Supreme God King

Chapter 2801: Turbulence

In the center of the Chaos World, the Qi of Hun Yuan was gathering and surging crazily.

The ups and downs are like tides.

The eyes of all the strong were focused on the chaotic storm.

Because of the disappearance of the dimensional barriers, the Qi of Hunyuan converges towards the center, and the law of heaven, which has been shielded for tens of billions of years, quickly rolls into the chaos world, weaving the world of chaos.

Pieces of dry battlefield also emerged as the chaos and fog dissipated.

Those battlefields are the relics left by many **** kings who stepped into the chaos world through the ages.

Void, began to tremble.

It's not that the void around the Chaos World is trembling.

All corners of the universe are shaking!

The future heaven, Dragon City.

In the Palace of the Heavenly Kings, Xuanyuan Jingzhe, who was reviewing a piece of proclamation, suddenly raised his head. He felt the shaking of the earth, and many of the newly erected buildings in Dragon City collapsed.

"My Lord Heaven!"

A **** king rushed in and shouted nervously.

"Stay steady." Xuanyuan Jingzhe said, put down the pen in his hand, and stood up with the case: "The Great Emperor Chaos is out."

Seal the Demon Valley.

Demon Maple, the head of the seven sons of Demon Valley, who has been called the Demon Emperor, stood on the cracked mountains and watched the billowing demon energy roll, forming a thick liquid.

There is a scar on his face.

A scarred scar, a scar that cannot be bridged.

"I left this scar."

This sentence was what the champion Hou Zai said after he had cut seventeen demon kings in a row, and then slashed the devil emperor's face with a sword condensed with killing intent.

Sealed Demon Valley should be called Sealed Demon Sea at this time.

Devilishness is everywhere.

Many demon kings, standing on top of a mountain, waiting quietly.

The fighting in Sealed Demon Valley was very tragic.

The result can be established in the end, and the reason is the bosses who have been lifted.

These old monsters are all very orthodox ancient demon fanatics, who firmly believe in the magic way, and many of them have already touched the magic way.

Therefore, the Demon Maple, who has completely awakened the blood of the old man Yuanxu, and mastered the magic way, although young, although still only a three-caliber **** king, was recognized by these old monsters.

Another reason is that these ancient demon kings have been suppressed for too long. When suppressed, they could not do anything but think, and what they thought about the most was the battle with Xiao Lianxian.

The most important reason why more than three hundred old-brand demon kings of Feng Mogu can be suppressed by Xiao Lianxian alone is that Xiao Lianxian defeated each of them. The demon clan inherently didn’t understand the rules and unification. In the eyes of the demon clan, Except for myself, everything else is nothingness.

So even if it's just a small demons, they are willing to stand on their own, rather than form some kind of alliance with other demons and build a huge power.

Over a period of millions of years, there are more than 300 demon heads, and these are the things that think the most.

After leaving the customs, they learned about the establishment of the human world, and also knew that the universe was about to end, and that a new era would begin at any time.

So Demon Maple, who was not originally powerful, was destined to fall in this fight, received the help of some ancient demon heads.

Of course, the nature of the Demon Race has prompted many ancient demon heads to chase and kill Demon Maple, wanting to obtain his physical body and obtain the orthodox of the demon way.

That's how the fighting and fighting in Sealed Demon Valley broke out.

Except for the demon king who supports the magic maple, the other demon kings all want to master the magic way.

Fight each other.

In the end, the Demon Maple that controlled the Demon Path, more and more Demon Kings gathered around him, and the other Demon Kings who did not follow the Demon Maple were beheaded one by one.

When champion Hou stepped into the Sealed Demon Valley, the fight here was almost over.

There are hundreds of demon kings, following Mo Feng.

But the demon kings of the Five Tribulations, almost without exception, have all fallen.

Because the demon kings of the Five Tribulations are all overlord-level existences in the prehistoric cosmos, their powerful strength makes them have great ambitions, and they all want to occupy the magic way.

In addition to some of the Five Tribulations Demon Kings who killed each other, a large part of the Five Tribulations Demon Kings fell at the hands of the Demon Dao Alliance led by Demon Feng.

After this blood tempering, the magic way was established in the hands of the magic maple.

He is also known as the Devil Emperor.

They are waiting.

Looking at the barriers of Sealed Demon Valley, they turned black and demonized.

They are experiencing the birth of the Demon World.

at this time!

There was a violent fluctuation, and the entire dimension of Sealing Demon Valley was trembling slightly.

The Devil Emperor was taken aback and looked around, but didn't know where the source of the vibration was.


Human world.

Calm as usual.

A group of officials are looking at a huge set of equipment at the Supervisory Office of Zhongshu Province.

This set of instruments is composed of thousands of copper rings, each of which has a diameter of more than one hundred feet, and is slowly rotating.

Suddenly, there were some fluctuations in the rotating speed of these copper rings.

An official immediately picked up the talisman and recorded it.

"The human world's luck is prosperous, and any abnormal changes between the heavens and the earth will hardly affect us, but the Sifangyi can always sense that the Great Chaos has gone out."


The universe is wild and empty somewhere.

The auspicious clouds in the sky passed by.

That is hundreds of thousands of unicorns!

These unicorns must be filled with auspicious clouds and thousands of Rui Cai, extremely shocked, some withered stars, and even rain and dew, glowed with vitality.

The unicorns of the auspicious ridge have been hiding for an unknown period of time. Even Jin Mutang and Hong Huangshu did not know their existence, but at this moment, they suddenly emerged from the auspicious ridge.

The direction of walking is the future heaven.

In front of hundreds of thousands of unicorns, there was a unicorn with yellow and white hair all over, and a very huge figure. His beards were all white and looked a little old.

The other unicorns are around him, like babies, appearing very small.

Behind this yellow and white unicorn is Rui Baichuan who gritted his teeth.

"This Meng Fan... see you again, I must kill him!"

"I don't need you, I will kill him myself!"

Huang Bai Qilin said viciously.

"Ancestor, I..." Rui Baichuan said aggrieved.

"What are you? You are an idiot!" Qilin ancestor said angrily, and the whole body was buzzing with thunder, and the approaching Qilin quickly avoided. "There are tens of thousands of sets of formations in the talisman that Meng Fan gave you. When you come back to the auspicious ridge this way, the talisman will leave one coordinate after another, and it will be sent to the prehistoric cosmos. The moment we entered the ridge of auspiciousness, our world was known to all living beings. It was only a matter of time! The human world is now like a rainbow. Our kylin clan has always been a symbol of humane auspiciousness. The world knows where the auspicious ridge is. The army will inevitably arrive, and even Emperor Bo Wu will personally take action to suppress all my Qilin clan and bring back to the world!"

Rui Baichuan's throat stirred, and he could see that he was very nervous and fearful of the Qilin ancestor.

"Grandma, a bear, watch me kill the future heaven, and then kill the little heavenly Dao Meng Fan! My auspicious ridge of Feng Shui blessed land has been hidden for hundreds of millions of years, and it was actually destroyed by him once!"

The Qilin ancestor kept cursing, suddenly stopped and looked in the direction of the Chaos World in surprise.

After a while.

The void, the law, began to vibrate violently.

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