Supreme God King

Chapter 2584: Blocker

Meng Fan blinked in confusion.

Blurted out: "What a queen empress."

The Empress of the Heavenly Dynasty, who was too horrifying in his behavior and words, still said charmingly; “The Heavenly Dynasty has been standing for 9.3 million years. If you don’t look at Zhang Shou’s turbulent Taiping Army uprising, the long-term peace has been two million years. The catastrophe, the wave of strange ghosts, have not affected the sky at all, young people, we don't like to be a bird."

"That's not a coincidence." Meng Fan no longer sat cross-legged, but slowly stood up on his knees, patted the green shirt at will, and the messy clothes were immediately tidy. "The queen mother, since I stepped into martial arts, I always wanted to practice with peace of mind, but the world doesn’t allow it. She always gets the first bird. After a long time, she really gets used to being a first bird. The son of the soldier of the Ministry of War was broken by me. It’s me who disrupted the seventy percent of the soul. What can the queen mother do? If you want to kill or slash, the queen mother can give it a try, or talk less nonsense."

The empress raised her eyebrows again, and the corners of her mouth raised: "It's really rare for a **** king like you."

"With each other." Meng Fan shrugged his shoulders, and his pair of clear eyes turned pale at the moment of shuddering!

The whole body strength is beginning to rise infinitely.

The fighting spirit was surging and made no secret. Facing the number one woman in the heavenly dynasty, Meng Fan's fists were also slowly squeezed, and the entire secret realm began to center on him, resulting in earth-shaking changes. His absolute realm.

Don't be timid!

As he said, from the day he stepped into the martial arts, the situation of right and wrong always surrounded him. He did not want to be a leader or the core of the situation, but he had no alternative, the result was always the same.

This is not accidental, but definite.

Only after so many storms can he reach his current state in ten thousand years. It was the strong wind and waves that tempered him, so facing the fight, he never took a step back.

Not only him, but the kings of the Ten Thousand Realms, or the kings of the Era Alliance.

"It seems to be a fierce battle?" In Qiankun's Ark, Princess Yue squeezed her index finger. "The Five Tribulations God King, a terrifying state, really makes me impatient."

The moment she finished saying this.

A gaze penetrated the laws and vitality of Meng Fan's whole body, even penetrated the Ark of Universe, and fell on her, locking her tightly.

It was the gaze of the Queen Empress.

Princess Yueyue was suddenly on her back, a strong sense of crisis, making her fidgety, and even more frightened, she became angry.

See through all obstacles, thoroughly see through Meng Fan, and even clearly capture the words of Princess Yueyue. This method is terrifying!

Just like Meng Fan's Eye of Creation, this first woman of the Faxiang Heavenly Dynasty seems to have amazing perception abilities.

"Your Majesty said that he saw a good young man in the Chaos Realm, and he still had some obscure fate on him. Because of curiosity, he invited Faxiang Tianchao. I don't know what kind of person he invited to this move?" Empress Empress chuckles and said: "It seems that there are some people who don't know the sky is high and the earth is thick."

"Then dare to ask the Queen Mother, how high is the sky and how thick is the ground?" Meng Fan said, with no intention of retreating, his whole body was full of fighting strength, and he took a step forward, actually against the wind. "The king of the gods is in the realm. Why do you know that the sky is high and the earth is thick?" Is it possible to say that killing an official child is to provoke the sky? Or to say that the heaven is equivalent to the heaven? I am not a person who is illegal to the heaven, so naturally I will not listen. What celestial law, did I jump out of the way of heaven?"

"A clever tongue is like a spring." The empress was still smiling, not at all annoyed, her whole figure faded from before Meng Fan's eyes: "When your majesty has seen you, what kind of color are you? I have the answer. At this moment, I can test you in advance. Don't worry, my child, there will be a period later."

When the last word was finished, the empress also disappeared completely.

Just like when it came, it was silent.

Meng Fan’s eyes of creation swept across the void, looking for the traces of the queen’s empress. After a long time, he returned to her clear appearance, and the deliberately pretended cynical smile on his face was also completely restrained, turning to a serious face: "The whole person It seems to be integrated with the air and luck of the Faxiangtian Dynasty. Come when you say it, and leave when you say it. There is no trace at all."

"Somewhat powerful." Ancient emperor said: "Meng Fan, no matter how calm you are on the surface, if you want to come to your heart, you are also extremely vigilant. If this queen empress is really brazen and has the support of the Era Alliance, you will not be defeated. But I will definitely not get any cheap."

"I have the Era Alliance. She has the entire Faxiang Heavenly Dynasty." Meng Fan exhaled and quickly returned to normal. This secret realm also returned to its original state as his breath stabilized. "I don't know how long it will take for Princess Nandian to go. Am I just staying here and waiting for her to come back?"

"Of course you won't." Zhan Tian giant smirked: "The weather of the Supreme Heaven and the grandeur of the entire universe, we haven't seen it clearly yet."

"It's reasonable." Meng Fan chuckled, flicking his fingers, as if playing a piano, and the whole secret realm slowly unfolded. He took a step forward, walked straight out and came to Kyoto Street.

At the same time, the whole body was dressed up and quickly changed his appearance. It looked like an ordinary **** king, holding a folding fan, walking slowly on the street, looking like a young talent.

Indeed, as the highest celestial dynasty, this Dharma Xiangtian dynasty is of course majestic weather. Compared with this place, some places Meng Fan has seen before, such as the Thirty Heavens or God's Domain, or the Common Realm and Impermanence Realm, seem too remote. Not a level at all.

Walking all the way, Meng Fan's spirit thoughts were flying everywhere, greedily absorbing all kinds of news, everything was gathered into his mind, brewing and fermenting in it, inferences and clear organization.

However, after only half an hour, the outline of the majestic Dharma and Heavenly Dynasty was clearly outlined in his mind, from the entire imperial court to the folk customs, rumors, and history, as if he See it with my own eyes.

Now, he dare not compare this Dharma and Heavenly Dynasty with those important court officials, but some ordinary native-born and bred Dharma and Heavenly figures may not know much about him.

He even knew the fourth youth and six officials in Kyoto.

He was also well aware of the many government-house disputes in the Dharma and Heavenly Dynasty, some grievances in the 27th sect, and the confrontation or alliances between various factions and heroes.

But at this moment.

A man blocked his way.

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