filling up their incomplete thoughts and extending their life.

Meng Fan has seen this scene many times in the little "underworld" of the universe.

So when these spirits rushed up, Meng Fan didn't mean it, just silently glanced at them.

Then they lost their souls.

The screams were never issued.

Only in this scene, the many remnants hidden in the surroundings groaned and groaned. They were very scared and cowered and hid. Some even retreated to very far away places, thousands of miles away.

When they left, Meng Fan suddenly felt open-minded.

"That's it."

The bursts of yin in this extremely yin land seem to be very tonic to the soul, equivalent to the vitality of living beings, absorbing these yin qi, the spirit and thoughts are gradually nourished.

When the surrounding spirits were inspired by Meng Fan’s terrifying will, a single look obliterated several powerful souls, and they immediately retreated. Only Meng Fan was the only one to enjoy the Yin Qi in this area, so I felt open-minded. .

Even the memory and spirit have become much clearer, and they are no longer muddled.

He looked around.

Although I don't know where I am, what I have gone through, and how far away I have traveled, one thing is certain, and that is-he is still alive.

There was no death, and there was no death.

It's just that he has lost his physical body and is extremely weak.

It's like the original Taichu and Tai'a were crushed to pieces.

There are also many **** kings who explode their bodies, as if their souls flee.

It’s just that Meng Fan’s soul suffered a great deal of damage. It can be said that it was a heavy injury. Most of his thoughts were swallowed by nothingness, and he shuttled through the space, and arrived here. Compared with the beginning, Tai Ah lost his body and the soul escaped. It is ten thousand times more dangerous.

But as long as he is still alive.

There are endless possibilities!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing.

For a long time, between the world and the earth, there are people who want to obliterate him. I don't know how many people are, what the hegemon of the ten thousand domains, what the end of the gods, the central emperor, and the ancient monster, but he is still alive.

Only this time, he saw more mysteries from the body of the first son of Chaos, the endless power between heaven and earth, the real mountains outside the mountains.

I finally knew what a huge gap there was between him and the Great Chaos Emperor at the end of the gods and the heavens hovering above all the gods.

I finally understand that the ancient nine great gods, one hundred sages of humanity, infinite dragons, countless monsters, so many heroes, are enough to destroy the heavens and the earth, but when they step into the end of the gods, the entire army is wiped out, one by one. Dao Xiao was buried in the long river of history, but he didn't even see the emperor Chaos!

Among the nine ancient gods and kings, the only person who really saw the deity of Emperor Chaos was the old man Toutuofutu.

Even the mention of Emperor Chaos has complicated emotions and extremely resentful Jiuquan Demon Venerable. In fact, what he is fighting against is only a shadow of Emperor Chaos.

A single shadow is enough to defeat Jiuquan Demon Venerable, escape from the end of Shenyin, sit on the road of Shenyin, until an epoch has passed, and then through a million-year conspiracy to borrow the corpse to return to life.

Similarly, a part of the ancient incarnations derived from the source of the heavens turned into a terrifying divine object, which went beyond the concept of Taoism and Dharma artifacts, so that 90% of the whole body power suppressed by the Creator Meng Fan could not be exerted. !

This horror.

There is simply not too much mystery between heaven and earth. Even Meng Fan, who has been able to snoop into the details of everything, suddenly feels his own ignorance.

He calmed his mind, breathed out and gasped gently, constantly swallowing the surrounding Yin Qi, and gradually strengthened himself.

The names echoed in his heart.

Dark Alliance, Era Alliance, Empress, Linglong, Gu Xin'er, God Monkey, Gu Xin Ao, Niuniu... many.

At first it was meditation.

Then, he closed his eyes, exhaled yin, and spoke out, stiffly saying every name.

Wait for me and go back soon.

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