Supreme God King

Chapter 2603: Own way

Sixteen days.

The white-clothed **** kings of the Taiping Army sat in this world for 16 days.

Everyone was waiting for the last grain of sand to fall, but at that moment, it never came.

On this day, Zhang Shou seemed to be exhausted from sitting, so he got up, walked out with the help of Lingling, came under the statue of Meng Fan, and watched silently for more than an hour.

With this Hundred-Zhang statue of Meng Fan as the center, the area of ​​tens of millions of miles is completely dust. The earth is smoothed, mountains, canyons, ravines, and rivers are all turned into nothingness, and the smoothed earth is also a piece of dust. Burnt black.

Only this statue was still standing in mid-air.

Zhang Shou raised his head and looked at the statue, silent for a long time.

"Grandpa Zhang..." Lingling broke the tranquility softly: "What kind of person is he, you say?"

"I don't know." Zhang Shou shook his head and combed his messy beard with his hands: "I am not a **** of creation, and it is impossible to know everything in the world well. It was just over a year ago that one came from the heavens and all realms. The news is that someone has become a creator, incarnate as the only little way of heaven in the ages."

"Why does he hate the sky so much?" Lingling asked again.

Zhang Shou did not answer, because this question is more difficult than before.

The sky is the name of the Taiping kings for the way of heaven.

Zhang Shou also wants to know why anyone hates the sky so much.

Throughout the ages, all living beings, when they step into the realm of the **** king, have begun their own way of defying the heavens and changing their fate, fighting against the heavens, and not being restricted by many laws, but when a **** king is stronger, he will be more aware of his weakness.

Zhang Shou suddenly remembered a story from his childhood.

"Lingling, I will tell you a story."

Linglingly nodded: "Okay."

"A child who was born in a small mountain village, didn't know a big character, and hadn't seen anything. At the age of twelve, a fortune teller came to the village and he learned the first word from his husband.

Then he swaggered across the city, shouting everywhere in this illiterate village, showing off that he knew a word.

A few days later, he learned another word.

Still swagger.

With the passage of time, he gradually learned a lot of words, and no longer showed off to the people in the village. It was just that when facing the same villagers, there was a kind of arrogance in his bones. In his eyes, the people in the village People are uneducated villagers, and he is different.

A year later, he began to waver.

Knowing many words, he is very proud and feels that he is different from the villagers, but he doesn’t know exactly where he is different, because he also has to cultivate the land with his parents, feed the cows and sheep with water, and he has to be different from the dirty ones. The children are playing around.

He asked the fortune teller, wanting the fortune teller to answer his questions.

But the fortune teller couldn't give the answer either.

After some more time, the child learned all the words of the fortune teller.

Originally, in children's minds, fortune tellers are the most knowledgeable people in the world, but as a fortune teller, children can do it, so they no longer think that fortune tellers are knowledgeable.

And the children no longer show off to other villagers.

He began to think.

Think about everything.

Finally one day, the fortune teller said that if you want to know how different you are from other people, you must leave this village, because in this village, you are a villager, just like other villagers, you have left. You are not a villager.

So the child took up his suitcase and left.

After several months of trekking, he walked out of the rolling mountains and into a town.

He saw a lot of words he didn't know in the streets.

He saw a real scholar.

I saw Master Guan.

I saw the fairy-like woman in the brothel.

I saw a horse and a landscape painting.

In front of these, he was dumbfounded and felt incredible.

the most important is.

Wearing a tattered cloth, a muddy suit, and only two or three hundred words, he was humble, pitiful, weak and not worth mentioning before all this.





All kinds of negative emotions occupied his spirit.

In the following years, he worked as a handyman in this small town, doing all kinds of dirty and tiring work, especially in a brothel, washing the toilet for more than a year.

But he never gave up reading and learning words.

It took him four years to grow from a teenager to an adult.

It also took four years to read all the books in this brothel.

That year, when he was eighteen years old, he knew the third thousand words.

Becoming the most knowledgeable person in the brothel, the old bustard no longer let him wash the toilet, but let him receive the county elders, small officials, small officials, and occasional merchants from other places.

Although this kind of merchants rarely appear several times a year, each time, the children will take care of these people without charging a penny, and they will always follow behind, unwilling to leave, and listen to them talking about some interesting things from other places.

The county master once wrote a poem, and he was responsible for washing the pen.

The county master’s poem is good, but no one else can tell the essence.

The child said a pen to go with the dragon and snake, and there was a spirit in the pen. The county master was very happy and gave him the poem.

So the status of the child in the city changed.

He became the most detached existence in the brothel, and even the old bustard had to make him three points.

In addition to traveling to and from the yamen, he receives some distinguished guests. In his free time, he writes poems and composes music for the women in the brothel, but most of the time, he is still reading.

Read some books borrowed from the county government.

When he was twenty, the child read all the books in the county.

Everyone in the county said that he is the most literate person, he can be admitted to the scholar, but also the champion, the county master even asked him to be an assistant, and also gave him a set of real estate, the famous girls in the county A matchmaker was commissioned to talk to him.

But he is always polite, humble and kind.

The county master asked him why.

He said that the more he knew, the more he found out that he knew nothing.

So he gave up all the good prospects of the county seat, left, and went to the capital.

Twelve years later, he has broken ten thousand books.

However, his knowledge is not outstanding in the capital. After several imperial examinations, he lost his name to Sunshan. In addition, he came from a poor background and lived very hard. He could only make a living by writing for others and painting for others, the only confidant. It was an old and declining woman in a brothel.

That woman raised him for a long time.

One day, the woman died of old age.

He also gradually became ashamed.

Life is getting bleak.

Then got sick.

He didn't have the money to see a doctor. After more than ten days, he knew that his deadline was approaching, and he was a little sad, so he picked up a pen and wanted to leave something.

In a few days, he wrote a lot of poems, but he tore them up again, leaving nothing behind.

Finally, he lay on the bed alone.

As he died, he wrote a sentence in very white text.

I was born in a mountain village and died in Beijing. After reading thousands of books, I learned that the Beijing History Department has thousands of books. "

After Zhang Shou finished speaking, he paused and said: "When a creature gets stronger and stronger, he will understand his weakness before the way of heaven. Just like that person, the more he knows, the more he understands that he knows nothing.

This Meng Fan, just like that child, one day, suddenly found himself in front of Heavenly Dao. He was so weak and small, like an ant. Would he hate it? "

A moment of silence.

Lingling suddenly said: "But that scholar, when he was dying, was he regretting? Would he regret that he shouldn't leave the mountain village when he was young, or would he regret that he shouldn't have left that small town? Grandpa Zhang, I don't think he regrets. If he stays in the mountain village, he is a villager, if he stays in the county seat, he is a master, but when he arrives in the capital, he read ten thousand books and he sees a bigger sky."

Zhang Shou was startled and looked at Lingling in surprise.

Lingling said: "He doesn't hate or fear. When he chooses to move forward and take that step, he already has his own way. Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, he has no way."

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