Supreme God King

Chapter 2465: Day of ruin

Deep in the void.

Qiankun's Ark and Conferred God's Ark are like two barren giant beasts that have hung here since ancient times, lying silently, motionless, completely hidden.

In the Ark of Universe, there were only a few people together in the huge void.

The female emperor, the ancient emperor, the giant of the sky, the one who invites the moon princess

"I don't believe it." The empress said coldly, her voice unchanged.

"Meng Fan will die, I don't believe it either." Gu Huang said calmly.

The Zhantian giant scratched his chin: "Lao Meng will die in the hands of a son of chaos who walked out of the end of Shenyin?"

The first one is extremely excited: "Senior must still be there!"

It has been several days since Meng Fan disappeared.

If it just disappeared, of course, there would be no rumors that Meng Fan died and disappeared. It was Meng Fan's legacy that really made this statement.

Not long ago, a **** king saw a floating body in the void, motionless. In this body, there is a huge world hidden!

In the flesh, there is a world. This is an unprecedented sight. Only one person can do it. It is the creator Meng Fan. The origin of his body is a great world, and it has indeed become his symbol, and he is also at the top of the universe. The capital of the king.

The people from the Era Alliance rushed to get this relic, and found out that it was not Meng Fan's body, but it was just an empty shell.

No calculation is required, any **** king can see that it was Meng Fan’s body that was destroyed. Originally, this remains should not have appeared, but because he is beyond the power of creation, the power of the world, and the body of any **** king. The origin of the cause of the vast world has drawn infinite strength from the void and forcibly condensed this legacy.

Although it is not Meng Fan's deity, this flesh body is still extremely strong, at least stronger than the flesh body of the high mountain saint king of the impermanent world.

Moreover, the blood of this physical body is still flowing, there is breathing, and it can be vomited, but it is already a walking dead, without any consciousness, his eyes are tightly closed, and he doesn't move.

Now, this physical body is suspended in front of several people.

This kind of news could not be covered up, so there was an uproar immediately up and down in the Era Alliance. The various actions of Meng Fan from the beginning of entering the martial arts gave the God King of the Era Alliance a feeling that Meng Fan was impossible. Those who were killed were the real heroes of heaven and earth.

However, when the facts were before everyone, many gods and kings began to have doubts in their hearts.

At the moment when the slough was discovered, the flesh and blood avatar left by Meng Fan suddenly entered a long sleep state, disappeared, and turned into a walking corpse, and then in just a few hours, it turned into smoke and completely dissipated.

This scene even let all the gods know that Meng Fan has died, and his soul is shattered!

Immediately afterwards, two days ago, an army of more than 20,000 ghosts suddenly launched an attack on the Epoch Alliance. Because they were caught off guard and panicked, the three arks of the Epoch Alliance could only retreat immediately. At this moment, again Encountered the hand of God!

That's right, it was the arm that Heavenly Dao evolved from when Meng Fan was fighting.

The same arm that was controlled by the will of Heaven and derives power from the infinite void, severely hit the Ark of Impermanence, and also forced the Ark of Impermanence to escape into a twisted void vortex. It is still unclear where it is now.

If it weren't for the giant of the sky, the princess inviting the moon, and the ancient emperor to join forces to repel that arm, Qiankun Ark would also be hit.

Missing Meng Fan, the Era Alliance was immediately in danger.

For this reason, Fengshen Ark and the many **** kings of Qiankun Ark immediately held several meetings to discuss ways to deal with it. During the meetings, the empress and others could clearly feel the doubts and shakes in the hearts of the kings.

Will the three consecutive epoch conferences all end without disease? In the first era conference, more than a hundred gods were strangled by the heavens. In the second era conference, there were constant disputes. With the fight and roar, the third era conference, the leader of everyone's heart, Meng Fan, died again?

Many people feel that the dark age is coming.

The minds of all the gods are disintegrating a little bit, and they gradually lose confidence in fighting against the heavens and the end of the gods.

This is horrible.

In response to this situation, the female emperor who temporarily became the leader of the dark alliance convened a very urgent meeting with the pure-blooded Heavenly Dragon and Five God Kings, the Four Sages of the Mixed World, Yang Zun, and Zhiweiyi.

The final result is two. First, we must do our best to find Meng Fan's trace.

Second, it must not stop. The purpose of the establishment of the Era Alliance is to step into the end of the gods and fight the catastrophe of the era without stopping.

