Supreme God King

Chapter 2607: Life or death

Zhang Shou retracted his gaze, coughed a few times, and splashed blood from his mouthpiece.

Seeing the blood on his palm, he smiled.

It was a free and easy smile.

A touch of gold flashed.

A figure fell.

A handsome-looking man dressed in white robes and brocade.

It fell in front of Zhang Shou.

He looked at Zhang Shou with a solemn gaze, and said: "Zhang Tianwang, this is the first time that I stand in front of you, close to each other."

Zhang Shou smiled and raised his head, looking at the man in front of him and said: "When I was young, I always thought that one day I would be able to get a title on the gold list, and I would ride a dragon horse into Beijing, step into the palace, and see your majesty, and even three prayers. I have practiced the nine-knock posture several times, but unfortunately, I lost my name again and again."

Emperor Zhenzong frowned.

"My Zhenzong New Deal seems to be wrong."

"It's not wrong, it's just anxious." Zhang Shou smiled: "The Fa Xiang Tian Dynasty is based on the humane system, as the foundation, established and developed to this day, 9 million years, your Majesty will destroy the entire human race in one dynasty. Isn’t it anxious for the deep-rooted forces of the Fa Xiangtian Dynasty?"

"Humanity, too much like heaven." Emperor Zhenzong said softly, calmly and casually, but that kind of tolerance was naturally revealed: "The universe is prehistoric, and the great celestial dynasties, many of which are imitated humanitarian systems. , After all, we must command a dimension. Only a humane system can do it. It can’t be messed up. It’s just that for millions of years, our Fa Xiang Tian Dynasty has not been afraid of the ghost tides in the chaotic world, not afraid of the catastrophe of the era, but some courtiers have always become Heavenly puppets, and the human race is too powerful. Once upon a time, more than half of the leaders of the twenty-seven sects were human races. That happened more than three million years ago. Is this the Faxiang Heavenly Dynasty or the Humane Empire?"

"Race is the most inferior." Zhang Shou smiled and shook his head: "I don't know much about the creator Meng Fan, but I have heard of it. With his own power, he gathered the gods of different races in one dimension around him. Right and left, this powerful personality charm is because he has the mind to tolerate all living beings, so he is the creator."

When the Emperor Zhenzong heard this, he turned his head and looked at the Baizhang Colossus beside him.

He looked up and down.

a long time.

"Your Majesty, don't look at it." Zhang Shou smiled and said, "He was suppressed by the fate of Heaven and has turned into the greatest monument of immortality ever since."

"He's dead?" Emperor Zhenzong asked.

Zhang Shou hesitated: "It's hard to tell."

The Emperor Zhenzong was silent for a moment and looked at Zhang Shou again: "The distinction of race is really shallow. What about the dispute over the great road? Heaven and humanity, should we fight?"

Zhang Shou blinked his yellowish eyes and lowered his head and said, "Your Majesty asked me down."

Emperor Jinzong sighed: "If you enter the court, there may not be a peaceful uprising."

Zhang Shou smiled and said, "Even if God's way, there is no if, the most luxurious thing in this world is if."

"I have won." The Emperor Zhenzong turned around and walked out: "You are about to die. This world has also lost the protection of the law of heaven. I am not victorious. Even if I do not come, the Taiping Army will perish. , You are just abandoned by the way of heaven. This battle is really the most boring battle in my life."

As he spoke, Emperor Zhenzong went further and further.

The huge golden wings behind him also slowly spread out.

Zhang Shou looked at the back of Emperor Zhenzong, then turned his head, and looked not far away, a white-faced scholar.

The white-faced scholar was very humble and heroic, but at the moment, his expression was very serious and gloomy.

Champion Hou.

Zhang Shou nodded to Champion Hou.

Then suddenly facing the back of Emperor Zhenzong, he knelt down.

Three prayers and nine knocks!

Trembling, but the posture is very standard.

The Emperor Zhenzong was frozen.

He didn't turn around, just stood with his back to Zhang Shou, and suffered these three worships and nine knocks.

He doesn't understand.

I don't understand why Zhang Tianwang, who was arrogant and heroic in those days, did not kneel or worship anyone except Heaven, why did he make such a move today.

Simply appalling!

Even the Tiger Ben Army and the Beijing Forbidden Army, many generals and sergeants, looked solemn and said nothing.

Millions of people were silent.

Zhang Shou finished three prayers and nine knocks.

The last posture is five-body throwing on the ground, lying on the ground.

But it has not been up.

a long time.

Emperor Zhenzong sighed, his golden wings flapped a few times, and he fluttered away.

Zhang Shou is dead.

The champion Hou looked at the dead Zhang Shou with complicated eyes. Despite the comings and goings of the tiger and the ban, he remained motionless.

Until this world, all the white kings were killed.

Until the army destroyed this world, all the classics were burned.

Until late at night.

Champion Hou was still standing there, looking at Zhang Shou's body.

"Master Hou."

Suddenly, someone shouted.

Champion Hou did not move and did not respond.

The shouting general continued: "According to your Majesty's intention, the world must be smoothed out. As for this colossus, your Majesty will put it into the palace's inner courtyard and suppress it. There is too much true meaning in it, which should not be underestimated."

"Smooth it, smooth it all." Champion Hou dropped a word and disappeared in place.

Several generals of the Hu Ben Army came to Meng Fan's colossus to release their vitality and move the colossus.

But when several generals took action, their expressions changed at the same time.

They glanced at each other and tried again.

This time, do your best.

But still did not move the colossus at all!

When others saw this, more generals stepped forward and joined the ranks of the moving colossus.

Hundreds of gods and kings work together to move the colossus.

Even these gods roared.

The colossus, but still motionless!

The Tigers, the Forbidden Army, and the millions of soldiers all stepped forward. The vitality was connected into one piece and turned into tens of thousands of chains, tied to the body of the colossus, exerting force in the tidy shouts to drag the colossus out.

The shouts turned into waves.

The colossus, still motionless.

"Why?" a general said in astonishment, his vitality has been exhausted, his whole person, exhausted. "Why are we millions of soldiers and soldiers unable to pull a colossus that is no more than a hundred feet tall? Why?"

"Your Majesty said, this colossus should not be underestimated. It seems that the twenty-seventh door has to be notified of the arrival." Another general said.

Immediately, a few beams of light shot out, heading to the capital, seeking a master of the 27th gate.

not far away.

A woman dressed in men's clothing looked at the colossus silently.

Princess Nandian.

"Destiny is unchangeable, unmovable, and irreversible." Princess Nandian said leisurely.

next to.

Jin Yan Xiujuan, a little tool spirit, held the hem of Princess Nandian's clothes, bit her lip, looked at the giant statue, and seemed to cry.

Princess Nandian looked at the face of the colossus and frowned.

"Meng Fan, are you dead or alive?"

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