Supreme God King

Chapter 2492: Outside

The three thousand walls of Hongdao City are the three thousand insurmountable restrictions. The deeper they go in, the thicker and stronger, the mysterious and unpredictable.

These walls are also called miracles by many monks.

However, there was a man wearing a blue shirt, and without anyone paying attention, a woman wearing the same blue short robe walked through the walls as if in no one.

In just half an hour, Meng Fan had already taken Dong Miaoxin through the last wall and arrived at the core of Hongdao City.

The weakest one who lives here is also the realm of Shenyuan.

At this point, Meng Fan really felt that this was a world of monks, with towering pavilions, as well as the cultivators of the Shenyuan realm coming and going, as well as various magical instruments, divine objects, wild animal mounts, and so on.

The most important thing is that the monks here are completely different in temperament from the monks outside. Outside, Meng Fan saw fanatical believers, but here, they are truly gentle monks and very confident. From this point, it can be seen that the monks in this last wall have broken the concept of "the supremacy of gods", knowing that the so-called gods are just more powerful monks.

This is what a monk should have.

If you believe that your destiny is fixed, or if you have a **** with your head up, and you are afraid of many things, how can you keep going?

If you can't go ahead, how can you change your fate?

Meng Fan nodded slightly.

This **** city is good, if it turns into a melting pot, it would be great.

Lifting his head, looking at the huge deep palace, here called the "forbidden city", Meng Fan's eye of creation constantly explores, and what he sees is a series of abysses intertwined, intertwined, totally a huge maze.

In this huge maze, there are some extremely hot, like scorching sun-like figures, that is the king of gods.

However, he never found the most dazzling spot of light, in other words, he did not find the trace of the legendary "Supreme Lord".

"Senior..." Dong Miaoxin suddenly pulled La Mengfan's cuff, said with some worry.

Her expression was completely afraid that Meng Fan would directly break into the most powerful deep palace in this unknown dimension and directly kill.

This matter was done by Meng Fan.

If it is said that Meng Fan is already very domineering in the heavens and the realms, then in other dimensions, Meng Fan, who desperately wants to return to the heavens and the realms, has no scruples. Here, he will not be afraid. People like the Central Emperor use Meng Niuniu as a bargaining chip. Here, he can be said to be cumin alone, but at most he carries a Dong Miaoxin.

Because he had no scruples, he didn't care how many people were killed and how many kings.

In the Barbarian dimension, killing hundreds of gods and kings in three days is enough to completely change the history of that dimension and become an indescribable legend.

Here, Meng Fan is likely to repeat the old play.

"No matter what, there is always a killing precept here. This is not the heavens and the world. I must kill at least one **** to leave." Meng Fan said softly, one step, and the deep palace in front of him seemed like a shadowless illusion. , He shuttled in directly.

He walked outside the space, watching the many people coming and going in the deep palace. After that, he came to a dark hall, but there were six in the hall. The **** kings and thousands of divine origin realms gathered together. These six **** kings quarreled endlessly with each other, discussing the question of whom the daughter of the "Supreme Lord" would marry.

Seeing this scene, Meng Fan was cold-eyed, but he wanted to laugh. When the heavens and the world, the thirtieth heaven, and other dimensions were suffering from natural disasters at the end of the epoch, they were still here to discuss the issue of marriage, which is of course ridiculous.

at this time!

One of the six heavenly kings was originally flushed and even clenched his fists as if he was about to make a move. Thousands of the gods in the entire hall were frightened. Once the gods fought against each other, the sky and the earth would collapse. These gods were originally attendants. That's it, it is inevitable to be affected by the pond fish, it is too scary to think about it.

But this heavenly king suddenly stopped talking, his face was a little stiff, and then he turned around abruptly, and took a hand in Meng Fan's direction.

"What are you doing? I'm so confused? We are here to talk about the big event that affects the entire God's Domain!" Another **** king immediately angered, and all the kings were arguing the most fiercely. .

