Supreme God King

Chapter 2587: Man can conquer the sky

When the Emperor Zhenzong said a few words, in this too simple house, the green and purple aura that can be seen with the naked eye slowly flowed and gathered into a grand picture, but this grand picture was very vague and unclear.

But Princess Nandian's eyes became extremely solemn.

Emperor Zhenzong's tone was still very weak, and he spoke softly.

"The golden age of Fa Xiang Tian Dynasty ushered in the golden age, only a few worries have been around me, one is the remnants of the Taiping Army, one is the Taiping King Chu Yunshan, and finally, this is the court with many factions. I will go to punish the gods, No matter how sure you are, you must be fully prepared. If you can't leave a complete and beautiful scene for Nangong family, I may not be able to do my best in this battle.

This young man, of course, is good, strong perseverance, amazing heart, and twists and turns of life, so that he reached such a realm in just ten thousand years, and even qualified to be on the huge stage of the entire universe. However, no matter how tyrannical it is, it is a child who is still wet.

The way he walks is the way of heaven, and he is also the true meaning of multiple avenues, and even reached an unprecedented realm, infinitely close to the way of heaven, and can be called the creator. If he steps into the heavenly dynasty, it will not take too long, it will cause peace. The army's remnants paid attention to Zhang Shou and let me solve this trouble completely. "

Princess Nandian looked stunned, and even her lips trembled slightly: "Zhang Shou?"

Emperor Zhenzong nodded and said, "He is not dead."

As soon as this remark came out, Princess Nandian was completely stunned, her mind turned overwhelming, and she was completely confused for a while.

Zhang Shou, the only one who has set off a huge rebellion in two million years and has a profound impact on the Faxiang Dynasty, did not die?

The posts by Chu Yunshan, Champion Hou, the Ministry of War, and countless **** kings who watched the battle... what exactly is it?

"Xiaoyu, your mother and I have said that it is a pity that you were born as a daughter. Otherwise, the future inheritance of Datong will not have to have such a headache." Emperor Zhenzong said softly: "But whether you are a woman or not, Not to mention whether there will be a queen in my Fa Xiang Tian Dynasty, you are all the children of my Nangong family, and you are also the best one in your generation. Some things, you should know, and you should start to do your best for my Nangong family. Tried my best.

The Taiping Army uprising that year happened before you were born, so everything you know about the Taiping Army uprising is what you hear. No matter how rough the uprising you hear, the facts are bigger.

Taiping Army uprisings broke out in various places that year. Six parts wrote about the capture of the king. The generals from all walks of life went straight to where Zhang Shou was. They wanted to kill Zhang Shou in one fell swoop, using the fastest time to completely destroy the Taiping Army, but they did not expect In that great battle, the Taiping Army, which had only one-tenth of its strength, suffered heavy losses. The reason was that nearly half of the leaders of the Taiping Army were **** kings of the Taiping Army, puppets of Heaven.

After that, the Taiping Army spread like a plague, unstoppable, and some sects and forces that pursued the heavens continued to appear, walking the way for the heavens and destroying the heavens, and the speeches of destroying the heavenly dynasty were raging for a while, and tens of thousands of people joined Taiping every day. The army, many county guards, and governors were beheaded one after another, and the entire Dharma and Heavenly Dynasty fell into complete chaos for a while. "

Princess Nandian listened in silence, but the shock in her heart was beyond words. What she heard about the Taiping Army was completely different from what Emperor Zhenzong said.

In the various ancient books and documents she saw, the Taiping Army was a group of arrogant and arrogant guys. Although in that huge uprising, more than 60 gods and kings joined the Taiping Army, but the foundation of the relatively large Faxiang Heavenly Dynasty, The number of sixty is actually nothing.

Not to mention anything else, there are hundreds of monsters that reach the realm of God King in Nandian Princess Beast Kingdom.

The Emperor Jinzong solemnly said: "It was also that year that I really felt the horror of the Tao of Heaven. In the past, in my eyes, the Tao of Heaven was a group of laws that continued to operate according to the law. Although powerful, it seemed like a bystander. At certain moments, the Great Tribulation of the Era was brought down, it was not a great event, and it was not worth mentioning to the Supreme Heaven.

But when the Taiping Army uprising of the entire Faxiangtian Dynasty was surging, even in the six parts, heavenly puppets appeared, especially in the plum rain season, a guard who served me from childhood to the big side by my side suddenly showed his fangs and shot me. Only then knew that he was also a puppet of heaven.

The real horror lies in the inability to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy.

On the surface of the Taiping Army, there are more than sixty **** kings, but according to the guess of the twenty-seven sects back then, there are at least three or four hundred puppets of the Heavenly Path of the Faxiang Heavenly Dynasty!

It's just that they are hiding, and some even serve in the court. Maybe there are people who have made great achievements. They are hiding, dormant, waiting for a moment of need, tearing their masks, and brazenly attacking the court and the Nangong family.

In order to eliminate the Taiping Army, I did three things.

First, let your mother and Jian Tiansi make a large array covering the entire celestial dynasty, using spring breeze, summer rain, autumn frost, and winter snow as their ears and eyes to monitor the entire celestial dynasty.

Second, I left the Dharma Xiangtian Dynasty and went to find the entrance to the source of the heavens. What I did was to see the way of heaven.

Third, allow Chu Yunshan to kill.

This great formation was quickly completed, and I, after traveling for a few years, have never been able to find the entrance to the source of the heavens. In the end, it was Chu Yunshan who really stopped the Taiping army.

In the past few years, regardless of whether he was a man of heaven or not, as long as he had the slightest suspicion, he was killed on the spot, and Chu Yunshan slaughtered 600 million lives.

More than half of the sixty **** kings of the Taiping Army died in the hands of Chu Yunshan, and he made great military exploits.

In the end, always hiding, Zhang Shou, who rarely showed up, finally appeared, fought with the champion Hou and ended in defeat.

But Zhang Shou was not dead.

Bystanders who went to the fight in person know that Zhang Shou fought fiercely with champion Hou to the end. Champion Hou was also scarred and was on the verge of death. In the end, he defeated Zhang Shou by half a move and smashed his body to pieces. At the moment of breaking, he ushered in his own catastrophe, and he passed it successfully.

Only after the catastrophe, Zhang Shou's body was still shattered, but his spirit disappeared. "

After the Emperor Zhenzong said, with a move of his palm, the floating gold robe flew back to him.

"In that fight, the champion Hou succeeded in one battle, but his temperament changed drastically. The champion Hou was originally just a **** in the army. He was born in a declining noble family. Several sisters were sold as servants of the government since he was a child. He was also bullied and humiliated since he was a child, but his character was tenacious, and he modified his destiny along the way, killing countless times, and became a champion with the appearance of a god.

But after that war, his character became more gentle, submissive, and deeper.

Just as he said to Zhang Shou at the moment of death.

Man will conquer the sky. "

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