Supreme God King

Chapter 2546: Last Stand

Reincarnation bridge.


Even though Meng Fan had fought against the strange ghost tide and the son of Chaos so many times, he had seen the deity of the Great Chaos Emperor with his own eyes, but he still knew very little about the Great Chaos Emperor.

This reincarnation bridge and the yellow spring under the bridge are one of them.

The Child of Chaos, of course, has a fear of fighting and death, but it is much smaller than the Heaven and Earth God King locked in by the catastrophe. The reason is that the Child of Chaos will almost never die.

Because of the existence of the bridge of reincarnation.

Because of the existence of the meaning of reincarnation.

The real horror of Emperor Chaos is that he is strong enough to reproduce the true meaning of Dao Dao, and then creates true meaning that is completely opposite to that of many Dao Dao.

Heaven has the meaning of meditation, so no matter how powerful sentient beings are, there will always be the day when the flesh rots and the soul decays.

All beings must end, this is the law of heaven.

The Great Chaos created reincarnation.

When the reincarnation bridge appeared, the eyes of many gods became extremely serious.

Similarly, after millions of years, Meng Fan, who was watching the fight from the perspective of a bystander, couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

Under the bridge of reincarnation, the yellow spring began to boil.

It seems to be boiled.

In the boiling, wisps of spirits rose from the yellow spring, and Meng Fan could clearly feel that certain memories and impurities in those spirits were washed away by Huang Quan, especially those memories of failure and killed. Memories are gone.

Then, masses of chaotic power appeared and landed on the bridge of reincarnation, and there were many flesh and blood. These flesh and blood originated from sentient beings.

Under the power of chaos, flesh and blood were reorganized into a flesh.

Those spirits that rose up from the yellow spring merged into these flesh bodies.

A fleshy body.

Hundreds of flesh.

Three hundred bodies.

Five hundred bodies.

At the same time opened his eyes.

A son of Chaos, who was killed within a few days, is reborn!

Although the son of chaos after rebirth appeared to be much weaker than before, he was still in the realm of the **** king!

Moreover, these children of chaos have completely erased the memory of failure and the memory of being killed, leaving only the memory of fighting and fierce, without fear, they let out endless roars!

The nine gods have different expressions.

The Oracle Dragon Emperor, Xuanhuang Emperor, and Ye Xuanji, although their faces were serious, their fighting spirit remained undiminished, and even the power of the whole body had been raised to the extreme, ready to continue fighting.

In contrast, Ten Thousand Tail Demon Ancestor and Thousand Chance Walker had wide-open eyes, which was obviously extremely surprised.

The expressions of the nine gods are completely different.

The other kings of the gods showed a panic and panic.

As a result, people began to retreat.

Wander to Wuhai.

Among the nine great kings, even the unabated Emperor Xuanhuang and Ye Xuanji did not immediately rush out. Among them, the great Emperor Xuanhuang turned his head and saw the divine kings who showed signs of fleeing in various ways, their expressions gradually became heavy.

At this moment, it seems that the minds are not shaken at all, it is the old man Toutuobudu and Qingshui Emperor.

These two gods have an eternal goal in one heart, so they always move forward, never staying half a step.

The other is to find the meaning of their own birth, and to deal with life and death, there seems to be no concept or fear.

In addition, the moods of other gods are undergoing tremendous changes.

The emotion of withdrawal spread uncontrollably.

Moreover, they have the qualifications to retreat, because Wuhai is not far behind, maybe a day or two away, as long as they get to Wuhai, take the Ark, and go wherever they come.

But at this moment.

In the sea, a shadow appeared.

There is only one shadow.

It's as black as ink.

Meng Fan saw it, it was the projection of the Great Chaos.

This projection was very dense and completely dark, much stronger than the projection that Meng Fan had encountered before. After it appeared, it was a palm directly facing the ancient ship without sea.

This palm steadily hit the most vulnerable place of the ancient ship without sea.

In Meng Fan’s guess, the ancient ship without sea should have been created by Emperor Chaos. Therefore, the Emperor Chaos knew very well about this ancient ship. When he shot it, it was the weakness of the seven inches. In just two breaths, he played continuously. Thousands of palms bombarded this ancient ship to pieces!

That's it.

That's it!

Meng Fan knew that the ancient ship without sea was destroyed by the Emperor Chaos himself, but at first he thought that the Emperor Chaos did not want the **** king of the heavens and the world, or the power of the heavens, to step into the Chaos Realm through the ancient ship without sea. But at this moment, he knew that the reason Chaos Great Emperor did this was just the opposite, because he didn't want the many **** kings of the Ancient Alliance to leave the chaos world!

The mind of the Great Primordial Chaos, in such a long time, Meng Fan also gradually understood that he also gradually became clear.

A wave of ghosts can indeed swallow all beings from the heavens and the earth. If it were in the ancient era, as long as all beings were obliterated by the wave of ghosts, then according to the law of the movement of heaven, one would not be able to feel the power of beings and the resistance of beings would not be triggered. Era Great Tribulation.

But over time, as Meng Fan continued to come into contact with the Chaos World, he had a new understanding of these.

First of all, although the tide of strange ghosts is powerful, it is absolutely unable to deal with the top **** kings. In front of the top **** kings, thousands or even tens of thousands of strange ghosts are nothing. They can be confronted. Even if they can't be confronted, it is easy to escape.

For example, Meng Fan, let alone the speed at which he smashes the vacuum, even if he walks on foot, the tide of ghosts cannot catch up.

Therefore, the tide of ghosts is not used to completely erase the sentient beings of the heavens and all realms.

And in this era, regardless of whether there are many powerful people in the heavens and the world, the heavens will fall into the era of great calamity. The will of the heavens is becoming stronger and stronger, and they have the incarnation that can think for the heavens. There is no one. It is impossible for anyone to grasp the laws of the heavens' movement and escape the catastrophe of the era.

Therefore, the purpose of the strange ghost tide is actually to force the **** kings of the heavens and all realms to form an army and enter the chaos realm.

It is a bait.

Meng Fan knew this a long time ago.

In each epoch, the Great Chaos will find one or several guides from the heavens and all realms, and they will form the alliance of **** kings, and then bring many **** kings into the chaos realm in order to capture these gods. The true meaning of the Great Dao in the king's body, and their flesh and blood.

Emperor Chaos cannot step out of the Chaos Realm.

It's like a fisherman, unable to enter the water.

So arrange bait and wait quietly.

In the ancient era, the nine kings of the gods were the guide, and in this era, Meng Fan was the guide.

The ancient ship without sea was torn apart.

The hundreds of sons of chaos who were reborn in reincarnation were strangled with the ancient alliance.

The scene fell into chaos again, but this time, the belief in the hearts of the kings was disintegrating a little bit, and a little bit collapsed.

Until this moment, the Ancient Alliance, even the face of Chaos Great Emperor, had not seen it.

They can only fight their backs, fight, or die.

So in the melee, the nine kings suddenly moved.

They quickly flew to the depths of the chaos world.

They want to find Emperor Chaos and face Emperor Chaos directly.

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