Supreme God King

Chapter 2529: Go to Chaos

The tide of catastrophe has come.

Every **** king in the chaotic battlefield, no one can escape the baptism of the tide of disaster.

When the catastrophe of the 1,500 gods' hits came at the same time.

That kind of scene is hard to describe in words.

A little light and shadow can also be seen in the farthest corners of the heavens and worlds.

And the **** king in the center of this calamity tide was completely covered by light, shrouded, swallowed, and buried by the power of various doomsday natural disasters.

The calamity of each **** king's hit is huge, like a great world collapsed, and small, like a star exploding.

A Child of Chaos, who didn't even have the chance to react, was broken down into the smallest particles by the terrifying tide of catastrophe - no, it was particles smaller than the particles, and even the soul did not remain, and it dissipated directly.

The rest of the children of Chaos were shocked, one by one, the most terrifying catastrophe came, making their minds almost lost for a while. In the face of the power of this catastrophe, all they could do was retreat.

Backward crazy.

Even Meng Fan, who collided with the phantom of the Great Chaos Emperor, was swallowed by the tide of disaster.

At this moment, this remote corner has almost become the center of the entire universe.

The catastrophe, which is equivalent to the explosion of hundreds of thousands of worlds at the same time, has stirred up waves one after another, and each wave is enough to destroy a star.

Looking over from the furthest distance, what you see is the light, the brightest and most dazzling light, the endless halo, in the light, you can't see the figure of any **** king, everything is blurred.

The light lasted for a long time.

A full hour.

This light shocked too many characters, including many **** kings in the Purple Light Empire, and some hidden **** kings who had not heard for a long time, and even some bosses who had been sleeping and dying since the ancient era.

From the avenue to the Jane, the great sound is loud and the avenue is invisible.

All of them are staring nervously at the place where the tide of catastrophe comes, silently waiting for the end and cessation of the tide of catastrophe, and they are all paying attention to the final result of the tide of catastrophe.

It was the annihilation of more than a thousand gods, and the entire heavens and worlds, completely plunged into the dark age, or there was still a glimmer of life.

Time passed.

The catastrophe gradually dissipated.

But there were beams of light.

That is the result of the power of the heavens condensing and forming, it is a huge pillar of catastrophe, it is the terrifying force of catastrophe that has completely changed the law and form of a domain, and it has formed an existence close to the monument of immortality.

Thousands of them.

In the beam of light, there was silence.

Before, the chaotic battlefield formed by the entanglement of the turbulent wave of strange ghosts and the vast army of kings, the hustle and turbulence, completely ceased, and everything seemed deadly silent.

A white hand rested on a beam of light.

Meng Niuniu.

Her appearance, as always, her gaze and temperament became extremely deep, as if she was completely reborn.

A vast breath burst out from her body.

But her expression was very sad.

Very sad.

Very sentimental.

She stroked the beam of light silently, and for a long time, a sword intent flew out of her palm and carved three words on the beam of light.

The sword reaches the sky.

Then he lowered his head lightly, and said, "Senior, go well."

In the dark alliance, this veteran **** king who was called the "double wall of sword intent" together with Meng Niuniu, the swordsman who stepped out of the universe of the universe, did not support his own catastrophe, and died completely. , Not even a ray of soul remained.

Meng Niuniu was silent for a long time, then raised her head and looked at the pale eye of heaven in the void.

A pair of feet stepped out of the forest of beams of light.

A deity king, showing his figure.

The ancient emperor, the female emperor, the giant of the sky, the princess inviting the moon, the lonely and proud, a group of strong men have reborn, their temperament has changed, they have withstood the catastrophe of the fate, and become the king of two calamities.

Every move provokes the rolling of the laws of heaven and earth.

There is one.

Clouds fly up.

Some **** kings in the gluttonous torrent.

They have survived their own disaster.

However, more people died here.

Of the 1,500 gods and kings, only a few more than two hundred, survived the second catastrophe.

Six-sevenths of the gods are dead.

