Supreme God King

Chapter 2467: Awakened forest

Fairy Yang Zun, Meng Niuniu, and Fairy Bai Xue, the three **** kings at the top of all living beings, just walked in the Forest of Whispers, and didn't dare to urge their vitality.

"The dark alliance has an unshakable, unconditional trust and worship for the Creator. This power is comparable to the meaning of aspiration."

While walking, Yang Zun said softly.

He walked in front of two young and powerful girls dressed in white.

Since Meng Fan's disappearance, many people's hearts have been shaken, only the dark alliance, no one believes that Meng Fan will die.

Even Meng Niuniu didn't see any sadness or worry on her face.

This kind of trust and worship was established by Meng Fan’s turnaround time and time again. It left a deep mark in the hearts of the dark alliances and even the souls who walked out of the ten thousand realms, just like a **** who stands upright in the sky, for everyone. Carrying up heavy burdens, worrying about the fate of everyone.

It is conceivable that Linglong Xinzun was caught at the end of Shenyin, and Meng Fan led the dark alliance to break through the chaos and rescue Linglong Xinzun. If the core of any other dark alliance encounters this situation, Meng Fan will be like this. do.

Speaking of which, Meng Fan is a very incompetent **** king.

Even though he is extremely overbearing and unmoving, he is still sentimental, sexual, casual, and emotional.

For many years, Yang Zun always believed that the king of God should abandon all emotions and use only the most rational spirit to walk the martial arts, but he did not expect that someone could be like Meng Fan, go upstream, and become the only creator in ancient times. It is the person with such a strong personality charm, the dark alliance, the mediocre person, all heroes, all of them are like a rainbow, but they surround him.

The Era Alliance was thus established.

This kind of charm is really comparable to the meaning of ambition.

"Even if Grandpa is really dead."

Meng Niuniu spoke suddenly.

"Life and death is the way of heaven, and grandpa will guard against the sky."

Yang Zun stopped and looked back at Meng Niuniu. What he saw was a very peaceful face. This sentence was not sonorous or resolute. On the contrary, it was very plain.

It's as casual as eating and drinking.

It seemed to be a trivial matter that couldn't be more simple, a trivial matter beyond doubt.

This kind of firmness made Yang Zun a little dazed. For a moment, he seemed to have been infected by the emotions in Meng Niuniu’s words. Originally, in his heart, life and death were impermanent, and he lived for an era. Exist, and there will be a day of dying. Since ancient times, only the Great Emperor Chaos has always been on the side, and even the source of the heavens has nothing to do. Therefore, Meng Fan became the spiritual leader of the Era Alliance. They are all at stake, even if they die, it is true that a star will fall, and a legend will end, but it is not unacceptable.

So although Yang Zun didn't say anything, when he heard the news of Meng Fan's fall, he just sighed, knowing in his heart that this was definitely not groundless, and Meng Fan had really fallen.

At this moment, when Yang Zun saw Meng Niuniu's expression, he was also in a daze for an instant. It seemed that Meng Fan could really reverse life and death and would not disappear.

At this moment of surprise.

Suddenly, Yang Zun, Meng Niuniu, and Fairy Bai Xue brows all at the same time, and they all felt a vast aura, and a powerful wave of vitality came!

The lush branches and leaves of the towering giant trees began to shake, rustling, as if they were alive.

Upon seeing this, Yang Zun stepped back immediately, holding Fairy Bai Xue and Meng Niuniu with both hands, moving quickly.

Just when Yang Zun retreated.

Where he was just standing, a big knife fell.

This big knife, simple in shape, bright silver throughout, inserted into the ground, and suddenly the mountains were swept by the tsunami-like wind and waves, and many trees were blown and tilted to the side!

This is really a big knife.

Yang Zun, Meng Niuniu, and Fairy Bai Xue stepped back hundreds of steps, raised their heads, and saw the hilt of the knife above the lush giant wood forest!

This is a machete that is at least eighty feet long!

Emperor Yu and Emperor Scale were both **** kings cultivated by ancient giant beasts. Even though they were transformed into human form, they were very tall, as were the giants of the sky.

However, these three gods, Yu Huang is three feet tall, Lin Huang is three feet tall, and Zhantian Giant is three feet tall.

There is a sharp blade here, as long as eighty feet!

Among them, there are many formations and vitality ripples, although they are very rough, they reveal a huge force.

