Supreme God King

Chapter 2718: Kamiari


Master Zhuge repeated.

In his tone, he was full of incredible, and there was a kind of fear that was hard to hide.

These two words are what all **** kings are afraid of!

If you are just ordinary people, your fate is already destined, and you don't care. Anyway, no matter what your fate is, it will be a hundred years. Compared with the long time, it is also a white horse. It is no big deal.

But the king of gods changed his fate against the sky!

The four words defying the sky and changing fate are actually a very general concept.

Therefore, when Meng Fan uttered the word "destiny", this very general concept suddenly became clear and even more terrifying.

"What are you talking about?" Qilin Ruibaichuan raised his brows and waved his paws: "I don't understand." As you can see, he was a little angry.

In front of the kind of powerlessness just now, a slightly arrogant **** king would feel angry.

Because of the huge pressure, the backbone of Kylin Ruibaichuan was bent.

"Not long ago, I entered a long river by various chances and coincidences. In that long river, there are many existences bound. Those existences are dead people, but they are not creatures, nor souls, nor imprints. It is not a projection, but an existence that is difficult to describe.

That long river is formed by the converging of a new avenue. The way of heaven is at the beginning, and the true meaning of the great way is not much. As time goes by, with the rise of sentient beings, and with the death of one **** after another in the calamity of heaven, the way of heaven absorbs all kinds of power and wisdom, and then it is derived. There are more real meanings.

Just as the great dragon steals the divine will and promotes the birth of the divine will, just as a later god-king swallows the law of heaven and earth, which promotes the birth of the meaning of disaster and the meaning of thunder, and so on.

This meaning of destiny is the true meaning of the Dao that was born at the latest, and it seems that it is the result of the convergence and derivation of the true meanings of countless Dao Dao.

In that long river of fate, I met the ancestor of humanity. "

In the last sentence, the three Zhuge brothers were startled at the same time, and they could see that they were extremely shocked!

Obviously, we attach great importance to the four characters of the ancestor of humanity.

After all, they are the blood of the ancient emperor, an authentic humane family, and have countless years of heritage.

It is also recorded in the Jinyanxiu scroll that the humane family not only pays homage to their ancestors, but also pays homage to the tablets of the humane ancestors in the ancestral hall.

"The ancestor of humanity said that heaven is undergoing a transformation. When this transformation is completed, heaven will completely control the universe and everything. No one can stop this transformation. The only thing sentient beings can do is before this transformation is completed. , Find a way out.

And to complete this transformation, heaven requires several steps, one of which is the long river of destiny that merges into every corner of the universe.

This step, it seems, has already begun. "

As a small heavenly Dao, Meng Fan could sense many things in the dark, and he could even feel everything about the laws of heaven and earth.

In other words, as long as it is a **** king, he can see some clues in front of him. If it is the same realm or a realm inferior to him, it is almost transparent in front of him, and everything can be clearly seen. Chu.

The **** kings in the human world are the only exception, because the martial arts system of those **** kings has gradually separated from the heavens and has become an unprecedented existence.

Meng Fan squinted his eyes, his gaze penetrated the void and looked into the distance.

He didn't see anything.

Just in the dark, I feel that a certain change is happening somewhere.


The pale world.

A piece of dazzling light, but not dazzling, on the contrary is very soft, let people see, very comfortable, the Swiss things are silent.

Mountains, rivers, waterfalls, everything that exists in the world is here, and it is much larger, but it is shrouded in white light and turned into white.

In this world, there are many gods and kings gathered together.

All were dressed in white robes, standing with their heads down, solemnly rigorous.

There was only one young girl, who looked very petite, her eyes were smart, and she paced slowly among everyone, but no one cared, and no one stopped drinking.

This young girl had a relationship with Meng Fan a long time ago.

Her name is Lingling.

When Meng Fan was suppressed by the gate of destiny into a huge stone statue in the Taiping world, Taiping Army leader Zhang Shou sat firmly in front of the colossus for several days. For Zhang Shou, who is extremely loyal and trusting in the heavenly way, many beliefs are in Lingling's words. Under the words, it gradually fell apart.

Lingling is also a believer in the Tao of Heaven. Otherwise, she wouldn't be a member of the Taiping Army. It's just that she has her own insights on the Tao of Heaven, the cosmos, and everything, and it is quite amazing. Shaken.

Her eyes flickered, looking at the several white **** kings standing on top of a mountain in the distance.

Afterwards, she retracted her gaze and looked at another place, in a white river, there were countless souls floating.

That's right, there are many souls floating in that white river.

The soul is the soul of the creature, but the ordinary creature, the soul is very weak, and even there is no existence of the soul. Once the body is annihilated, the soul will dissipate in a short time.

Only when stepping into the realm of the **** king can the spirit reach a robust and complete state. Even if the body is annihilated, the spirit will not perish, but can drift, wander around, find opportunities, and be reborn.

At this moment, in that white river, countless souls, although they lacked the body, pillars of martial arts, and origin, still exuded bursts of domineering aura, which was unique to a **** king.

Each one is the soul of the **** king.

The river is constantly ups and downs, and the river is filled with the majestic and vast will of heaven, washing these souls, in which they are branded with the will of heaven and other powers.

At any time, there will be some flesh bodies that suddenly fall from the sky and fall into the river. Some spirits immediately float and merge into these flesh bodies, and then sink into the depths of the river again, continue to undulate, continue to be washed and changed.

Lingling's expression is complicated, she doesn't know what she is thinking, and her mind is extremely deep.

At this moment.

Suddenly, this pale world, countless laws, began to change.

Becoming denser and heavier!

This world, in the great cosmos, belongs to a very high dimension, infinitely close to the source of the heavens, so the laws here are also very heavy. If ordinary gods step into this place, they will almost certainly die, and they will be immediately affected by the laws. It was crushed to death, so there were no creatures here.

It's just that the laws in this world, for some reason, avoided these **** kings intentionally or unintentionally. It seems that the laws here gave birth to the will, not to hurt the white kings.

At this moment, it seems that the laws of countless worlds are converging on this pale world, making the laws here become heavier and heavier. Many white-clothed gods also feel a sense of oppression, their faces are tight, and their expressions are more solemn. .


Heavy footsteps sounded.

Countless **** kings in white clothes and Lingling raised their heads and looked over.

Many white-clothed **** kings are surrounded by a towering mountain. The white-clothed **** kings on the top of the mountain exude the most astonishing aura. They are all powerful **** kings, which are the existence of the three calamities and the four calamities.

But at this moment, from the foot of the mountain, a young man with a bright face, dressed in a white shirt, walked to the top of the mountain step by step.

"He is God in England." There was a **** king around, whispering.

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