Supreme God King

Chapter 2593: Victory

Meng Fan didn't say a word.

Under the dignified gaze of the kings, he stepped out of the Ark of Universe and returned to the realm of the Heavenly Kingdom of Law.

From a distance, he looked at Emperor Zhenzong and Princess Nandian.

"He actually became the God King of the Four Tribulations." The Emperor Zhenzong, who seemed to be always calm and calm, suddenly frowned: "Why can he cause four catastrophes in a short period of ten thousand years? Why God, Want to obliterate him and destroy him?"

Princess Nandian was completely shocked. At this moment, Meng Fan's breath, spirit, and strength had undergone earth-shaking changes, especially the ruthless heaven and earth, infinitely close to the state of heaven, which made Nandian Princess even more profound. The chill.

"The person who walks the way of heaven must be ruthless in the end." The Emperor Zhenzong seemed to see his daughter's thoughts, and after a word, the huge wings on his back slowly spread out.

Then, step by step towards Meng Fan.

"I have killed countless gods, and the one I want to kill most is Heavenly Dao, this **** standing on top of all living beings."

The single wing behind the Emperor Zhenzong patted lightly, and the wind and waves were set off.

"Then, young man, as a little heaven, you may be able to satisfy my wish first."

Emperor Zhenzong, with a single wing from top to bottom, drew a huge circle.

The whole person, like a sharp arrow, shoots out!

This is the Dharma Xiangtian Dynasty, the sharpest arrow in the highest heaven.

The Emperor Zhenzong, the Faxiangtian dynasty nine million years ago, the most powerful emperor of the Nangong family of the Zhanshen clan, created the most powerful prosperous age in the history of the Faxiangtian dynasty. Because of the existence of this mountain, all kinds of things have been buried in the Faxiangtian dynasty. The extraterritorial gods of the methods have avoided the Fa Xiangtian.

Both the layout and the means are unparalleledly powerful.

Five Tribulations God King.

Taishan Beidou of the Faxiang Heavenly Dynasty!

For many years, no one has really seen the Emperor Zhenzong take action. In the Taiping Army uprising that year, the Emperor Zhenzong did not take action. There was no shadow of the Emperor Zhenzong on the battlefield outside the territory.

His battlefield is the dwelling place of those gods.

He went alone and returned again.

Every time we cut through thorns and thorns, we uprooted the great mountains of gods and gods on the heads of all beings of the Faxiang Tian Dynasty, destroying everything.

This time, he shot in the Fa Xiangtian Dynasty.

In the Fa Xiang Tian Dynasty, there was an unwritten rule that the emperor could not shoot inside, which meant that the sage inside and the king outside, the sage inside and the virtuous, and the domineering outside.

But Meng Fan is not a person who is illegal to the heavenly dynasty.

The Emperor Zhenzong is about to perform the most important slashing of the gods in his life. The victory or defeat is between five and five. Just like his ancestors in the past, he is holding the belief of fighting or dying. Road, so before leaving, he must eliminate all worries as much as possible.

The aftermath of the Taiping Army is a huge concern for him.

Meng Fan was the key to the remnants of the Taiping Army that had been hidden for hundreds of thousands of years.

This is the sharpest arrow of the Dharma and Heavenly Dynasty.

Meng Fan did not dodge or retreat.

He stretched out a hand.

Five fingers spread out.

In the palm of the palm, waves of laws spread outward.

God kings can see through and control the laws of heaven and earth, but at this moment, the laws released by Meng Fan are unique, primitive and simple, infinitely close to the original laws of heaven!

In other words, at this moment, Meng Fan is not creating laws, but controlling the world!

The law is rippled, spreading layer by layer, like a thick, solid tortoise shell.

"Want to try?" The emperor Zhenzong said coldly: "Or are you really ruthless, ruthless to fearless, forgetting life and death?

This is the sorrow of the heavenly man.

They walked on the way of heaven, mastered the power of the way of heaven, and spied on the secrets of the way of heaven. With each breakthrough, they were closer to the way of heaven.

The power of heaven is vast.

Is everywhere.

All beings live under the envelope of heaven.

Those who walk the way of heaven will inevitably lose themselves gradually, and take the will of heaven as their own will, and the order of heaven as their own order.

They will gradually believe in fate and believe that everything is irreversible. Repeated failures will cause them to sink, and the ups and downs will make them peaceful.

Young man, it's a pity. "

The voice of Emperor Zhenzong echoed in the air.

Reverberating in the army of the Faxiang Heavenly Dynasty.


Meng Fan stood in front of him with one hand, and the huge shield of the law was still consolidating and becoming heavier.

He raised his head and looked at the sky.


"Everyone, like a chess piece, is held by Heaven, and falls where Heaven hopes him to be. From then on, he stays motionless and becomes a black and white piece in the big chess game, quietly withstanding the wind and rain.

When a creature stepped into the realm of the king of gods, saw the way of heaven, felt helpless, and thought that it was extremely high, how could it endure to be a **** in the hands of others?

So the **** kings throughout the ages, constantly change their fate against the sky.

Maybe it was in vain, maybe it was nothing in the end.

But they are writing their own legends.

There are always people who jumped out of the chessboard and stood on the other end, playing against the black and white of heaven.

I walk the way of heaven, but it does not mean that I am a **** of heaven.

I want to see the situation of heaven.

I want to win the sky and half son. "

Meng Fan's voice was very soft, without any waves or emotions.

Every word of him seemed to be the voice of the will of Heaven, and every move of him seemed to be a wave caused by Heaven.

He is getting closer and closer to the way of heaven.

The Emperor Zhenzong has arrived.

With the most swift gesture, a punch, bombarding the tortoise shell created by Meng Fan!

But it was empty.

The Emperor Zhenzong rushed forward tens of thousands of miles before finally stopping, his eyes flickering, turning around, looking at the void.


Meng Fan, disappeared.

Right in front of his eyes, it just disappeared silently.

The Emperor Zhenzong did not understand. He did not see Meng Fan using any means, nor did he feel any fluctuations in the infinite space. Meng Fan just disappeared in front of his eyes, just one-sixtieth of his arrival. Sumi, he couldn't understand all of this, he just stared solemnly at the place where Meng Fan was before.

Then he raised his head, looking up at the huge sky like Meng Fan before.

"The universe is a chessboard, and all beings are chess pieces, all black and white.

It's just that some pieces are abandoned pieces, and some pieces can determine life and death.

All beings are writing their own legends, and there are always people who jump out of the chessboard and stand on the other end, playing against the heavenly path.

He wants to win the sky and half son? "

After standing for a long time, Princess Nandian slowly came to the side of Emperor Zhenzong.

"Xiaoyu, the father may be wrong." Emperor Zhenzong said softly.

Princess Nandian did not speak, but listened quietly.

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