Supreme God King

Chapter 2477: God wants you to die

"Since ancient times, there have always been gods and kings who called the tribulation of the gods, and until today, I don't understand what the gods mean."

Dong Miaoxin, who has been far away from ghosts and gods, muttered to herself, her eyes flickering, watching the muscular giant descending from the sky, from the infinite thunder, holding a square sledgehammer in the air, rumbling, it seems that all things in the world, all living beings, will be melted and become A wisp of thunderous energy dissipated since then.

Even Dong Miaoxin is already a strong man among the gods and kings of the heavens and all realms. Seeing such a thundering giant, still feels utterly cold, and thinks that it is difficult to resist, fearing that he will die directly, and then fall.

What's more, it is not the Divine King who is facing this blow, but the Divine Origin Realm who is about to step into the Divine King Realm!

It's him.

Dong Miaoxin's 10,000 confirmations are him.

The creator who was rumored to be completely dead in the heavens and ten thousand realms, finally fell, and the legend ended.

But I don’t know why, when I got here, I don’t know why, I don’t know why I fell to the realm of Shenyuan and became so weak, but it doesn’t matter. What’s important is that the creator of Megatron is still alive!

The Asura God King of the ghosts and gods, under the call of the Blood Robe God King, although he did not know the reason, he made every effort to move the mountain gates and mansions.

Use the fastest speed to clear the place where the disaster is coming.

The center of disaster.

The flesh and blood of Meng Fan were constantly being stripped by Thunder, but within his body, the power of creation that had been at its peak was awakening quickly, and the flesh and blood that had been separated quickly grew back.

He raised his head and looked at the square sledgehammer that was getting closer and closer in the void.

Look at the thunder dragons surrounding the sledgehammer.

That's right, this is a catastrophe and a divine punishment.

He could feel that the will of heaven is brewing, reverberating and dancing in the world, every moment, the determination to kill is locked in him, blessing on him, must He will be completely wiped out of the cosmos, and his existence will not be allowed.

Life is a mountain that cannot tolerate two tigers.

In the same way, how can the source of the heavens allow the existence of a second heaven besides him?


The Blood-robed God King, who was trying his best to remove several peaks, suddenly vomited blood, and his eyes were all panic. Those peaks also lost control from his hands and crashed to the ground.

Not only she, but also many **** kings who were closer to the center of the calamity, vomiting blood and their faces pale!

Dong Miaoxin's brows throbbed, and he stretched out his hand and wiped a hand on the small nose, and when he looked at his fingertips, it was red.

Blood was flowing from her nose, mouth, eyes, and ears.

Her complexion changed slightly, but she was still calm. She raised her head and looked at the small void three feet above her head. The catastrophe that belonged to her was looming.

The heavens and worlds have experienced six epochs.

This thirty heaven has experienced five epochs.

The universe has many dimensions. Some dimensions are powerful, and many **** kings were born. Some dimensions are weak and creatures are still ignorant. That powerful dimension has led to the great calamity of the era many times. For a long time no catastrophe came.

An era catastrophe is the end of an era and the beginning of another era.

And this time, Era Great Tribulation did not miss any dimension.

Because the will of heaven has become stronger than ever, because of the emergence of various gods in the incarnation of heaven, this time the great catastrophe of the era has enveloped the entire universe, every corner, every dimension, and every detail.

This is a catastrophe that will destroy all living beings in the world.

First of all, the five declines of heaven and man, and the gradual decline and perish of one world after another.

After that, the gods came to the world, killing all living beings.

The most terrifying thing is the calamity of the hit.

The catastrophe hanging above every **** king.

Although this catastrophe caused all the gods and kings to panic all day long, so much so that many gods and kings took refuge in heaven, became slaves, and even puppets, just to get rid of the entanglement and shackles of this catastrophe.

But since the end of the epoch really began, the universe of the heavens and the universe has never heard of any divine king causing his own disaster.

Dong Miaoxin could not guess the mystery.

I don't know why the catastrophe of the hit just spiraled around, but didn't fall.

But at this moment, she knew one thing.

A tragic era has begun.

Because Meng Fan caused the catastrophe that belonged to him, it was like a solid dam. Suddenly a small crack appeared. The flood would rush like a dragon, unstoppable, and many catastrophes on the head of the gods were also induced. , I don't know how many gods will die silently in his own disaster.

The era of tragedy.

Countless heroes will disappear forever.

Countless legends will completely end.

Dong Miaoxin raised her head and looked at the sky.

She knew that there was another sky above this sky.

Thirty heavens, there are a total of thirty sky, under each sky, there are countless strong men, gods.

And to escape from the Thirty Heavens, there are other dimensions, such as the heavens and the world.

At this moment, the divine kings who didn't know how many felt threatened, oppressed, and painful, and the seven orifices were bleeding.

I don't know how many **** kings have been killed by the catastrophe of his own hit, and died!

Dong Miaoxin retracted his gaze.

Look into the distance.

The square Thunder sledgehammer has fallen.

Meng Fan raised a hand.

A hand, in front of this mountain-like sledgehammer, is as weak as a dust, so it is not worth mentioning.

But Dong Miaoxin couldn't underestimate this hand.

This is the hand of the Creator.


The square sledgehammer stopped.

The complexion that was illuminated by the thunders kept changing, and the ghosts and gods asura **** king with blood still hanging from the corners of his mouth was stunned.

That day, the usual heavy hammer fell and was blocked by one hand.

A hand of the Divine Origin Realm!

Under the heavy hammer, Meng Fan's body was incomplete, and his blood was constantly being evaporated, turning into a red mist shaking in the air.

Above the heavy hammer, the tall Thunder Heavenly God was expressionless, originally holding the hammer in one hand, suddenly pressed his other hand on the square sledgehammer, doing his best.

The sledgehammer shattered every inch under the squeeze of two forces.

It collapsed every inch.

Every inch is transformed into a thunder spring.

Disperse and disappear.

The Thunder God suddenly spread his arms, waving his arms like a river from top to bottom, using his body to burst out the most powerful and terrifying force, attacking Meng Fan!

"Heaven wants you to die!"

God wants you to die!

God wants you to die!

The roar came from the mouth of the Thunder God, constantly reverberating, constantly coming and going, and the faces of all the trembling **** kings of Shura changed slightly, but they did not dare to stop, and they had to move the ghosts and gods of the mountain gate with all their strength.

"The way of heaven made me die?" Meng Fan faintly replied. Unlike the Thunder God, his voice was very soft, and it was not far away. Even many gods did not hear it.

He threw another punch.

Collided with Thunder God.

There was a loud bang from the mountain and the ground.

It's like the horror of an explosion in a big world.

The Thunder God had just stepped out of the path of catastrophe, and had just hit his most powerful blow, and was broken by Meng Fan!

With this punch, Meng Fan's arm completely exploded, and there was no blood left. There were countless wounds and cracks on half of his body.

His face was also paler than ever before, truly as white as a piece of paper.

He is extremely weak.

It can be said that he tried his best to crush the Thunder God.

"It's over?" Dong Miaoxin said in a surprised voice, but saw that the void passage still exists, in which there is still thunder rolling, there are still endless forces of catastrophe brewing, and there are silhouettes that are constantly flashing in the light of thunder.

No, it's not over yet.

Meng Fan, who had lost almost half of his body, raised his head, looked at the figures in the void passage, and smiled weakly.

"My catastrophe, it turned out to be the sniper of the gods who stepped directly from the source of the heavens. The heavens really want me to die, haha..."

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