Supreme God King

Chapter 2475: Edge of the king

Outside the Bat Cave, Zhou Yun anxiously waited.

Jianyi, Mo Ziyan, Lou Yulan, and a group of human disciples all struggled a little.

They knew that something big must have happened, and the first reaction, of course, was that they couldn't deal with it, so they wanted to leave, but no one really went far.

This is an almost instinctive action.

The human disciples of the ghosts and gods are extremely united. Even if they dislike each other internally, they will still join hands without hesitation when facing the disciples of other races.

Although Meng Fan's identity is very special.

But they still couldn't just give up Meng Fan and leave by themselves.

Especially Zhou Yun, never left.

Although she knew that Zhang Xuyang was dead, she still couldn't let go, and because it was the same physical body, in her heart, Meng Fan was still "Zhang Xuyang."

"The vitality fluctuations inside are very strong," Mo Ziyan said. As a sword repairman, he is extremely sensitive to the vibrations of vitality.

Bloody winds continued to blow in the cave. Obviously, the fighting was very violent. They also had their own guesses. It was the Asura disciples led by Ji Wuyang and Meilizi who had encountered some kind of powerful enemy and were fighting together, while Meng Fan , Caught between them, I don't know what the situation is.

At this moment, the voice in the cave gradually became quieter.

Then it became quieter and quieter.

Finally, completely silently.

Jianyi and the others looked at each other.

A little bit of time passed.

At least a quarter of an hour.

Suddenly a figure walked out of a hole.

One step, a blood mark!

Jianyi and the others immediately drew their swords and were extremely vigilant, staring at the figure with numb scalp, motionless for a long time.

When the person walked out of the shadows and was completely exposed to everyone, the disciples were shocked.

Meng Fan.

He was covered in blood, holding a curved sharp blade, which seemed to be a treasure of a certain Shura disciple. When he walked, the blood stained on his body shed and turned into blood.

Into the eye biting.

Jianyi's brow jumped repeatedly. At this moment, he suddenly felt that he could not see Meng Fan's cultivation.

Before stepping into the cave, Meng Fan showed his methods a little, and he could see that it was the cultivation base of the Heavenly Origin Realm, which was comparable to them.

At this moment, Meng Fan had obviously just gone through a fight, his strength was not well controlled, his vitality was exposed, and Jianyi could not see his cultivation and strength.

Slowly walked in front of more than two dozen human disciples, Meng Fan threw away the sharp blade and shook his whole body fiercely. All the blood bounced off. His body was clean and spotless, but he was not injured at all. There was no drop of that blood. Flow out.

Upon seeing this, Jianyi quickly respectfully said: "Senior, dare you to ask where you have stepped into?"

"Divine Origin Realm." Meng Fan said casually, shrugging his shoulders and rising into the air. With a move of his palm, a mass of vitality enveloped all the disciples. "My name is Meng Fan, and I am currently a human disciple of the ghosts and gods who stepped into the peak realm because of the fate of the gods. I was not rebirth, remember?"

The twenty-odd human disciples were taken aback for a moment. Lou Yulan, the woman who reacted the fastest, nodded: "Don't worry, senior, we remember it!"

"Good." Meng Fan skimmed away.

When he came, I didn't know how long he had been walking, returning to the ghosts and gods, Meng Fan flew all the way in the realm of the gods, even with a group of disciples, it took only half a day to arrive.

His power is still sleeping.

The true meaning of the Dao is completely hidden, and only when you step into the realm of the **** king can you be awakened.

The pillar of martial art, the origin of life, is also reshaped.

Meng Fan's current power, which is one-thousandth of what he was in his heyday, is still because his spirit is still the god-king spirit.

However, getting closer and closer to the realm of the God King, in the cave, he beheaded the subordinates and pawns who did not know how many Gui Liuzi, plundered many of the medicines collected by Gui Liuzi, and re-refined them through his hands. , Incorporated into the body, turned into their own strength, the constant backlog brewing.

Moreover, even if he had only one-thousandth of the power in his heyday, he was extremely powerful now.

There is no one below the **** king.

Soon, back to the ghosts and gods.

Meng Fan immediately stepped into Jianyi's mansion and began to retreat.

It will take some time to completely digest all the pills of Gui Liuzi that have been swallowed. It will take some time to improve the cultivation level and also need to meditate. Although Meng Fan has infinite experience, it is inevitable to step into the God King, but it will break through again. It's not easy, you can't rush, you can only wait.

