Supreme God King

Chapter 2752: Divinity

Taixu City.

The largest city in the Taixu world, from a distance, it looks like a huge square boulder. When you get closer, you can see a forest of pillars. Each pillar is a pavilion, neat and dense. Arranged together to form a city.

Among them, you can see many **** kings wearing golden brocade clothes. In Meng Fan's eyes, the breath and spirit of these golden brocade monks are vaguely connected, iron plates, very synchronized, forming a huge absolute spiritual realm.

It is almost impossible for the spirit and the thinking to synchronize. Even if it is an ordinary creature or a mortal, the spirit is independent. Everyone is different. There is a saying called "Everyone has a ghost." It is actually used to describe all beings. Appropriate, because all beings have their own considerations, and the most fundamental thinking is to preserve oneself. Everything about external objects can be discarded, and it doesn't matter.

Monk, even more so, cultivate oneself, cultivate oneself, and cut off external forces.

And so many monks, completely open their minds, give up their self, connect their minds and thoughts into one, perfectly synchronized, in Meng Fan's view, it is simply incredible!

"Shinto, doctrine." Meng Fan muttered softly.

Only Shinto, only religion, only faith, and having a common doctrine, and all believers devoutly believe in a doctrine, can they truly synchronize their spirits, abandon themselves, give their spirits to the gods in their minds, this is the only way A way to synchronize mental thinking.

The religious doctrines of the mortal world can only restrain mortals, and even mortals cannot completely abide by the doctrines, fully respect the gods, and have their own minds. The monks gathered here are more powerful, but they can do this. The mystery of Taixu City.

Meng Fan's eyes turned pale and looked around in the huge Taixu City, hoping to see Taixu God.

He could vaguely feel that the psychic powers of these millions of monks were condensed together, centered on a certain power. This power must be the incarnation of the doctrine of Shinto, too imaginary, but he has been searching for a long time. could not find it.

At this moment, Meng Fan suddenly saw that a monk sitting upright, in the realm of the gods, was already very old. It was obvious that his life was about to end. Suddenly he lowered his head and lost his breath, indicating that his body was at the end, but his soul , But was taken away by a mysterious power.

Meng Fan knew that that was the power to incarnate Taixu God.

"We have arrived."

The prison palace lord stretched his hand in one direction.

It was the tallest pavilion in the center of Taixu City, with a wide platform at the top. Above the platform, a corpse was floating.

Meng Fan squinted his eyes, that corpse was the Emperor Zhenzong!

The corpse of the Emperor Zhenzong was like a living person, and his skin was still shiny, but there was no breath, and his soul was dead, completely quiet.

Below the corpse and above the platform, there are many gods and kings who are chanting certain scriptures. The voices of each channel seem to be alive, injected into the corpse, and a tangible substance is refined from it, colorful, These colors gathered little by little into a small monument above the corpse.

That was the lifelong martial arts of Emperor Zhenzong, and the various secrets of the Nangong family.

Any kind of martial arts is not only as simple as fighting skills, but also magical powers and methods. There are many mysteries in it, as well as an understanding and insight of the entire universe, especially a monument of martial arts by the King of Five Tribulations. It is too precious.

Seeing this scene, Meng Fan suddenly felt an anger in his heart.

He and Emperor Zhenzong have hatreds, but in his heart, Emperor Zhenzong is a real monarch. On the one hand, he governs the Dharma Xiangtian dynasty very well, and the country is peaceful and the people are safe. On the other hand, he also inherits the spirit of the Nangong family's killing god. To the extreme, and in the pinnacle book, as well as in the hearts of many people, have a place, can be called a generation of heroes.

But this is like fish on a chopping board, ready to be killed.

On the platform below, almost all of the dozen or so **** kings sitting on the table were the Four Tribulations God Kings, with one exception, a man with very long eyebrows, who was impressively a Five Tribulations God King.

When Meng Fan appeared, frowned, and the moment anger grew in his heart, the Five Tribulations God King opened his eyes, raised his head and looked over, and said softly: "Xiaotiandao, you actually dare to step directly into Taixu City. In this Taixu city, the infinite spirit is condensed into a monolithic piece, very powerful, suppressing the soul, and Taixu God is in the dark, spying on all things, brewing power, especially here, there are many powerful gods, you step here , It is like breaking into the net of heaven and earth, I admire your courage."

Meng Fan stared at him for a moment, did not speak, landed on the platform, did not release any breath or pressure, and said indifferently: "Since I have arrived, what should I say, just say it. Remember, as long as the chat is boring, I won’t talk about it anymore. If the Emperor Zhenzong dared to break into Taixu City single-handedly, I would dare to make trouble in Taixu City alone—the old man of Hongtu."

There are dozens of portraits of the elderly Hongtu in the Jin Yan Xiu scroll, and all kinds of information about him are also included very clearly.

The protoss in front of him with loose hair and long eyebrows is the grand old man.

"Okay." The old man Hongtu nodded, and was also very simple: "As you have said with the prison palace lord before, my protoss, not always hiding our powers and bidding our time, has been doing all kinds of efforts to try to establish the gods, the three legends. The world is our trial ground. We have been reborn and reborn several times, so that other people can't see our blood of the Protoss. Then, here, we hide our names and establish various doctrines.

Before me, Taixu had various gods and demons, some were human, some were demons, some were demons, some were dragons, etc. The beliefs and doctrines they established were just to harvest believers. Because of years of war, the three legendary worlds are full of cracks, and their vitality is leaked and exhausted. They harvest believers, that is, simply to gain aspiration and replenish vitality. We are different.

Just as the ancestors of humanity established humanity, our Protoss has been looking for our way, and I finally succeeded. I have gathered many imaginary gods and demons together to create the purest power of faith, and through the prayers and devout meditations of countless believers, I have gathered the imaginary gods. This is the first we created. A god.

Soon, our kingdom of God will send an army of gods to completely control the entire Taixu, and then annex all the faith cities I have built over the years to establish the gods.

We want to invite you to join our God Realm. The Protoss will give you great authority, give you supreme glory, and even give you the godhead! "

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