Supreme God King

Chapter 2809: Fight with Heaven

Before Wang Haicheng and the Great Emperor Split the Sky, they arranged some methods to hide the whereabouts of the evil gods.

If you don't look carefully, you can't see that there is an underworld hidden below.

At this time, the chaotic world is not peaceful.

The search speed of Wang Haicheng and Emperor Leaping Sky is quite fast. In just one hour, the treasures in the hundreds of treasury have been sorted into categories, all organized and put into a small space, but this is just one hour. At the time of the hour, dozens of gods passed by on the surface.

Among these **** kings, the most powerful aura is vaguely a **** king of the Five Tribulations.

Before the Great Emperor Chaos left the customs, almost all the top experts in the world were present. After that, there will be more characters, all of them will be present. It is conceivable that there will be ninety-nine figures in the top 100 in the peak book. , Not surprising.

So many powerful people gather together, searching for secrets, fighting for orthodoxy, and all kinds of grievances will erupt, fight, and never stop.

I don't know how many legends will fall here and be buried forever in the old age.

Only those who survive are qualified to step into the future.

Wang Haicheng looked up for a moment, until the breath of a god-king was gone, then he withdrew his gaze and glanced at the white-haired young emperor Rippian Great Emperor beside him, saying: "Unexpectedly, the famous Senior Riftian would have been walking with Lord Meng. "

"It's also fate." The emperor's answer is very simple and clear.

His fame is very big, but it was in that distant era, not now, but the Wang family is also a family with a long history, knowing a lot of ancient history, and also knows that the Great Cracking Sky was once famous.

One Thirty-Three Heavenly Treasure possessing wisdom, turned out to be the King of Six Tribulations, very scary.

As time goes by, heroes come forth in large numbers, each leading the way for millions of years. Each generation of heroes climbs up on the shoulders of their predecessors, so the successors are always stronger. In that distant age, the six tribulation gods are just like Today's Seven Tribulations God King is supreme.

After seeing Emperor Splitting Heaven, Wang Haicheng also felt that the Heavenly Court could truly gain a foothold in the future.

There are Xuanyuan Jingzhe, Xie Jingyi, and the ancestor of Mingyi, these are the three six-tribulation **** kings, and their power is amazing.

Now, there is one more Sky Splitting Great Emperor.

Although the Heavenly Court in the future does not have top combat power, that is, the Seven Tribulations Divine King, it is hard to say whether there are three Six Tribulations Divine Kings in the human world.

Everyone knows only the general Xia Houshun.

"Not long after I woke up, I have been meditating in Meng Fan's original world. I don't listen to foreign affairs. According to the lord god, how many fights will be unavoidable when the Great Primal Chaos leaves this time?"

The Great Emperor Cracking asked Wang Haicheng, his tone was very casual, he did not rely on the old to sell the old, but treated them equally.

This is not a pretense, the Emperor Splitting Heaven, after all, is the Thirty-Three Heavenly Treasure. He doesn't care about humanity and ancestors. In his eyes, all beings are only strong and weak.

Wang Haicheng pondered for a moment and calmly said: "The infinite realm of prehistoric humane civilization has been hidden for billions of years, but not long ago, he suddenly appeared and actively contacted the human world and the major humanitarian families. He obviously had an attempt. If they want to join the human world, they have joined it long ago, and they have been stubbornly detached. Obviously, they want to be independent and humane. Then the battle between the infinite realm and the human world over the tomb of the Hundred Saints is an inevitable battle.

In addition, our future Heavenly Court and several major families are the most orthodox humane families. They also have demands for the Tomb of the Hundred Saints and don't want to retreat, but they can't easily touch the edge of Emperor Bo Wu. He is too powerful now.

Since the establishment of the human world, the various forces are ready to move, but the monster race has been marginalized and neglected a little bit, because the monster race has no powerful forces or leaders other than a group of stars, and it seems difficult to become a climate.

