Supreme God King

Chapter 2591: Fourth Tribulation

But Meng Fan is not a champion. He has a **** side, but he is also very sensible.

This is the Fa Xiang Tian Dynasty. The emperor Lao Er invited him to use him as a chess piece to draw out the remnants of the Taiping Army. If this is the case, how could he stay for a long time?

So, taking a deep look at Champion Hou, Meng Fan suddenly moved, and the dragon roared and roared, turning into a golden light, and shot out.

"The world is completely sealed off." Meng Fan's pale eyes gradually returned to clearness: "Although I can't stop me from breaking the vacuum, but once I break through the defense, I am afraid that there will be greater means waiting, the emperor of Faxiang, the queen of Faxiang, and That Taiping King Chu Yunshan hasn't appeared so far. It's really a dangerous situation."

"Go out first, it won't be too late to get revenge." Gu Huang said coldly, and he could see that his anger was also aroused.

Meng Fan removed a dragon scale, suddenly turned into a small node, and instantly shattered the vacuum.

At the moment when he broke the vacuum and escaped the ban.

A ray of light suddenly shot from the depths of the sky and shone on Meng Fan's body.

This light penetrated his flesh, passed through the mighty power of the world, simple and heavy, and fell into the Ark of Universe.

Then it was fleeting.

Meng Fan stopped abruptly.

The light of that moment broke through the barriers of all laws and strengths, appeared inexplicably, and disappeared inexplicably.

But a kind of anxiety began to grow in his heart, and it was difficult to eliminate.

far away.

Emperor Zhenzong and Princess Nandian walked side by side in the void, without any major ceremonies, and there was no ostentation, but the father and daughter walked like a walk.

Princess Nandian has a complicated face, while Emperor Zhenzong has a calm face.

Although Emperor Zhenzong had only met Meng Fan once, he knew him well. He had a very clear estimate of the way of heaven and the strength of the Creator. He also knew that the great formation that banned heaven and earth could not really block Meng Fan. Fan, as long as he crushes the vacuum, he will definitely be able to leave.

How can the master of the meaning of space be bound by space?

Therefore, he decided to take action at the moment when Meng Fan smashed the vacuum, severely wounded Meng Fan, and then captured it alive. After that, he searched the mountains and the sea for the remnants of the Taiping Army that had not appeared for many years but appeared today, and destroyed it in one fell swoop. Always suppress the concerns.

If the remnants of the Taiping Army are not found today, perhaps, the champion will be punished. Originally, according to Emperor Zhenzong’s intentions, the champion Hou was recalled to deal with the Taiping Army and Zhang Shou. Chu Yunshan’s meritocracy was no longer available. After all, the champion Hou had once faced the Taiping Army and Zhang Shou. Big plans, it wouldn't work without him.

Emperor Zhenzong was somewhat uncertain about the actions of the champion.

On the one hand, the champion Hou is loyal to the Fa Xiang Tian Dynasty. This is not the champion Hou's temperament, but the champion Hou has no interest in any conspiracy, factional confrontation, or power tricks. Since the battle with Zhang Shou 150,000 years ago , Champion Hou single-mindedly asked God, and never asked about other things.

On the other hand, the champion Hou's dedication to the way of heaven also made Emperor Jinzong doubt whether he could be calm.

Facts have proved that in the heart of champion Hou, his killing is greater than the emperor's fate.

But it doesn't matter, as long as he catches Meng Fan's "Little Heavenly Dao", Emperor Zhenzong believes that he can always draw out some shadows of the Taiping Army, and then follow the vines to wipe out the ghost that has been suspended in the Faxiang Heavenly Dynasty for hundreds of thousands of years.

And champion Hou...Since in his heart, his Dao is greater than the emperor's fate, so let it go.

The powerful strength brought the Emperor Zhenzong the powerful confidence to control the overall situation.

But at this moment, he stopped.

Looking at the distance, Meng Fan, who broke through the ban, frowned.

The fleeting light was also clearly captured by him, and the restless power in the light filled the Emperor Zhenzong's heart with anxiety.

"That's the power of heaven."

Not only the Emperor Jinzong.

Among all the characters who watched this battle from a distance, any powerful **** king can clearly feel that the light shoots from a place where the perception cannot be extended, a kind of vastness and majesty that only heaven has. , When the sky is filled.

In the Ark of Universe, the kings looked around in surprise.

a long time.

The empress opened her eyes wide.

The expression of the ancient emperor was extremely solemn.

Among the kings.

Tian Zhimei's body exudes a simple and heavy light.

Just now the light from the light shone on her.

Tian Zhimei looked at her hands and looked at the little light. After a while, the light gradually dimmed and finally dissipated. She was a little confused, as if she had first awakened from a big dream. She looked at the kings around her and said in a daze: "I... …I remembered.

My name is Ruoshuiyi. "

Ruo Shui Yi.

Three words!

The moment of export.

Meng Fan's gaze was firm as a mountain, suddenly soft and clear like a trickle.


He murmured.

"Do you remember?"

Tian Zhimei nodded slightly, looking at Meng Fan's gaze, full of tenderness, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly, looking at Meng Fan like a big sister doting on her younger brother.

"Xiao Fan, you have suffered a lot for so many years."

Tears filled Meng Fan's eyes.

But he smiled.

"I have never suffered, my...sister!"

Meng Fan had too much to say, but before he finished speaking, the body of Tianzhi's charming body began to dissipate a little bit!

It turned into a little bit of light, like thousands of fireflies flying from her body.


The kings of the Era Alliance collapsed in their minds at the same time.

Since ancient times, there have been many powerful **** kings, because martial arts have reached a bottleneck along the way, there is no way to enter, and there is no result in seeking the way outside, so they began to seek the truth in the heart, sit and meditate, sitting for thousands of years and tens of thousands of years.

Some people seek success and break through again.

Some **** kings have no results in seeking the truth.

However, there are also many **** kings. In this process, they have entered a realm of Xuanming, and their spirit and body have gradually undergone qualitative changes, even universalization and rainbowization!

In short, it is a body of power, infinitely close to the Dao of Heaven, integrated into the Dao of Heaven, and finally turned into a part of the law of the Dao of Heaven.

It can be said that a **** king who has reached this point is tantamount to death.

However, there is also a saying that the rainbow or generalized **** king has reached the level of immortality and has always become a part of heaven and earth.

But no matter which statement is correct, the Rainbow God King has disappeared forever.

And the beauty of the sky at this moment.

Her body is in Honghua!

Meng Fan's expression was completely stiff. With a sudden move, he landed in the Ark of Universe, staggering towards the beauty of the sky, reaching out his hand, trying to catch the light that flew away.

Like a child, chasing fireflies among the grass.

Only the child is happy.

And Meng Fan was helpless.

The kings just watched, no one stepped forward. Since ancient times, no one can stop Honghua.

The female emperor covered her mouth and shed tears.

Meng Fan tried his best to stop those light spots flying away.

His flesh began to burn!

Burning from the inside out!

Inner Devil!

The ancient emperor said solemnly: "Meng Fan's fourth calamity has begun. This is the way of heaven, the foreshadowing of it."

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