Supreme God King

Chapter 2501: Lord of the Desolation

Crossing the void, hiding everywhere.

Meng Fan, who had turned into a small to extreme space node, wandered in the void, and many desolate beast kings did not feel his existence.

Even the Desolate Beast God King who could feel his existence would just shake his mind, but no trace of him could be found.

He has only one goal.

The leader among the beast kings.

There are at least eight hundred desolate beast kings who are constantly pouring in along the dimensional channel. This is still a conservative algorithm. The vastness of the breath makes people fearful.

With so many desolate beast kings, being able to gather together and use unknown means to break through dimensional barriers and invade the realm of the gods, it is absolutely impossible to be scattered, there must be leaders.

Suddenly, he felt it.

So he jumped out of the void and landed on a floating island.

On this floating island, there is a huge throne. The king of wild beasts above the throne has no intention to hide his identity, but exists as a wild beast, reaching a height of one hundred meters, leaning against the depths of the throne, coldly Looking at God's Domain.

Meng Fan's sudden appearance was obviously a little unexpected, but he immediately saw that he was a human **** king, his expression became much indifferent.

"There is actually a human **** king who passed through my army and came to me? I want to come, you are one of the best in this dimension, why, are you here to take refuge in me?"

The gigantic desolate beast king said lightly: "I am the lord of the desolate world, leading the army of desolate beasts, bow down to me, and prove your worth, and be my servant."

"It turns out to be the gluttonous, ancient alien beast." Meng Fan said softly: "In the history of the dragon family, before the great dragon, you existed, very powerful, and even once lived by devouring the primitive dragon, until the great dragon captured it. Divine Will, established the bloodline of the Innate Saint King, and made the Dragon Race extremely powerful before it truly surpassed you."

The Lord of Desolation said indifferently: "Aren't you here to take refuge in me?"

"I'm here to negotiate." Meng Fan smiled, smiling very brightly. For many years, he has not smiled as brightly as he is now. Because of the resurrection of his sister, he only feels extremely happy now. "What is the reason for breaking the barrier of dimensions? You are not ghosts, and you are not living by devouring the living creatures of the common people. You do this only to escape the epoch tribulation, but now, every dimension is suffering from the epoch tribulation. There is no real safety for baptism. Even if you come here, it is impossible to escape the impact of the Great Tribulation of the Era."

The expression of the Lord of the Desolate Realm gradually became a little ferocious, and it became more and more cold.

"So, I hope you retreat and return to the dimension that belongs to you. You should be able to see that this dimension is completely exhausted and very desolate." Meng Fan was patiently persuaded.

The Lord of the Wilderness moved forward slowly: "Boy, it seems that you are only more than 10,000 years old and very young. Have you ever heard of the Lord of Nomads?"

Meng Fan shook his head: "Never heard of this name."

"You guessed right. We did penetrate the dimension to avoid the Great Tribulation of the Era, and we also have the means to penetrate the latitude, but what you don’t know is that we have existed in this state for millions of years. The history is over, every hundreds of thousands of years, we will cross the dimensional barrier."

The Lord of the Wilderness sneered: "Forcing is above all else, it is the language of our gluttonous family. Millions of years ago, we had begun to plunder the common people and devour all vitality. We are very powerful, but we always cannot eat. So full, so we destroyed one dimension, and after swallowing everything, we started killing each other. Until the end, we discovered the secret of the black hole and found a way to another dimension, so we started nomadic.

Every time we reach a new dimension, we do two things, one thing is to find the entrance to the next dimension, and the other thing is to swallow all things in one dimension without scruple, and continue to grow. Yourself.

These actions have turned us into the most terrifying ethnic group in the prehistoric universe.

These actions have made us the most powerful creatures in the world.

We used this method to avoid the two great catastrophes of the epoch, this time, we can also succeed. "

The smile of the Lord of the Desolate World became extremely gloomy, with long fangs gleaming with cold light, sharper than many magic swords.

"Who are you, dare to stop the torrent of wild beasts?"

Hearing these words, Meng Fan licked his lips.

"I can't stop the torrent of wild beasts."

Stepping into this place, Meng Fan saw more wild beast kings, more than a thousand!

This was also what Meng Fan had seen, and the most gods and kings gathered together.

The Third Era Conference was nothing more than three or four hundred **** kings present, but it was already a rare event in the world, an unprecedented scene.

At this moment, there are more than a thousand **** kings gathered here, and they are all powerful gluttons. That kind of breath, continuous together, is truly the most terrifying torrent in the world.

That is to say, this torrent, according to the Lord of the Desolate World, has traveled to unknown dimensions in millions of years, and has completely swallowed those dimensions!

This is simply terrifying.

It can be comparable to the power of a ghost.

Alien ghosts, each possesses a physical toughness comparable to that of a **** king. They are very tenacious. There are no ghosts at the end of the gods. I don’t know how many, maybe hundreds of thousands. However, no alien ghost’s ability to swallow On the same level as gluttonous.

Meng Fan could feel that in every glutton here, endless vitality was consumed between breathing and breathing. Their breathing ability was a thousand times that of an ordinary **** king.

This kind of creature is really too powerful and too terrifying. It is conceivable that gluttony is difficult to cultivate to a very high level, because the vitality they need to consume is simply too amazing and even impossible to measure. A place that can withstand the devouring of gluttony.

In Meng Fan's calculation, if a glutton in the realm of the gods and kings is in the heavens and the world, it can **** up a great world in hundreds of thousands of years!

In other words, if there was a gluttonous **** in the realm of a god-king in the original Wanyu, then there would be no other god-kings in the entire Wanyu, because all the vitality was not enough for a gluttonous god-king to enjoy.

What a horror.

Such a terrifying **** king, but more than a thousand lords gathered together, turning up and down like a tide, even if it is Meng Fan, no matter how conceited, he does not believe that he can resist such a torrent.

"But I can stop you." Meng Fan smiled: "Lord of the Desolate World, if you can't stop this torrent, I will wipe you out completely, forever, if I can't kill you at this moment, I I will follow you forever, follow you like a shadow and follow your steps. I am too lazy to talk nonsense and know that you will laugh at what I say, but you, no matter how long you live or how much vitality you consume, you are not my opponent."

The Lord of the Wasteland squinted his eyes.

The monstrous killing intent has been surging!

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