"Someone is here." The heavenly king said coldly, and he grabbed the void again.

Meng Fan was startled.

These six heavenly kings are worshipping brothers, from the second to the seventh. The boss is the supreme ruler who has been in seclusion for 200,000 years.

The king who said "someone is here" is the three king.

In Meng Fan's deduction, the strength of this heavenly king is not the strongest among all, but he can actually see through the methods used by the creator of the Two Tribulations Meng Fan to hide in the void, which is also powerful.

If it is said that Meng Fan, who has not experienced the second tribulation, is hiding in the void, no matter how well he hides, the divine king with a heart will always be aware of it.

After the two calamities, he walked in the void, and it was really impossible for an ordinary **** king to feel it.

"What?" Immediately, all the red-faced heavenly kings fell silent, some closed their eyes, some throbbed their noses, and began to use the most keen senses to sense the void around them.

After a while.

Meng Fan whispered, "I missed it."

At the moment his voice just fell.

King Ertian opened his eyes and looked in the direction of Meng Fan.

Then, all the heavenly kings turned their heads at the same time and looked at where Meng Fan was.

In their pupils, there is nothing and no reflections.

But they had already clearly sensed that there was a **** king standing in that elusive void.

A powerful God King that they can perceive but cannot reach!

The Six Heavenly Kings said at the same time: "Retreat!"

With one word of retreat, all the divine origin realms immediately became birds and beasts. They didn't know what was born, but they could leave when they heard it. It would be great if they were forgiven.

66 Continued, all the gods have withdrawn from the main hall. In the hall, there are only six heavenly kings. These are the six kings of Hongdao City besides the supreme ruler and the most powerful **** king. In the entire God Realm, it is also extremely high. In a **** city, there must be characters treated by the city lord.

"Although I don't know what method you used, did you come out by yourself, or did we force you out?" Three Heavenly King said coldly.

There are ripples in the space.

Circles, very beautiful, it seems that a drop of rain fell on the calm water surface, it was a ripple, but it was not a wave, it was quiet, and even the fish and shrimp under the surface were not disturbed.

This is the ultimate means of understanding the meaning of space, moving forward and retreating freely, without any big waves.

Wearing a green shirt, Meng Fan slowly walked out of the ripples, behind him, followed by Dong Miaoxin, who was getting weaker day by day.

"My name is Meng Fan." He said lightly: "I came to Hongdao City without inviting me. It was a bit rude. I asked the six heavenly kings for something. Please also invite your supreme lord out and let me kill him. , And then exit Hongdao City. I want to turn this city into a melting pot."

Six Heavenly King blinked his eyes, completely incomprehensible.

For a long while, none of the kings reacted.

They still did not understand the meaning between the lines in Meng Fan's words.

Meng Fan licked his lips and turned back to Dong Miao's heart and said: "Out there, this is the kind of thing that is difficult. If you are in the heavens and worlds, the other party will understand what I mean after I say this, but here, they really listen. Don't understand."

Dong Miaoxin felt the powerful aura of the Six Heavenly Kings. Although they were not the God Kings who mastered the true meaning of the Great Dao, nor were they the God Kings of Two Tribulations, they were obviously all veteran God Kings who had lived for many years, at least a million years!

The realm of the **** king is enough to change his fate against the sky. It has already broken through the shackles of the flesh, so it is impossible to see the decline after the peak. On the contrary, as time goes by, as long as it does not die, it will become stronger every day. This is the horror of the old God King.

In contrast, Meng Fan still has many unhealed wounds on his body now.

Especially after crossing the black hole twice in just three days, his energy consumption is also amazing.

At this moment, Dong Miaoxin was even a little grateful that the other party didn't understand what he said to six **** kings over a million years old.

But I also thought about Meng Fan's words, yes, if Meng Fan said these words in the heavens and myriad worlds, the other party would definitely understand them.

Because all the heavens and all realms know what the Creator has done.

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