Supreme God King

Chapter 2495: Reunion


This name was often remembered by Meng Fan many years ago.

After that, because he was the leader of the Dark Alliance, the Great Emperor, and even the spiritual leader of the Era Alliance later, a group of powerful figures joined him, and countless elite monks followed behind him. He had to bear the fate More and more, I hid these two words deep in my heart, and dare not mention them again.

Time passed in a hurry.

This name, which was called "the deepest hidden line" by the Central Emperor, seemed to be covered in dust.


Meng Fan's lips were shaking.

His thinking is chaotic, and his vitality is even more chaotic to the extreme, all power has been dispersed.

Full body flaws.

He took a step towards the beauty of the sky.

Dong Miaoxin didn't understand why she was regarded as a target before, and then she gradually feared that the Creator, Senior Meng who has been extremely dependent on these days, will suddenly show such an expression, will be so loose, revealing countless fatal weaknesses.

Vitality fluctuations.

Dong Miaoxin was taken aback, and hurriedly shouted: "Senior, be careful!"

But her voice has not yet been heard.

Seven sharp blades have pierced the seven large holes in Meng Fan's body!

The six heavenly kings all shot together, their power surging like a sea of ​​anger and violent waves, and they were extremely tricky. They targeted every loophole and flaw in Meng Fan's body. They were extremely fierce and a means of killing!

The six heavenly kings indeed hold the belief that they will kill!

Tian Zhimei frowned and looked a little surprised at Meng Fan, who was pierced with seven blood holes, and still slowly walked towards her, and tears even poured out from those clear eyes. He opened his mouth, and he seemed to have something to say. Said, but without saying anything, he fell to the ground crashing, flesh and blood flying, and even the origin of life appeared to be broken.

The six kings’ killers have all arrived, bombarding Meng Fan’s body at once, and this time, even a great world will fall apart!

Tianzhimei was suddenly startled, and her heart was a little bit painful. If she was missing something, could it be that this man, who just appeared in front of her, died like this?

Not so.

Tian Zhimei lowered her head and looked at Meng Fan, whose body was constantly fragmented. What she saw were still those clear eyes.

Those eyes looked at the beauty of the sky, tears couldn't stop pouring out, and the lips trembled slightly, as if to say something.

The King of Two Heavens had a hideous face, stepped in front of Meng Fan, punched him in the head!

The power contained in this fist can be said to be the absolute power of the two heavenly kings, and even overdrawn the power of spiritual energy and blood.

"Second uncle stop."

Tian Zhimei said softly.

The punch that was enough to crush a city fell, and stopped abruptly just three inches from Meng Fan's head.

The two heavenly king raised his head to look at Tian Zhimei: "Niece, this person has invaded Hongdao City, challenged the authority of God's Domain, and even said that he is not inferior to the eldest brother, and he must be punishable! And he must extract his soul and torture for thousands of years!

"Second uncle, let me lock him up first, and my father is about to leave. I think this matter should be decided by my father." Tian Zhimei said softly, like a breeze, if there is a sound like nothing, But it sounds so refreshing.

Several heavenly kings startled and said, "Big Brother is going out?"

The Supreme Lord’s retreat lasted for 200,000 years, and it had completely disappeared in front of everyone. The news that the Supreme Lord would leave the customs suddenly came out, of course, shocked.

This is what Tianzhimei said, and everyone will believe it.

"Yes, because the world has begun to change, my father will definitely go out." Tian Zhimei said lightly.

The eyes of several heavenly kings immediately became serious, and they could feel the abnormal changes between heaven and earth.

Originally, the entire Divine Realm was in a state of complete decay between heaven and man, and the vitality was almost completely exhausted. This was a huge change, but the change lasted for many thousands of years, and many gods have adapted to this. This kind of change has become a normal state, of course.

In recent days, there have been several huge fluctuations in the law of heaven and earth, and the way of heaven has become more and more elusive. Even some gods can’t predict the will of heaven and can't calculate some of their fate. .

Everyone knows this kind of change, but they don't understand what it means.

"Since the eldest brother is about to leave the customs, let this madman live a few more days." The second heavenly king looked at Meng Fan, who was hit by the six heavenly kings at the same time, who was supposed to die, but still had a breath. "But his strength is really terrifying. Together, the six of us will be able to defeat him, but we can't stop him from wandering through the void. Even if he is dying, we can't just let it go. We each leave one on him. Prohibit!"

Several heavenly kings nodded one after another, and in the blink of an eye, one after another seals were all imprinted on Meng Fan's body, blocking his blood, origin, and even the five heavenly kings still in his soul, leaving behind A thought, as long as the Five Heavenly King's thoughts move slightly, the thought will explode, severely injuring his soul.

All the seals were completed in the blink of an eye. It can be said that it is the most powerful seal in the entire Divine Realm. After all, the six heavenly kings shot together.

All things happen in the blink of an eye.

Dong Miaoxin watched everything, but she didn't understand, she didn't understand at all, why such a domineering Creator suddenly became like this and became a prisoner, why would she suddenly lose her soul and be slaughtered?

Even so embarrassed at the moment, Meng Fan was still looking at the woman who appeared suddenly, and there was something unclear in his clear eyes.

Dong Miao's heart trembled and saw the Five Heavenly King look at him coldly.

Not a word, but the vitality of the palm of the five heavenly kings rotates like a storm blade, and it seems that a huge wave is going to blow at any time, crushing Dong Miaoxin into powder.

"Aunt Wu, she has only ten days left in her life. She is so weak now, that is, the strength of the half-step God King. Let her fend for herself." Tian Zhimei said softly: "To a remaining weak woman It's too cold to start."

When the Five Heavenly King heard the storm in his palms and waved his hand, Dong Miaoxin's body was immediately pulled by a huge force and flew out of the deep palace, all the way out, until he flew out of Hongdao City, he fell heavily to the ground. He spit out a huge pit, and immediately vomited blood, his head was messed up, and he stood up with all his strength. Even coughing and coughing up were all blood, and then his eyes went dark. The injury was too serious and he passed out.

In the ruins of the deep palace, Tian Zhimei finally took a deep look at Meng Fan, then turned and left.

The second heavenly king grabbed Meng Fan’s broken body, tore open a space door in front of him, stepped in, and arrived at the deepest dungeon of Hongdao City, threw Meng Fan into the dungeon, urging layers of restraints, and threw him Completely blockade, and then leave.

In the dungeon, there was darkness.

Only Meng Fan, who was panting, whispered softly.


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