Supreme God King

Chapter 2527: First contact

The strength and methods of any gluttonous **** king are terrifying and amazing.

The Lord of the Desolate Realm does not grasp any true meaning of the Great Dao, nor is he the God King of Two Tribulations, but because he is a gluttonous person, he has swallowed too many creatures in the long years, and he actually has the strength to compete with Meng Fan, although he was still defeated in the end. However, the battle was very tragic, and Meng Fan was not in full bloom. He defeated the Lord of the Wild World at the cost of exhaustion of vitality.

The power of gluttony can be seen in this way.

The same is the **** king, the human race who has just stepped into the **** king realm, and the gluttonous who has just stepped into the **** king realm, are like naked mortals and fierce hungry tigers.

The difference is very big.

One is a mortal and the other is a beast.

Therefore, one thousand three hundred gluttonous gods, in the tide of strange ghosts, are like tigers entering a pack of wolves. They are extremely fierce. The strange ghosts eaten by them directly chew and swallow them. With Meng Fan’s pale eyes, he can see these strange things. The ghosts desperately struggled in the belly of the gluttonous kings, trying to regroup, but to no avail, they were constantly corroded and digested.

"The chaos world army, kill without mercy." Meng Fan said softly.

Immediately, the torrent of more than 1,300 gluttonous gods and kings converged, and there was a loud noise, shaking the world!

They kill, they are bloodthirsty, they are fighting.

The kings of the Era Alliance understood the purpose of these gluttonous gods. The fear that they had faced with such a vast aura gradually subsided, but they also came out and joined the torrent of slaying ghosts.

Meng Fan overturned the palm of his hand, put the Sky-Splitting Spear into his body, integrated it into his right arm, then raised his head, looked at Tian Zhimei who had witnessed all this in the distance, and smiled slightly.

at this time!

Meng Fan's brows were beating continuously, and a huge sense of crisis suddenly came. At the moment when the sense of crisis came, he suddenly turned around, his eyes were pale to the extreme, and there was a faint luster flowing, his eyes, crazy infiltrating, and want to strip away the space. , Through time, looking for the source of the sense of crisis.

Not long.

He saw it.

In front of him, there was a figure in a messy, muddy spatial fault.

It was a figure about three feet tall, with a fuzzy face, sitting still.

Meng Fan tried his best to display all his eyesight. He wanted to lock this figure and see its true colors, but found that he couldn't do it at all, because it was just a shadow.

But just a shadow made Meng Fan feel such a huge crisis.

In almost an instant, Meng Fan had already guessed the identity of this shadow.

There were some ripples in his heart, but they soon subsided. Then, his pale Creator eyes rotated a few times in the eye sockets.

Since there is a shadow cast, there must be a deity.

So, where is the deity?

The pale eyes were spinning quickly, and Meng Fan’s spirits and thoughts immediately shot out, traveling through the prehistoric cosmos at a speed close to smashing the vacuum, especially his martial art pillar, which rose and flickered, one after another. The avenue spreads outward truly.

A hot breath came out of his whole person and skin.

In the eyebrows, drips of blood permeated.

Meng Fan has already exerted all his power, it can even be said that he has overdrawn a lot of power.

The entire emptiness, the infinite and deep space, every small corner flashed in his mind, and every Xumi, there were millions of miles of domain searched, and every inch was not let go.

His formidable spiritual power is fully revealed.

Suddenly, he stopped.

One of his divine soul thoughts passed through a completely unknown realm, not without seas, nor on the path of divine hiding, let alone in any of the worlds of the heavens and the world, but in a place where he is completely unable to determine its position. Unable to lock the realm.

There was a man sitting there.

He has a large body, a peaceful face, and handsome eyebrows, but he can't see his physical signs and features. Vaguely, he seems to be a human race, but under the eyes of Meng Fan's creation, he can see that he has some ancient gods bloodlines, even, There are also many bloodlines of wild beasts.

A man who can't distinguish race at all.

Meng Fan's spirit had been strained to its extreme, and he looked at the man in silence for a long time without speaking.

Instead, it was a man who laughed first.

I am very happy.

"It's an era, and finally someone has broken through many obstacles, all kinds of obstacles, and saw my true face. The last person to do this was the ancestor of humanity."

The man said with emotion, as if recalling something: "When I became a **** king, the ancestor of humanity was still a small monk. The entire human race was completely barbaric, barren, and backward, but he did not expect that the ancestor of humanity surpassed Many monks who are stronger than him have become the third person in the primordial universe to become a **** king. When the primordial dragon and the elephant master died early, the ancestors of humanity are still in the world.

For a long time, I have always admired the ancestor of humanity. After all, the ancestor of humanity has been the longest-living **** except me. It is a pity that he wanted to establish humanity and coexist with heaven, but he failed. At the end of his life, he decided to do something for humanity. He didn't hesitate to fight against me and the way of heaven, eventually helping some human races to survive the last epoch and live to this era.

Now, the entire universe, human races in every dimension are following certain rules and orders. These orders are all left by the ancestors of humanity. Human races also originated from the heavens and all realms, and then in the long years, In many epochs, because of various chances and coincidences, it has multiplied to various dimensions.

Although the current ancestor of humanity still exists in the world in the form of humanity, he is truly dead. After his death, I will be even more bored.

Meng Fan, do you know how boring I am?

When those **** kings who were able to compete with me died one by one, the great dragons, the ancestors of humanity, the elephant master, the Taoists of Hongjun, the old monsters of the Sanqing, the ancient arrogance, the heavenly majesty, the yellow stars, etc., gradually After I die, I have no opponents in the entire universe. I am like a child, looking at the huge sand table. I can play around at will, pile up many shapes, and manipulate every grain of sand in the sand table at will. , But there is no child who can play with me.

I'm so bored, bored to the extreme.

In order to find an opponent, I created the Chaos World and extended the power of the Chaos World to all dimensions. Unfortunately, I never found a real opponent. "

The man said, his tone was very vicissitudes.

He is the Emperor Chaos.

He is not the incarnation, stand-in, tongue, or projection of Emperor Chaos.

He is the deity of Emperor Chaos!

Although Meng Fan didn't know where the Chaos Great Emperor he saw was at this moment, it must be after Wuhai, somewhere in the Chaos World.

This is the first time he has seen the deity of Emperor Chaos.

He may have been a rare person in many epochs who saw the deity of Emperor Chaos with his own eyes!

"You are invincible in the world, of course boring." Meng Fan said softly.

Although he was very calm, after seeing the deity of the Great Primordial Chaos, his mind continued to ripple and wave, and it was difficult to calm down.

"But you are still shrouded in the Chaos Realm, and you dare not appear under the heavenly path. You are just a divine king who stalks his life!"

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