Supreme God King

Chapter 2469: Last battle

"Lei Tiangong, as the leader of the universe, you are in charge of tens of thousands of giant spirit races. Don’t you know that at the end of the era, the catastrophe is approaching, and the tide of ghosts is raging, what race and power are all prey in front of the tide of ghosts? , In the face of the Great Tribulation of the Age, there are all ants, righteousness, don’t you understand? Under the sky, all beings are all beings. If they are all beings, they are condemned by the heavens. At this moment, they have to divide races and hold the grievances of ancient times? I thought you were one of the best heroes in the world, but I didn't expect that the entire Giant Spirit Race would be a woman of grievances!"

The words came out.

The surrounding giant spirit tribes suddenly violent, and immediately shaken the mountains, each with a hideous face, as if they must take action at any time to kill Yang Zun!

The physical strength of these giant spirit races has reached the level of a **** king, and some even surpass many **** kings. This violent action should not be too shocking.

In Meng Niuniu's hands, the sword intent would shoot out at any time.

Fairy Baixue was too, trembling with flesh and blood, as if to separate the incarnation and begin to challenge.

However, Yang Zun was still motionless, without the slightest intention to make a move. With his hands behind him, he was completely righteous and awe-inspiring. Facing Lei Tiangong and other giant spirit clan powerhouses, his face was expressionless.

As a result, the few giant spirit races who are about to violently attack, but have no way to attack.

There is no resistance to beheading, and even a Yang Zun who is willing to slaughter. If they do, it does not conform to their xinxing.

"If you don't say righteousness, I will say small ones. You said that the giant spirit races of the heavens and all realms have been liberated by you. Only the scattered ones may still be enslaved everywhere, so how many giant spirit races are there? There is only one giant spirit race in any place, either a guardian gate **** or a sect treasure. In ancient times, you had not liberated all giant spirit races, a sect that dominated the world, possessed More than a thousand giant spirit races are already very terrifying. Now, how many giant spirit races do you have? Thirty thousand? Fifty thousand? Then thousands of thousands in the Chaos Realm are shackled and treated as flesh shields, cannon fodder, and Don't you liberate the giant spirit race of the beasts and horses? Let them be caught!"

Meng Niuniu communicated with Fairy Bai Xue with Lightning and Flint.

Senior Yangzun, although superficially gentle, he is a boss who has lived through an era.

On the surface, it feels awe-inspiring, but in fact, there is still too much water in the words.

How many giant spirit races there are in the chaos world is simply unknown, where are the tens of thousands of figures?

But one thing is true, that is, the Chaos Realm has indeed imprisoned many giant spirit races.

As soon as he said this, Lei Tiangong stood up suddenly.

The earth collapsed slightly.

"what did you say?"

As soon as Yang Zun's palm moved, a picture suddenly appeared in front of Lei Tiangong.

In the picture, it is the Hundred Flower Realm, and more than two hundred giant spirit tribes are beating the Great Wall of Spar in the Hundred Flower Realm.

These giant spirit races, all with shackles and shackles, are at the forefront, driven and enslaved.

Many giant spirit races can see clear scars and deep bones.

What's more, it was even more miserable. Both hands and feet were cut off, and some swords and spears were worn, all tens of meters in length, completely transforming them into war weapons.

The picture soon ended.

In the back, Yang Zun did not show it.

However, in this scene, more than two hundred enslaved giant spirit races have been seen by Lei Tiangong and other giant spirit races. Their anger is beyond words.

"The leader of this legion is a son of chaos. How many sons of chaos does the Great Emperor of Chaos have? I think, Lei Tiangong, you should know without me, so how many giant spirit races there are in the chaos world, you can calculate it!

These giant spirit races are enslaved in the chaos realm, and they are raised in captivity like beasts. When you step into the current realm, you are relying on your own martial arts, so how do these giant spirit races that reach the Tianyuan realm? of? Was it forced, or something else? Only one thing is certain. Since they are all raised in captivity as cattle and horses, and their bodies are covered in shackles and shackles, the Chaos Realm will definitely not train them like monks. It is impossible to give them a method, give them a medicine, but only use training. The beastly way, let them become war weapons! "

After several words, Yang Zun fell silent.