Yang Zun, Meng Niuniu, and Fairy Bai Xue were shocked when they saw the handle of the knife from the blade.

"Grandpa always said that in the way of kendo, one must go forward, that is the right way, but there are also two forks, one is called the sword to go slant." Meng Niuniu said with a trembling voice, she could see that she was very shocked. "The other one is called Epee Wufeng."

This sentence is exactly what Meng Fan said.

To match the eighty-foot-long mouth in front of you, like Optimus Prime, I don't know how heavy a sharp blade is, it is simply too appropriate!

"Giant Spirit Race." Yang Zun brows brows: "And he is a very powerful monk, at least in the Heavenly Origin Realm!"

The giant spirit race of the Tianyuan realm, physical strength, is enough to be comparable to the **** king.

The so-called "Nor nation" refers to the giant spirit tribe. Even if they don’t have any vitality and have not stepped into the martial arts, a very ordinary giant spirit tribe can uplift a mountain directly and carry it on its back. If the clan enters the martial arts a little bit, then it can really move the country!

This is not a metaphor. In ancient times, there were some powerful sects, occupying a large world, and they used the giant spirit tribe to arrange the layout, move one country after another, and even open mountains and rivers to open the sea, truly changing the world.

"I am Yang Zun!"

The loud voice was passed out, reverberating quickly in the forest, without rest.

As soon as the voice came out, the giant trees trembled violently, seeming to respond to his words.

Fairy Bai Xue looked left and right, looked at the leaves that kept flying, and said in surprise and excitement: "Senior Yang Zun, they are responding to you!"

Meng Niuniu also felt that suddenly many of these giant trees that had been sleeping seemed to be awakened.

"Yang Zun..."

An old voice sounded.

Not far away, the bark of a giant tree changed, faintly, as if it turned into a pair of eyes.

Those dim and old eyes looked at each other with Yang Zun.

"Really... it's... you..."

The sound is very slow.

It takes a long time to spit out a syllable.

Yang Zun looked at the old giant tree and nodded: "It's me, but I don't know you."

Jumu said: "You, of course, don't know me, when you shine on us, I am still a seed, thousands of seeds, among them, one.

But I, remember, you, you shining on us for three million years-wake up! "

The huge trees one after another suddenly opened their eyes.

There are also some huge plants and trees that suddenly change. Not only do they have eyes, but their roots and leaves have also become hands and feet and limbs, all of which are spirits.

Looking at Xiangyang Zun, the huge trees that opened their eyes made a burst of incomprehensible sounds, rising and falling, but it gave people a feeling of vastness, ancient times, and vicissitudes, like the carols of ancient times, echoing in all Echoing in human ears.

At this time, the earth trembled.

Without waiting for Yang Zun to see anything clearly, a huge hand grabbed the handle of the sharp blade and pulled out the big sword directly.

Then, a giant spirit race appeared in front of him.

Hundreds of feet tall, mountain-like body shape, and armor coat stitched with the fur of unknown monsters, gives a person an extremely shocking explosive muscle.

Every muscle is like a small hill.

That face was also very human, but it was rougher, and the beard was very long, and every beard was thick.

"It's not the Tianyuan realm... it's the Xuanyuan realm!" Yang Zun said in surprise.

This is not a giant spirit race monk in the Heavenly Origin Realm, but a giant spirit race monk in the Profound Origin Realm, whose physical power has surpassed many powerful men who have just stepped into the realm of the **** king!

"Who are you?" The Giant Spirit Race spoke as if it was about to set off a violent wind and huge waves. If Yang Zun is not a **** king, but only the gods, I am afraid that it will be unstable.

"In Xia Yang Zun, it used to be a scorching sun shining on this whispering forest." Yang Zun said politely, and slightly bowed his hands. This is what Yang Zun can do. Other gods, no matter what their personality, are afraid No one would give up to a monk in the Profound Origin Realm, regardless of whether you were a giant spirit race or not.

If Meng Fan is here, it is very likely that he will step on this giant spirit tribe directly, and then ask coldly: "First, tell me who you are."

If the giant of the sky is fighting, it is afraid that this giant spirit race will be killed directly.

The ancient emperor might just smile coldly, then break off the legs and hands of this giant spirit race, and move on.

The behavior of Inviting Moon Princess should be similar to that of Battle Sky Giant.

Only Yang Zun can do this kind of thing.

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