For this reason, some people headed by the pure-blooded Heavenly Dragon and Five God Kings have dispersed and used various means to find clues about Meng Fan.

After that, some other people were also dispatched.

Including Yun Feiyang, Meng Niuniu, Fairy Bai Xue, the Four Sages of the Mixed World, Yang Zun and so on.

What they have to do is to find the whereabouts of the Ark of Impermanence, and to unite any possible united forces in the heavens and worlds, and invite them to join the Era Alliance.

Let the Epoch Alliance continue to grow, is the way to stabilize the Epoch Alliance. If it stops, then the Epoch Alliance will only collapse.

And at this moment, sitting in this void and watching Meng Fan’s remains, as well as the hundreds of millions of creatures in the great world, the Empress, the Princess of Moon Invitation, the Ancient Emperor, the Giant of the Sky, and the One, are all incomparable. Resolute, do not believe that Meng Fan will die.

The most one is because of worship.

The empress is because of trust.

The ancient emperor, the giant of war, and the princess of Yueyue cannot believe that the Great Emperor of Ten Thousand Regions, their once most feared opponents, and now the creators who are fighting side by side, will die and die. If you admit this, you will recognize them in disguise. He was weak and so weak in front of the end of Era Great Tribulation and Shenyin, they couldn't accept it.

If it is not to stabilize the situation and these core figures cannot leave, they will all take action and look for Meng Fan.

"Yang Zun took Meng Niuniu and Fairy Bai Xue to find Lei Tiangong, and the Four Sages mixed the world to find the Six-eyed Immortal Venerable. Can they succeed? Both of these characters disappeared in very old years and have not appeared for many years. People who have passed, if not for the news from the Five Emperors, we don't know the existence of these people." The ancient emperor said solemnly.

The female emperor also looked solemn, and in this situation, it was really covered with dark clouds.

Princess Yueyue sat cross-legged on the ground as always, leaning her chin in her hand and said: "It is said that Lei Tiangong is the only powerhouse among the giant spirit tribes who has stepped into the realm of the **** king. The giant spirit tribe, as long as they reach the realm of Tianyuan, they have the worth. It’s very scary than the physical power of the God King. It’s just because of its low intelligence, so there has been no God King level Giant Spirit Race since ancient times. I am curious, what strength should the Giant Spirit Race God King be?"

"Lei Tiangong hates all races in the primordial universe except the giant spirit race." The female emperor said solemnly. "For a long time, the low-witted giant spirit races were enslaved by other races, until the appearance of Thunder God, liberating countless giant spirit races in the world, and took the giant spirit race away forever, disappearing in In the heavens and myriad realms, Yang Zun, as a **** king who has lived for an era, has an understanding of many things in ancient times, and also knows some clues about Thunder Heaven, whether it can be achieved or not, it is still something.

As for the Six-eyed Immortal Venerable, this person seems to be even more mysterious. It seems that in a very old age, he once created a realm, but that realm fell apart in the Great Tribulation of the Era. Who is he, what is his origin, and he is here? Where are all secrets, the Four Saints of the mixed world want to find the traces of the Six-eyed Immortal Venerable, it is completely a needle in a haystack. "

The empress rubbed the corners of her eyes tiredly. These days, as the leader of the Dark Alliance, she has also become the focus of the Era Alliance. She has solved too many things and analyzed too many things, and she is already very tired.

Seeing this scene, Princess Yingyue got up and walked outside. Several other people also left, to give the empress some time to rest.

They just walked away.

A helpless and weak expression appeared on the face of the empress.

Looking at the "Meng Fan" floating in front of him, this is just a physical body with the appearance of Meng Fan, dressed in a blue shirt, slightly floating, with a peaceful face, his eyes closed, too much like Meng Fan asleep.

"Where have you been?" The empress said in a hoarse voice.

The kind of helpless and weak, everyone will be emotional, it is impossible to think that the exquisite female emperor will have this side.

at this time!

With a movement of her eyes, the female emperor immediately got up, her long skirt fluttered, ribbons flying, and she looked outside the Ark of Universe.

The void is shaking slightly.

The vitality is flowing against the sky.

Suddenly, space channels appeared, and groups of strange ghosts swarmed out.

It's as if the **** burst, and the flood gushes out like a raging flood!

There are many ancient desolate beast puppets, sons of chaos, and enslavement of giant spirit races.

There is no way to count it!

In the Hundred Flowers Realm, the number of thirty thousand is already boundless, causing the Epoch Alliance into a bitter battle.

But here, there are more, and appear endlessly!

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