The surviving **** king had a breathtaking breath and reached a new realm.

Lei Tiangong silently looked at a corpse that was gradually dissipating in front of him. He did not speak, but was silent. He had watched too much life and death, and had led the uprising of the Giant Spirit Race. He was gradually numb to the many vicissitudes of the world. , However, this corpse that did not dissipate immediately because it contained the true meaning of the Great Dao in his body, and the short tens of days he had known each other left a deep impression on him.

"This is a strong man, a man who is as thick as the earth, and a **** king who is as scorching sun." Lei Tiangong said.

It's like an elegy.

Yang Zun is dead.

Because of the ambition in his body, the unbreakable immortal power, his body did not dissipate immediately, but slowly festered.

After the fester, the Yang Zun turned into a little twinkling golden light, gradually dimmed, and finally disappeared.

Only a brand new monument of immortality remains.

There was silence in the beam of light forest.

Because more than a thousand gluttonous **** kings have joined, and the unprecedented and powerful Era Alliance just reached its peak, it quickly fell, becoming only a few hundred **** kings.

Is it?

Did it fall?

The remaining two hundred **** kings raised their heads and looked at the eye of heaven!

They did not fear, did not back down, and never feared the overhanging sword and the catastrophe on their fate.

In the distance, a projection gradually disappeared.

That is a projection of Emperor Chaos.

It is difficult to say why this projection disappeared. Who defeated this projection, Meng Fan, or the tide of disaster?

But it is not important.

In the void, there was a scream and the sound of power explosion.

One by one, the children of Chaos who wanted to escape jumped out of the space fault and fell into the sight of the kings, and their physical identities fell apart.

A total of twenty-seven children of chaos.

Immediately afterwards, the figure that forced them out and crushed their bodies also jumped out. It was Meng Fan, dressed in a blue shirt, with his hands behind him, standing gently, expressionless.


Meng Fan looked at the broken spirits flying out of the bodies of the children of chaos, and muttered expressionlessly. Then, when he pointed out, the power of creation exploded and severely penetrated these broken spirits.

Some spirits dissipated directly.

Other spirits turned into fragments of little thoughts, not knowing where to fly.

A son of chaos disappeared.

Meng Fan didn't look back at the scene in the beam of light, but walked slowly forward step by step.

The direction he is walking is Wuhai.

In the forest of beams of light, a venerable divine king followed behind him, slowly moving forward.

Lonely walked at the end, stretched out his hands, gently stroked each beam of light, and closed his eyes peacefully.

The ancient emperor, who was walking in front of the solitary heart and proud, turned his head and whispered softly: "From the grave guard of the Dark Alliance to the grave guard of the Era Alliance, how do you feel?"

"It is my honor to be able to pay tribute to the lost heroic spirit." Gu Xin proudly opened his eyes and said: "Old Emperor, when you step into the Chaos Realm, you will die, and I will carve the monument for you myself."

The ancient emperor looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Don't forget to carve one for me." Zhantian Giant Urn said: "Write it better, and write some wise and martial arts that I wrote."

"Shenwu is okay, Yingming definitely can't talk about it." Princess Yueyue sneered.

Tianchou God King and Dragon Blood Taibao sneered.

Meng Niuniu moved her slender legs, one hand spread out, and her vitality raised a red cloak behind her back, just as she always dressed, with a sword intent in her palm expanding and turning into a slender sharp blade.

"The Great Chaos only can be killed by Senior Meng Fan." Zhi Weiyi said coldly: "No one is allowed to compete with Senior Meng Fan."

Yun Feiyang wrote a paragraph in the air with his vitality: "Era Alliance’s fifteen hundred and thirty-three **** kings ushered in the tide of catastrophe in the swing city. One thousand three hundred and twelve **** kings died here, 180 thousand. The strange ghosts were buried with some of the sons of Chaos. At the same time, headed by the creator Meng Fan, the remaining two-kalpa **** kings went to the Chaos World.

Meng Fan walked slowly.

The kings followed quietly.

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