Supreme God King

Chapter 2473: Demon King

The broad streets carved with gold, stone and jade tiles are rushing and passing by, all of them are monks. Among them, those in the Tianyuan realm are very rare. Almost all of them are in the Xuanyuan realm, the Shenyuan realm, and even the first level of the gods. character.

But no matter what level of monks they are, they are walking on the street on foot, and no one vacates.

The four demon monkey kings of the four sages of the mixed world, the **** king aura is extremely strong and hot, and there is no intention to hide between walking, extremely arrogant and domineering, with a high attitude.

Although there are countless cultivators in this "Xuantian City", and characters of the first level of the **** king will occasionally encounter them, the four **** kings with such astonishing aura together continue to keep other cultivators looking sideways and avoiding them for fear of incurring this. Four demon monkeys.

"Boss, Xuantian City is really a big rule. You are not allowed to fly. People at the first level of the gods must walk honestly. It's amazing." The Great Sage Listening continued to be surprised.

Yang Zun took Meng Niuniu and Fairy Bai Xue, and was ordered to find the traces of the Giant Spirit Clan, to find Lei Tiangong, one of the great leaders of the heavens and ten thousand realms, and the four holy sages of the mixed world wanted to find the six-eyed fairy.

If there is no problem with the Era Alliance that has lost Meng Fan, it must continue to advance, continue to draw in various powerful characters, and continue to expand. Once it stops, endless problems will arise.

"The rules of bullshit, if it weren't for us to come and beg the guy named Six-Eyed Immortal Venerable, who would obey his rules." Great Sage Lingming said with disdain. "Xuantian City, I heard that it took millions of years to build. Although it is only a city, it is bigger than a great world. It wanders back and forth between the heavens and the world, erratic. The Six-eyed Immortal Venerable is this city. Lord, what a pomp."

"Brother, what do you think about Meng Leader? Is it true that he was really beaten by the first son of Chaos to the death and disappeared, and completely disappeared from the heavens and the world?" The Great Sage said seriously.

Great Sage Jiao Ming said coldly: "Life and death are impermanent."

The Great Sage Lingming did not speak, but his eyes flickered and he didn't know what he was thinking. He suddenly shook his head fiercely: "Meng Fan is alive or dead, so what? Isn't it possible that without Meng Fan, we will let the heaven and the gods end up? At the end of the Era, life and death are impermanent. Anyone can die overnight. It is a pity that Meng Fan is missing, but the Era Alliance cannot stop!"

After that, his body leaped fiercely and flew directly to the tallest pavilion in Xuantian City.

Listening to the sound, the Great Sage Jiao Ming, and the Great Sage of all generations, no matter what the rules and irregularities, they just vacated.

This moment, it shocked many cultivators in Xuantian City.

Xuantian City is a majestic and vast city comparable to the vast world. It took millions of years to complete its construction. Here, the lord Six-eyed Immortal Venerable is the absolute rule, no doubt.

Xuantian City has existed for millions of years, but because it is erratic and quite secret, it has never participated in any general trend of the heavens and worlds, so there are too few people who understand here. Sometimes a **** king finds Xuantian City and steps into the city. , It will inevitably break the rules.

But now, every monk in this Xuantian City, even if it is a **** king, no one ignores the rules and soars into the air. Then it shows that those who have broken the rules will inevitably be punished, just to emulate them, and no one dares to offend. .

Therefore, the move of the Four Saints in the mixed world naturally attracted the astonishment of countless monks!

But it also shows the unruly temperament of the Four Saints of the mixed world.

Otherwise, how could they challenge the Central Emperor and the entire Ziguang Empire on the way to the Second Era Conference?

Otherwise, how can you become the recognized leader of the demon race of the heavens and the world?

The Four Saints of the mixed world flew directly into the tallest pavilion.

In the pavilion, there is a clear and open space, no laws, no vitality, no power fluctuations, some are just the ground and the walls that are paved with unknown heavens and materials, and the walls are bare and dark.

The Four Saints of the mixed world steadily landed on the ground, and immediately released their spirits to explore everywhere.

"Boss, you said Six-eyed Immortal Venerable, do you have six eyes?"

At the moment when the soul is exploring, the four holy sages of the mixed world are communicating.

"Seven out of ten." Great Sage Lingming nodded: "The most **** nickname in this universe is the nickname given by others. It is often just a brain. It is very casual and irresponsible. Maybe the Six-eyed Immortal Venerable is. Whatever monsters or natural gods derive, they are born with six eyes, so they are named Six Eyes Xianzun."

At the moment when the four demon kings were talking, suddenly, a light was lit in the empty hall.

This made the Four Saints of Hunshi slightly surprised, because they didn't see until this moment that the hall was not completely empty, and there was always someone standing in a corner. At this time, this person was also lighting the lamp.

In a void, there is a person who has been there, but has escaped the perception of the four gods. How terrifying is this?

The one who lit the lamp was a man who seemed to be a mature man. He was more ordinary. He was wearing a robes of ten feet long, resting on the ground behind him. The robe was full of dots of light, and the hem was a goose yellow.

The man closed his eyes as if he was blind. After lighting the lamp, he turned to the Four Sages and said lightly: "This is a good thing. Such things as nicknames are often given by enemies or laymen, and they become a label on him. , People in the world have forgotten their fate, only remember one nickname."

While speaking, the man opened his eyes.

Two extremely clear eyes.

But it is very strange, with six pupils!

Two for the left eye and four for the right eye.

In each pupil, there is a unique scene, not the reflection seen by the man, but the different world scene after another.

Yes, it is a battlefield.

Some are prosperous.

Yes, it's a vast ocean.

and many more.

Needless to say, this person is the Six-eyed Immortal Venerable.

"There are not many rules in Xuantian City. There are three in total. The first is that you can't fly and can only walk on foot. Since the four of you have broken my rules, you have to give me a satisfactory account. Who are you and why are you here? Why do you want to be presumptuous in my Xuantian City?"

Six-eyed Immortal Venerable spoke lightly and casually. When speaking, he put his hands into the wide cuffs, and could not see any sharp breath.

But he, after all, is the leader of Xuantian City.

A character who made the **** kings in Xuantian City dare not fly.

One of the leaders of the heavens and ten thousand realms listed by the Five Emperors.

Boss who lived a million years.

This kind of character asks for confession. If you don't give it or are not satisfied, then the result can be imagined.

The Great Sage of Lingming grinned and took out the "toothpick" from his mouth. It immediately turned into a three-foot-long and three-inch-wide gilt steel rod, resting on his shoulders, and said with a smile: "Excuse me? Okay, the four of us will come. , I asked you to come out and join the Epoch Alliance. If you agree, you can leave now. If you disagree, it seems that you have to fight."

"Hehehe." Great Sage Listening, Great Sage Jiao Ming, and Great Sages of all generations all sneered, their vitality tumbling, the rules flowed down, and all the postures were inconsistent, and they were about to start fighting.

He is completely different from Yangzun.

The four sages of the mixed world are really the devil of the mixed world.

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