Supreme God King

Chapter 2788: Perfect creation

When the highest hall withdrew others, claiming to be the messenger of the infinite realm, walked in front of Xie Jingyi.

This messenger is a humane **** king of the Three Tribulations, dressed in a strangely shaped white armor, looks different from any humane dress.

Sitting on the soft collapse, Xie Jingyi looked at the envoy from the corner of his eye. His martial arts were in front of Xie Jingyi, unreserved, and he could see through all of them, exuding an unusual taste, as if it was another kind of Budo system.

At the same time, its armor is not a Taoist weapon, but it is not an ordinary soldier. This really attracted Xie Jingyi's attention. This white armor seemed to be another existence.

Xie Jingyi can see that this armor is made of a very delicate forging technology. After dissolving all kinds of rare spar, gold and iron, the unique material is formed. The exquisiteness of this forging technology is almost horrible. , The smallest particles have been recreated and rearranged.

The pinnacle of creation.

In the white armor, there are flashes of lightning flashes, which are running, and they are running very regularly. They were also seen by Xie Jingyi.

It can be said that this armor has no secrets in front of Xie Jingyi, but Xie Jingyi always feels that there is something unusual about this armor that he can't see.

This kind of inability does not mean that Xie Jingyi’s insight is not enough, and his eyesight is not enough, but that he can’t see it in another concept, just like a person who has never seen something that can fly. You tell him that in the world There is a creature called a bird, no matter how you describe it, he will not understand it.

Or, it is normal for a common man in a duny dynasty to see a bird and feel that there is a bird flying in the sky, but it is absolutely impossible for him to know how the bird flew into the sky.

This is what this white armor feels to Xie Jingyi in the dark.

The messenger walked closer and could see that he was a little nervous. After all, Xie Jingyi is a six-tribulation god, one of the few in the universe, even if Xie Jingyi has completely reduced her momentum at this moment, she looks like a mortal. , But the messenger knew that he was sitting in front of a **** king of six calamities, and he would definitely be nervous.

Xie Jingyi, there is no need to play majestic against a little King of Three Tribulations.

The messenger approached, bowed, gave a deep salute, and said sternly: "Zhang Qian in the infinite realm, meet the leader of the Xie family."

Xie Jing remained silent and did not respond.

His eyes have been on the messenger.

After a few breaths, the messenger's forehead was already oozing sweat.

Being watched by a six-tribulation **** king, the pinnacle creature, even if there is no coercion, the fear in his heart is hard to contain.

The Three Tribulations God King facing the Six Tribulations God King is like a rabbit with a broken tooth and leg facing a fierce lion.

The gap is simply heaven and earth.

"I have never heard of any infinite realm." Xie Jing faintly opened her mouth and broke the deadlock: "Which corner of the world is it? But it seems that this infinite realm has a good foundation and has such a means of reaching the top. Such a perfect creation. You can directly state your identity and show your intention."

"Okay." When the messenger Zhang Qian heard Xie Jing's opening, he said quickly: "Our infinite realm is a prehistoric humane civilization."

One sentence export.

Xie Jingyi's eyes widened, and for a while, her calm mind trembled, and her effort to nourish qi suddenly broke, and a wave of coercion broke out.

The messenger Zhang Qian was directly impacted by the pressure and stepped back, bending his knees and vomiting blood.

"Prehistoric humane civilization!"

Xie Jing stood up slowly: "I've heard that not long ago, your messengers entered the world of humanity. According to legend, your civilization was born as early as the beginning of the era of era, and then suddenly disappeared. , Hides an entire era, but suddenly appears at the moment of sudden changes in the world. The Book of Preliminaries reveals all your secrets. However, you are in the human world, claiming to be a perfect world."

"We... have many names." The messenger Zhang Qian said with difficulty: "Because we have existed for many years, very long years, although we have been living in the unknown realm of all beings, living out of the sight of all beings, but always For some years, some people have discovered our existence. In different eras and different forces, they have different names for us. The perfect world is tens of millions of years ago. Some explorers of the Great Qin Empire called us. Because in our world, there are no loopholes, no regrets, everything is satisfactory.

To meet the human world, of course we have to use the name of the humane **** king in ancient times. Originally, everything about us is unknown to sentient beings, but in the book of prehistoric times, we are already known by sentient beings, and the human world is always looking for the coordinates of our world, so we don’t need to hide anything, let alone hide us. The name, the infinite world, is what we call our own world. "

The prehistoric book reveals almost all the secrets of the entire epoch in the prehistoric universe.

All the people, things, and things hidden in the dust of history and in the darkness have been made public.

The magic of prehistoric humane civilization is also known and marveled by all beings.

In the prehistoric books, this prehistoric humane civilization is called the "creative civilization". They were born in the dead end world, but they created all kinds of magical things, such as the incarnation of the king of calculus. The iron bird that travels between the stars, and the elixir that can make ordinary people live for two to three hundred years, and so on, are all creative means of culmination.

After that, this humane civilization began to rely on its own magical creations, explored the entire universe, came into contact with the world of some monks, learned various martial arts, and immediately after this infinite field, it entered the stage of explosion, martial arts and technology In parallel, countless powerful kings appeared.

It's just that this infinite field has always been hidden well and has been developing silently. The outside world doesn't know their existence.

After the prehistoric book exposed them, the Infinite Realm suddenly became very active in a short period of time, constantly in contact with the human world, and frequent messengers. In addition, I heard that many gods in the infinite realm are active in the prehistoric universe. Brought various **** kings to their commanders to serve the infinite realm. I heard that they even took in many reward criminals and defectors from the highest heaven.

But until now, no one knows where the Infinite Realm is, and no one has really snooped into the core secrets of the Infinite Realm.

Including the original book, there is no record of the specific location of the infinite field.

I don't know if it was the Emperor Chaos intentionally, or even the Emperor Chaos didn't know where the Infinite Realm was.

Xie Jing squinted her eyes and asked, "Zhang Qian, the messenger of the Infinite Realm, since you have arrived, you have explained your intentions."

While speaking, Xie Jing slowly reduced her momentum and coercion.

Zhang Qian long exhaled, barely stood up, and respectfully said: "Humanity, whether it is in the human world or in my infinite realm, is not yet known. I am here this time to thank Patriarch and send me the infinite realm. The invitation letter from Xie’s family to meet our leaders."

Xie Jing smiled: "Go to a world I don't know at all?"

"You don't need to thank Patriarch for going, as long as Patriarch Xie agrees, you can see our leader now." Zhang Qian said cautiously.

Xie Jing's eyes flashed.

"You, infiltrated my Daowu Territory!"

After saying a word, Xie Jingyi's figure seemed to have expanded several times in an instant, like a terrifying giant!

This is just an illusion, because he no longer suppressed his breath, but completely broke out, and the monstrous anger swept the hall.

Zhang Qian's face was pale, he only felt trembling, almost shattered, and quickly said, "No! Thank you, Patriarch, Daowu Jieyu is also a forbidden place among the cosmos, I am afraid that except for the top overlords on the peak book. Few people can enter the Daowu Territory quietly. It’s just that our infinite realm has a means, a kind of creation, which allows Xie Patriarch to talk to our distant leaders here. Our infinite realm and the human world, for There must be a battle to fight for the future and for humanity. Although there are many contacts and many cooperations, it is only a stopgap measure. Whether we are in the infinite field or the human world, we know this. I am here to hope and Thank you Patriarch and talk about the future of humanity!"

After that, Zhang Qian took another step forward.

"The Great Emperor Chaos will leave the customs in a few days, and the world will change colors!"

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