Lei Tiangong, blood was already flowing into his pupils, his hair was flying, and his lips trembled slightly.

The other giant spirit races are all similar in appearance, each with hideous faces.


A roar.

The voice of Lei Tiangong resounded through the sky!

In the Forest of Whispers, there was a sudden violent shock, and countless birds vacated and were startled away.

Meng Niuniu turned her head, looked at Whispering Forest, and quickly pulled Fairy Bai Xue beside her.

Both girls looked over, their beautiful eyes widened.

One after another, giant spirit races, hundreds of feet high, walked out of the Whispering Forest.

Every step is shaking the earth.

These giant spirit races, I don't know how many years they have lived, they have all entered the martial arts, and more than half are in the Tianyuan realm!

There are also many giant spirit races in the Xuanyuan realm.

One after another, monks like mountains and rivers, many topless, showing strong muscles, one after another with tattoos, covering their chests and faces.

The magnificent, refined and powerful momentum, earth-shaking.

One after another, endless.

There are words in the world, and there are ten thousand people, boundless.

This means that if ten thousand people are together, it is impossible for you to see the edge of these ten thousand people with your naked eyes.

And here are not 10,000 mortals, but tens of thousands of hundreds of feet tall giant spirit race!

They stand together, they are simply continuous mountains and rivers, and they are the most vast and magnificent mountains and rivers!

After these giant spirit races walked out, they all roared.

That is the language of the Giant Spirit Race.

It resembles the roar of a dragon elephant and the scream of a wild beast. It is very weird, but it also reveals a shocking heroism.

In this sound, both Meng Niuniu and Fairy Bai Xue felt that their breath was not smooth, and there was a feeling of being oppressed and restrained, and the laws and vitality of the whole body had become frozen.

In the roar, Lei Tiangong looked at Yang Zun in front of him.

Yang Zun also looked at Lei Tiangong.

Two powerful **** kings looked at each other.

"Forty-seven thousand giant spirit races!"


The sound of the sky cracking!

Lei Tiangong took a deep look at Yang Zun at last, turned around, and walked outside the Whispering Forest.

After a few steps, he came into the air and walked in the void.

One after another, Giant Spirit Clan monks followed Lei Tiangong, step by step out of the Whispering Forest, step by step, towards the heavens and the world.

"For millions of years, we have been hibernating here, waiting here, we have our own creed, and we live our quiet and peaceful life like a giant tree.

We have gone from slavery to today, becoming a strong man in the world that no creatures dare to underestimate. Our breath will form a storm, our footsteps will shake the earth and the mountains, and our eyes will turn into the most dazzling universe. Bright sun!

We can do it because we are like brothers and brothers. We will not give up any companions. We stretch into the vastest mountains and rivers in the world. Together, we are one world!

Come on, giant spirits.

Sing our oldest carol! "

A giant spirit race began to sing.

Then there are giant spirit races singing along with them.

The voices of the 47,000 Giant Spirit Races are continuous, thick, steady, and slow, striking the hearts of Yang Zun, Meng Niuniu, and Fairy Bai Xue, as if they are telling the most tragic and majestic story since ancient times, a race A glorious history written.

Since the beginning of time, every race is writing its own story.

Maybe magnificent.

Perhaps it is tragic.

Maybe it is vast.

Maybe it was moved.

Yang Zun closed his eyes.

Fairy Meng Niuniu and Bai Xue also closed their eyes.

They listened carefully to every syllable in that vast carol.

As the continuous "mountains and rivers" walked, Thunder God walked in front of all the giant spirit races, every step, the body ups and downs, every step, his eyes were firm.

"Come on, giant spirits.

Sing our oldest carol.

This time, we will tear up the tide of ghosts.

We will step into the end of divine hiding.

We are likely to embark on the road of destruction.

This will be the final battle of the Giant Spirit Race! "

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