Supreme God King

Chapter 2709: Shogunate

Facing General Anxi, Donggong Xianger's eyes flickered and she chose to remain silent.

If in the past, Donggong Xiang'er even dared to sneak into the forbidden star gates recognized by the prehistoric universe, then a **** king of two calamities, even if it is the fourth rank general of the Great Qin Empire, General Anxi, dare to talk to her like this, she would not know it. As used to.

But now, it's different.

The human world is too strong.

This General Anzai held the Shogunate Tiger Talisman, and he could communicate with the human world anytime and anywhere, dispatching troops from the Shogunate, and displaying the power that was terrifying.

The current Great Qin Empire is the human world, which is constantly reforming, becoming more complete and prosperous.

The former official system and structure of the Great Qin Empire have also become extremely powerful.

The original Shangshu Province, Menxia Province, and Zhongshu Province, which together constituted the court of the Qin Empire, are still performing their duties, but under it, Cao’s administration is divided into six departments, Menxia Province and Zhongshu Province, too. in this way. Jiuqing was separated from the province under his sect, and three divisions from the province of Zhongshu.

Especially now, because the Great Qin Empire has become a humane leader of the primordial universe from the most powerful and supreme celestial dynasty. There are activities everywhere in the primordial cosmos, and warriors and soldiers from outside the territory have become more and more. important.

As a result, Emperor Bo Wu gave the military commanders great rights, that is, from the opening of the mansion!

And the military commander is extremely, the highest-ranking general, the leader of all military commanders, becomes the leader of the shogunate, and more than half of all generals' orders are directly issued by him, and a small part, especially important, needs to be reported to the Bo Emperor Wu.

Although the shogunate has just been established in just a few days, everyone can guess how powerful the shogunate will be in the future, and it will become another province besides the three provinces.

"You said that there was a fierce battle in the heavens and myriad worlds." General Anxi said indifferently: "The current heavens and myriad worlds, according to our investigation report, there are very few black dead creatures, and they are spreading to other dimensions. , How can there be a fierce battle?"

Donggong Xianger exhaled, as if she was adjusting her mentality and releasing her anger. Then she stretched out her palm, and in her palm, her vitality formed a picture. It was just two days ago in the heavens and the world with Meng Fan and Rui Baichuan. That fight.

General Anxi leaned forward and watched all the pictures. His expression gradually changed. He abruptly got up, his armor rustling, and said solemnly: "Little Heaven Dao Meng Fan is in the heavens and all realms!"

Donggong Xiang'er was a little surprised: "What? Your shogunate, are you also staring at him?"

General Anxi said coldly: "He is the enemy of King Wen, and the character that His Majesty has ordered to look for. You should adjust as soon as possible and return to the heavens and worlds. I tell you that in addition to you, Shangshu Province, Zhongshu Province, and Sect also There are people who are looking for the way of heaven, stepping into the heavens and ten thousand realms to find the tomb of the ancient emperor. If you fall behind others, whether you can enter my human realm is unknown!"

After that, General Anxi held a tiger charm in his hand, his figure flickered and disappeared in place.

Donggong Xianger's fingers flicked lightly: "Wen Wang...Wen Wang...I heard that he is the heir of the humanity and orthodoxy. He was originally a small overlord of the heavens and worlds. He proclaimed himself the Great Emperor of the Central World. So, does this King Wen and Xiaotiandao still have some grievances?"

After talking to herself, Donggong Xianger said coldly: "Now I have to ask for help, so I will forgive you for the time being. The human world is now rapidly expanding. As long as I find a tomb of the ancient emperor, I can enter the human world, even if it fails. , There is always a chance. In the future, I will step into the human world and have the strength. You, General Anxi, will give me back everything I have done! I will give you back ten times!"

She took a few breaths, filled her source, and dug out a few vitality mountains and rivers from the depths of the still water forest and blended them into her body.

At this moment, one after another demon kings came and stood at the side of Donggong Xiang'er, with a respectful attitude and a very serious expression.

"Queen, I think that the human world is not so easy to enter. It is too dangerous, especially the human world, which is a humane world. Now, all races can enter as long as they contribute to humanity. But the future ?"

An old **** king said softly.

This **** king actually lived as long as Donggong Xianger. Speaking of it, he was still Donggong Xianger’s childhood friend, but this demon king, far from having the opportunity of Donggong Xianger, got the meaning of a puppet, let alone Because of her xinxing and means, she is very old now, even half of her foot has stepped into the coffin, and she can be regarded as the first veteran in the forest of still waters.

Donggong Xiang'er took a deep breath: "The plague of black death is pervasive, and in just a dozen days, the entire dimension of the heavens and myriad worlds has become the realm of black death. Now, it is spreading to other places at a speed. It is doubling every day.

My Forest of Still Waters is a low-dimensionality, and the Black Death Plague will soon flow here, and the dimensional barriers of the Forest of Still Waters are very thin, and there are countless cracks that cannot be stopped at all.

Secondly, our Forest of Still Waters is far away from the chaos world, and there is no ancient ship without sea, and there is no way to build an ark that can accommodate hundreds of billions of monster races, and there is no escape.

If you can't ask the human world to take action and merge the entire Forest of Still Water into humanity, then my Forest of Still Water will be destroyed sooner or later.

Nowadays, in the prehistoric universe, there are only three powers that can truly resist the Black Death plague. One is the person who walks on the path of heaven and controls the true meaning of the avenue, but the person of the path of heaven can only protect himself, or at most, the comprehensiveness of the people around him. .

The second is the supreme powerhouses such as the Great Primal Chaos and Bai Buxian, who are so powerful that they can push the true meaning of the Dao Dao and create a power comparable to the true meaning of the Dao.

The third is the human world.

And the human world, unlike the first and second, the human world can protect many creatures.

Of course I know that the world of humanity is a humane world. Now the world of humanity has just been established and is flourishing. Any creature and king of any origin, as long as they contribute to humanity, can enter the world of humanity. But in the future, there must be At the moment of liquidation, the **** king who has stepped into the human world will be divided into various ways, and some races will be isolated or even excluded, which is very difficult.

But that's something to say. As long as the humanity is not strong enough, the human world will not do that. What we need is some breathing time to escape from the final catastrophe. "

Donggong Xianger said, her figure flickered, and she went to the heavens and worlds: "You are here to guard well, be careful of the cracks in all dimensions, and guard against any black dead creatures. If any of the same race is infected with the black death air , Don’t hesitate, kill on the spot, remember, remember!"

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