But the monster race, after all, is one of the largest races in the universe. The number is only less than that of the human race. If there are too many, there will be a variety of monster kings, with all kinds of thoughts and ideas, especially the prehistoric book. Mentioned in the origin of the demon race, it is the demon **** transformed by the essence of the eighteen heavens and earth in ancient times. If you can find the mantle of these eighteen demon gods, you can gather the demon race’s qi and luck tradition, and it is possible to establish the demon world. Wang, definitely want to be the leader of the demon world.

These eighteen demon gods, according to the Honghuangshu, as many as seven, all died in the chaos realm and died in the hands of the great chaos, then there will be a fight between the demon tribes to compete for these seven mantles. Inheritance, as to whether other forces will try to obstruct it, it is still unknown.

In addition, before the Dragon Elephant Valley, it is said that the ancient gods had nine great sages who also stepped into the chaos realm. These nine great sacreds were all four and five tribulation **** kings, and they were also important descendants of the ancient gods’ tradition.

In addition to this, there are many hidden secrets, all hidden in the chaos realm. No matter any **** king, any force, who wants to establish a realm, it always has to set foot in the chaos realm to find opportunities or fill the road.

Not to mention, the forces of heaven and earth are entangled with each other, and there are always some grievances or connections, just like the **** Meng has obtained the divine will, this divine will, in the very ancient years, was regarded as the symbol of the pure blood dragon family, so the Dragon King Empire thought To establish the Dragon Realm, would you use the idea of ​​Lord Meng and step into the Chaos Realm to find Lord Meng?

I'm afraid that this kind of relationship is unclear. "

After Wang Haicheng finished speaking one by one, he was silent for a moment. He glanced at Meng Fan, who was still closing his eyes not far away, and said in a low voice: "Senior Splitian, Junior is curious about something. I want to ask."

"There is nothing to ask or not to ask, you and I are friends because of Meng Fan, but it doesn't matter if you say it, I know it all." The Emperor Cracking Sky was very frank.

"Why did the Great Primordial Chaos want to write a book about the prehistoric famine and spread it throughout the world?" Wang Haicheng asked a question that many gods and kings could not understand.

In the eyes of many gods, there is actually an answer to this.

This is a conspiracy of the Great Chaos.

The Great Primordial Chaos has lived for tens of billions of years. The secrets he knows are not known to all living beings. Few of the current **** kings even know what happened 30 million years ago.

This is the great advantage of Chaos Great Emperor.

He obviously did not need to do this, but he did. Then, the best answer is conspiracy.

Because sentient beings almost know nothing about what happened in the past, then what the Emperor Chaos said is what he can modify history, or even distort history, thereby affecting sentient beings, or allowing some races and forces to become irreversible. Crooked road.

The easiest way is to tell a race that your ancestors sat in a certain place. In fact, this is a fake. There are only traps, waiting to wipe out all the strong men of a race.

Or, tampering with the history of a race, so that a race and another unrelated race become "feuds" and fight each other.

Therefore, the **** king of heaven and earth, whenever he reads the prehistoric books, he is very careful and extremely vigilant.

The reason why Wang Haicheng asked the Emperor Splitian was because the Emperor Splitian was a real antique, a living fossil. His views on many things were different from those of today's people, and he could jump out of today's thinking.

"It's nothing more than three possibilities." The Emperor Splitting Sky replied directly: "The first one is what you **** kings think, conspiracy theories, but this possibility is too naive. The great Chaos is not strong at all. Need to use such a big hand to play with sentient beings, the only people he really need to play with are those at the top of the pinnacle book, but those few will not be played by the Chaos Great Emperor.

The second one is that the Emperor Chaos has always been naughty, written purely with a playful attitude. The Emperor Chaos has done a lot of such things.

The third is the most likely one I think. "

Emperor Cracking Sky stretched out a finger and pointed upwards.

"Since tens of billions of years ago, since the beginning of the Era*, the Great Dragon and Elephant Lord have fallen. In your concept, the Great Chaos is invincible. In fact, this is wrong. The Great Chaos has always had an enemy. He , Only fight with the sky."

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