Supreme God King

Chapter 2561: Three-legged

Regarding Nandian Princess's question, Meng Fan directly nodded and admitted that he would not care about face, so he didn't know if he knew it.

As the Great Emperor Chaos said, he is no longer a frog at the bottom of the well, but he has just climbed out of the well, and he has a very shallow understanding of the greatness of the universe.

"Mengzi, please accept this." Princess Nandian said, opening her mouth to exhale a mass of vitality. These vitality, condensed into pages of paper, warm and moist as jade, very beautiful, and tough. Then, in her mind, A few thoughts flew out, all milky white, falling on the paper like little elves, turning into paragraphs of text.

Every breath is hundreds of thousands of words, directly formed.

After a stick of incense, it is a heavy classic.

"Here is the information of the entire universe and all the highest celestial dynasties. Among them, there are also information about our Faxiangtian dynasty. But after all, Faxiangtian dynasty is the dynasty of our god-slashing clan. It is impossible to tell Meng Gongzi everything. Some important points, I didn't write anything, but the other supreme celestial dynasties, regardless of the details, I wrote them all down."

The princess Nandian handed over the classics to Meng Fan. The classics exudes a scent of fragrance from inside to outside, as if this is not a book, but a pure and beautiful girl, exuding uniqueness. Woman incense.

In fact, this is really not an ordinary book. It combines the vitality and spirit of Nandian princess, and it actually gave birth to a spirit-like existence, almost producing a spirit.

After Meng Fan took over the classics, he immediately swept the classics with the power of the Creator.

The speed of his reading cannot be calculated by the number of words read in one breath, but by Sumi. Every thought of his soul and soul is very powerful. It goes deep into the classics, and the words inside are not detailed. They all absorbed, digested, and merged into their own minds, and they could see clearly, but only a few Sumeru had read the entire classics.

The moment he finished reading, there was a "boom boom" sound in the classics.

It is this classic book that originally gave birth to a certain spirit, but it was contaminated with Meng Fan's creative power, directly deriving his own heart!

Already alive.

It is a spirit, born.

This scene made the supervisor who was not far away stunned. This ancient book that was just created but a stick of incense has actually become a Taoist instrument!

The so-called Taoist artifacts are some monks who practiced since they were young and weak, and they would carry some kind of treasures, or magical tools, or treasures with them. Over time, they are handy, and they are warm and mutually nurturing. This treasure, magic weapon, became his natal magic weapon.

And when this monk has gone through all kinds of hardships, finally endured the punishment of heaven and stepped into the realm of the **** king, this treasure will become his tool of enlightenment, and there is a great chance that it will be tempered and transformed in the punishment of heaven. Derived from the device spirit.

The so-called Dao artifacts are the artifacts of enlightenment, the treasures of the gods, and the biggest difference from other treasures and magical artifacts is that they have the spirit of the artifacts and can practice on their own, and because they are contaminated with the breath of the gods, so the innate saint , The strength is infinitely close to the **** king, if given time, a powerful tool spirit continuously tempers itself, and even can easily kill a **** king in seconds.

From many perspectives, Taoism is the most powerful treasure in the universe, between heaven and earth.

If you have to say something stronger than a Taoist artifact, it is a rare artifact. For example, the Thirty-Three Heavenly Treasure is one of the artifacts. It’s just that the existence of artifacts is too illusory, and it’s hard not to say it. Identification, therefore, is often not recognized by the **** king.

Meng Fan’s Sky-Splitting Spear is one of the Thirty-Three Heavenly Treasures. It can be said to be a divine weapon, but the mystery in it is very difficult to see even as the Creator Meng Fan.

Therefore, in the cognition of the **** king, Taoism is the supreme treasure.

But here, a Taoist artifact was born so easily. Meng Fan and Princess Nandian are the two three-tribulation **** kings. In fact, they did not refine them at all. They just wanted to make a classic book to make Meng Fan It's just being able to understand the structure of the primordial universe, because it is contaminated with the breath of the two, so it has become a Taoist tool.

"That's the case." After Meng Fan understood everything in this classic book, his vision suddenly expanded by many times, perhaps thousands of times, and he had a deeper understanding of the entire universe!

Some words that he had never heard of were also spinning in his mind.

The names of Fa Xiang Tian Dynasty, Ancient Fa Tian Dynasty, All Temples, Jingyuan Empire, Nine Heavens Profound Void Realm, Epoch Empire, Dade Dynasty, Great Thousand Alliance, etc., all echoed in his mind, one by one, the highest heaven.

Some of these supreme celestial dynasties are very similar to the secular dynasties, there are emperors, and various officials, such as the Faxiang dynasty.

Others are powerful sects, such as all the holy halls and the Nine Sky Profound Void Realm.

Some others, just like the Era Alliance, are alliances formed by some powerful forces uniting together, some loosely, and some are united, such as the Great Thousand Alliance.

But these supreme celestial dynasties, no matter what they look like, have some common characteristics. For example, their level is very high, and there will be no fighting between the worlds like the heavens and the world. Their battlefields are all The battle between all dimensions.

Moreover, these supreme celestial dynasties all control one dimension.

Also, they all have ways to other dimensions, some are in control of the channel, some are in control of the way of creating black holes, and so on.

These dimensions of the supreme celestial rule are different from the heavens and the worlds. The heavens and the worlds fell apart during the wars of the ancient era and were split by the path of the gods, so they were divided into separate worlds, but other dimensions, But this is not the case. For example, the Thirty Heavens and God's Domain that Meng Fan has visited are a whole prehistoric continent, and the dimensions of these supreme celestial dynasties are also like this, they are all a whole prehistoric continent, very huge.

Even if Meng Fan can smash the vacuum and cross such a dimension, he will not be able to do it in a few years.

Therefore, in order to rule one dimension, these supreme celestial dynasties have to build many teleportation arrays, black holes, void shortcuts, and so on.

A dimensional dynasty.

Compared with these supreme celestial dynasties, the Ziguang Empire is nothing to mention.

However, these did not shock Meng Fan. What really made his eyes deep is another brand new term that he saw in the classics.

Meng Fan has never heard of this term.

Although the various supreme celestial dynasties are very powerful, they are very self-aware. They think that although they control one dimension, the entire universe is prehistoric. I don’t know how many dimensions there are. They are just the rulers of one of ten million dimensions. Nothing great. In their view, their existence is certainly important, and it is a very important part of the entire universe, but the most important part of the universe is the "three legs", which are considered by all the highest heavens to support the whole If any one of the three legs of the prehistoric universe falls, it will cause the entire universe to collapse or even reorganize.

First, it is the way of heaven, absolutely supreme, absolutely powerful, but because the way of heaven has no self-thinking, it does not think and calculate like living beings, so although the way of heaven has the ability to destroy all living beings, it is difficult to do it and can only rely on itself The derivation of the epoch catastrophe, the catastrophe of hit, and the incarnation of the heavens come and indirectly destroy all beings.

The second is the Great Chaos. In all dimensions and in all the highest celestial dynasties, there is a common understanding, that is, the Great Chaos is the most powerful creature throughout the ages, so powerful that it has become the "opposite" of the heavens.

The third is a brand new term that Meng Fan has never heard of.

Creation God.

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