The other human disciples also returned to their residences one by one, and everything was calm for an instant.

Those Shura disciples who died in the Black Rock Wasteland did not cause any disturbances. There were already a lot of Asura disciples in the Black Rock Wasteland, and the Black Rock Wasteland was impossible to take. When stepping into it, the evaporation from the world was normal.

Time passed day by day.

Flickered for nine days.

Meng Fan felt that he had reached the peak of the Divine Origin Realm, but he did not touch the threshold of the Divine King. He still needed a boost to get there.

But on this day, he suddenly opened his eyes!

He saw a scene.

I don't know how far away, the Ark of Universe and the Ark of Conferred Gods, were besieged by countless strange ghosts, servants of the giant spirit tribe, sons of chaos, and ancient beasts!

Qiankun’s Ark relied on the power of its creation and tens of millions of formations to resist fiercely. Although the strange ghosts still failed to break through the outer layer and enter it, the Era Alliance, which can only sit and defend, seems to have been destroyed. The disaster is only a matter of time.

The Ark of Conferred God, although it was blessed by the power of creation of the Ark of Universe, it had already damaged one third.

Meng Fan didn't know why he could see this scene, whether it was the sleeping providence or the Creator-level connection between him and Qiankun Ark, he couldn't tell.

But what he can be sure of is that this scene is not false, but real and true.

The names of the Empress, Zhan Tian, ​​Niuniu, Yun Feiyang, Gu Xin Ao, and so on, all flashed in his mind. After losing his dark alliance, is it really going to fall completely? Completely disappear from the prehistoric universe?

It seems that no one can stop that moment from coming!


The whole mansion collapsed!

Letting out the main hall, Jianyi who was practicing in the side hall was impacted by the aftermath, and immediately flew out, vomiting blood, staring at the mansion turned into powder, and Meng Fan flying into the air with his vitality.

At this moment, Meng Fan’s whole body was full of flames burning. The flames, like lotus flowers, burned his clothes and burned his flesh and blood. He was like a candle, fast Burn out!

In the void, a faint catastrophe is brewing.

One after another, thunder flashed by, hitting the earth, mountains and rivers.

Jianyi saw this and was taken aback. He understood that this was an imminent catastrophe, and a **** king was about to be born. Although he had never seen it with his own eyes, he knew that the calamity caused by any **** king was enough to destroy the world, at least Fangyuan Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers were about to be affected, so he got up quickly, ignoring injuries, and rushed out with all his strength.

The world changes color!

The sea of ​​clouds all showed red, purple, and blue rays of light, constantly surging, forming one after another vortex, one after another, storm after another, mixed with thunder, sweeping the earth.

On the peaks of the ghosts and gods, twenty-eight top figures, the ghosts and gods, and the twenty-eight gods with the highest status of the ghosts and gods, flew out, looking at the place where the catastrophe changed with serious expression.

"Which disciple who opened the mountain caused disaster and will become the king of God?"

"It's a good thing, I have another **** king in Ghosts and Gods. It's great. I will send a message to contact the Taoist master and tell him about this."

"Huh? Why is there a slight abnormality in this catastrophe?" A **** king Shura looked at the rolling sea of ​​clouds with piercing eyes, and there were flashes of thunder in it. "It is unprecedentedly powerful, but why hasn't it fallen behind?"

"It seems that there is a kind of power that restrains the catastrophe, prevents the catastrophe from falling, and does not want this person to become a **** king!"

"How is it possible? No matter how powerful the king is, it is impossible to stop the disaster from coming."

"There is only one power that can stop the catastrophe, and that is the catastrophe itself."

"It's the will of heaven!"

"Heaven's will, I don't want this person to become a **** king!"

"It has been found out, something is wrong, this is not any disciple of the seven thousand nine hundred and thirty-one mountain peak who has become the **** king.

"What? How is it possible that the characters in the Divine Origin Realm are all elites of our ghosts and gods, disciples of the mountains, have their own residences, and can also have their own servants. There is no need to go out to experience, the ghosts and gods will provide a steady stream of resources. So any disciple who opened the mountain is clearly on the list."

"Heaven's will does not want it to become the existence of a **** king, who is it? Is it a person who rebels against the heavenly way?"

The blood-robed **** king also came into the air, looking at the realm where the disaster was coming.

Dong Miaoxin followed closely, squinting her eyes, looking at the figure who became the **** king in surprise, and some can't believe it.

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